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Posts posted by Leviathany2k

  1. well i have come across with a solution for this file copy error,

    - Combine XP MCE 2005 CD1 and CD2 into one

    - Slipstream SP3

    - Manually copy the files from the ROOT\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR of the SP3 installation file using a winrar program to the root of the slipstreamed windows xp MCE 2005 SP3

    - Make the necessary changes in the txtsetup.sif as sp3 will remove the changes we made while combining CD1 and CD2

    - Burn the iso and install

    everything installs correctly, you will endup with windows xp MCE with sp3 but you will have windows media player 9 instead of windows media player 10.

    I quite did not understand how it is done. Can you give details please. Thank you.

  2. maybe try altering your refresh rate.. maybe put it down to 60hz and see if that helps

    This is the solution, when the laptops screen flickers is because they are refreshing the data.

    Updating the drivers to the latest version from the manufactor not the reatiler helps a lot and increasing the refresh rate on you screen properties.

  3. -----> re*s.t.a.r.s.*2: Can you tell me more details on how you did this with that WAIK, I mean, WAIK is alien language to me, but if you can tell me me where in this forum is a detail step by step I will appreciate it.

    --->Nuhi: thanks for you attention, I feel so grateful that you put attention to the matter. So I ask again, any more details that you need to know to help this issue?

  4. Alright, basically what I did is that I got the 250mb Lip. then clikc on it and copy and paste the .cab to another location, that way I will get the cab from the Lip.exe

    then, I dont remove anything, just add the hotfixes that have come out lately also the ultimate extras and when installing in spanish, I go the error.

    do you need more details?

  5. Don't know for the Exe2Cab thingy but I have the same issue.

    I have Vista english and I slipstream the espanish language pack, with the Lp.exe double clic, and the got the cab there.

    Now when I install I get the following message:


    Basically what I'm trying to achieve is that with my english Vista source, slisptream the spanish language pack, and be able to install Vista Basic in spanish since I dont have an spanish source.

    PS: How did I got the screenshot? Well I used MS Virtual PC 2007 on a Vista Ultimate PC with Vlite 1.1 beta.

    Any other info required just le me know.

  6. Well it happens that "/s" it works for a normal install.

    I tried it over de CMD (DOS) by typing:


    that way it works but if you write

    "Divxcreate.exe /S" or "Divxcreate.exe /s"

    it wont, it has to be written together and the "S" goes with capital letter.

  7. Fijate que no lo encuentro. Siempre me manda a la misma pagina para bajar el o2ksr1dl.exe que esta en ingles.

    Este archivo junto el otro que son casi 20mb, ya lo he bajado y me dice que solo es para la version en ingles de office :(

    ¿Tienes alguna idea de adonde van los archivos que se descargan, para asi copiarlos y guardarlos?

  8. Hello

    I'm searching for the Administrative update SR-1a for Office 2000 in spanish.

    I need the full update so I can Slipstream to the CD. I only found the english version.

    I already got the client update that downloads the files, but I don't know were are stored.

    Thanks in advance :lol:

  9. I manage to search the almost 500 pages of the great forum (I think I missed something) but I have an issue.

    After windows ends the installation and boots from the first time this is what it happens:

    1.The welcome Screen appears with the administrator account and the "user" created account (explained on the site)

    I HAVE to make clic con the "user created account" to enter but for my surprise, this account has Limited rights and I want it to be an Administrator account being the only person runn¡ng the PC.

    This is my useraccounts.cmd

    net user Leviathan /add
    net localgroup Administrators Leviathan /add
    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
    REGEDIT /S autologon.reg

    And this is my autologon.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    I don't want a Password in it, that's why I leave it blank, is this ok?

    2. The batch that I created to run all the apps to run unnatended in the first boot, only runs automatically when I log in into de Administrator account.

    and I want to run in the "user created account" instead.

    What do I have to do?? :}

    Thanks in advance.

  10. Well hello, after a long time i decided to post.

    I actually own a Cyber Cafe, Cyber Center, or if you dont get it, well is a place were you can rent a PC for an amount of time for web browsing.

    Well. my story for Firefox goes like this, having 10 computers and give them mantainance all of them takes a LOT of time.

    Many times i had to re-format de computers because of spyware reasons, (Cool web search and others) mostly the cause of this is because many teens comes to my business and enter to porn sites. Actually I cannot tell then not to do it, cause that what they came to :}

    So after a lot of web browsing I found Out obout Firefox. I install it, set it as default, and all my problemas went away. No more spyware and wierd things, besides, many clients say that they browse faster than IE, so what can I say.

    Firefox for me is the solution for security reasons, but still has some bugs around, like wiht JAVA applications (www.latinchat.com), my clients complain about that and they have to switch to IE.

    Plug ins are a good solution, but still misses the compatibillity of many sites.

    Salutes from Guatemala City :hello:

  11. Hi Everybody, Im new around here.:hello:

    I Was completely SHOCK :w00t: when I "googled" "Integrate SP1 Office 2003" and the result for my search was:

    The Anser to all of my questions since I star using a PC

    I can almost make an unnatend instalation of avery aplication I use.

    As a PC Technitian, I found evry post SSSOOOOOO USEFULl!!

    So I hope one day I give answers to anyone that comes.

    By the meantime, I'll figure it out how to make Unnatended posts :P

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