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Everything posted by Rabangus

  1. Thanks dhjohn, Funnily enough I had come up with a similar solution myself. In a .vbs file that runs on startup I have the following that repeats every second: DoWscript.sleep(1000)CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "C:\AeroGlass\Taskbarblur.cmd", 0, TrueLoop
  2. +1. For me the ideal would be the default win 10 with caption glow.
  3. Thanks ahmedsalahais, you da man! First, the 'transparency' applied by Win 10 is a waste of time. Not interested in that. Also not interested in having to use a shortcut to open the start menu, so Classic Shell and StartIsBack don't meet my needs. The reason why the script above needs to be run every few mins is that every time you open the start menu or Cortana the transparency is lost. However, using your suggestion what I've done is create the following to a vbscript file which I've scheduled to run at logon then every minute thereafter. This runs the main script silently: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "C:\AeroGlass\Taskbarblur.cmd", 0, True Still not an ideal solution, but another step closer. Thanks for your suggestion!
  4. I seem to be missing something. What I want is simply to make the taskbar transparent (and preferably blurred too). What I don't want is a different start menu - in my opinion the start screen in Win 10 is better than anything that Classic Shell or StartIsBack provide. There seems to be no option for that? From this forum I have the following script which I've saved in as a cmd file which I run as a task on startup (then every few mins thereafter). It's not an ideal solution though - the cmd window pops up momentarily every time it runs, which can be distracting if you're watching a movie or something, and every time you select the start menu or Cortana the transparency and blur is lost until the task runs again. (Need to make sure SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe is saved in Windows/System32 first): @echo off:1SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd accent 0 0 0 0SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd blur trueclsExit Any better ideas?
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