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Posts posted by AlBundy33

  1. Some weeks (or months?!?) ago I wrote a message to Skype-support (and I think that I wasn't the only one) because of the "upgrade-bug". :)

    Now it should be able to do an unattended setup of skype without the upgrade-popup if a newer version is available. :)

    change: upgrade prompt supressed if installer is launched with SILENT or VERYSILENT option



  2. In my config.js are more than 4000 Lines. :P

    --> I've wrote a Batchfile which generates the config.js from a lot of single files (one file for every application).

    I don't understand why you need a variable named hotfixes with the value %BASEPATH%\hotfixes.

    Why did you don't want to use %BASEPATH%\hotfixes ?!?

    I hope that the option with BASEPATH will be implemented in next version :)


  3. Why did you want to use more varaibles?

    What about this:

    Softwarepath: E:\Addon\Software

    WPIPath: E:\Addon\WPI

    BasePath: ..\Software

    Structure of E:\Addon\Software





    E:\Addon\Software\hotfixes --> why didn't you integrate the hotfixes into win-setup - they also have an /integrate-switch like SPs

    In commands u can use






    which will be replaced to full qualified pathnames.

    So why did you want to use more than %BASEPATH%?


  4. Hi kelsenellenelvian,

    here some suggestions for your next wpi version:

    1. new "style" for Previous- and Next-Links

    They should be aligned left and there should also be a space before and after Previous like on Next.

    Why it should be aligned left?

    If your Programmnames are to long it is possible that the whole table is greater than the screen an so the Next-Link is not visible (it is outside of the screen).

    2. Are your Registry-Tweaks on wpi-startup realy neccesary?

    3. Why are "so much" command in wpi.cmd?

    you can get the scriptdirectory from unescape(location.pathname)

    %CDROM% should not be neccesary i think, because you try to get it in javascript

    Delete links and restart should be done by user-scripts (in wpi)

    why didn't you use a javascript-command to run external commands?

    So the command

    start /wait %windir%\system32\mshta.exe "%CD%\wpi.hta"

    should be the only one in wpi.cmd

    4. A replacment from Discpath to Base-Dir would be very nice - with the Option to get the relative Path from the wpi-directory to the software-basedirectory.

    --> the variable %base% should be replaced by the full qualified path from wpipath+basepath


    Softwarepath: E:\Addon\Software

    WPIPath: E:\Addon\WPI

    Basepath: ..\Software

    In commands you can use %BASEPATH%\AcrobatReader\setup.exe which will be transformed to e:\Addon\Software\AcrobatReader\setup.exe

    What did you (an all others) think about this suggestions?



    This is my FindCDRom-Function from generate.js to replace %CDROM% with the Directory which is one level upper than WPIPath.

    Example: WPIPATH: E:\Software\WPI

    With this script %CDROM% will be replaced by E:\Software

    function FindCDRom()
    position = "generate.js";
    cddrv = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".\\..");
    debug("Found CDROM as folder " + cddrv,1,2);
    foundCDdrv = true;
    return cddrv;


  5. Now I have my winnt.sif stored on a Floppy and the install works fine.

    But is it also possible to store the $OEM$-folder on a Floppy?

    --> I know there is not enough space on a floppy for applications but I want to put some small tools into $OEM$\$$ and I want to start some batches from $OEM$\cmdlines.txt

    Is there a way to do this?

    --> I don't want to use OEMFilesPath because I doesn't know the correct driveletter of the floppydrive (A: or B:)

    Can anybody help me?



  6. Here - I found a good way, to get CDROM where XP-CD is inserted:

    FOR /F "skip=3 tokens=3" %I IN ('REG QUERY"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v SourcePath') DO SET CDROM=%I

    In Batchfiles use

    FOR /F "skip=3 tokens=3" %%I IN ('REG QUERY"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v SourcePath') DO SET CDROM=%%I



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