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Posts posted by AlBundy33

  1. Why you need a self-extractor which won't stop batch-file execution?

    This is really necessary because you need to delete the files after they where extracted.

    It sound very strange what you are doing (e.g. same archives for different drive-letters) - can you explain more?

    --> I'm sure that there are better ways.

    Here are some hints:

    REM copying the Desktop shortcut

    REM need to find how to detect XP or Vista and send this to the right place. Easier to have four batch files?

    COPY program.lnk C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop

    REM COPY C:\users\public\public desktop

    Simply use

    COPY program.lnk "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop"

    Why do you copy shortcuts? There are a lot of scripts an tool which can create them.

    The installation path information cannot be in the archives because ...

    Why not use 7-zip (7za.exe as standalone-version), create a simple zip-file instead of an sfx-archive and call something like this in your batch-file

    7za.exe x -y -o"YourTargetFolder_Maybe_C_or_D_or_any_other_drive" "path_to_zip\archive1.zip"

    cause I don't know how to return to a removable drive that could be any letter

    Try this

    REM change to C:\test
    PUSHD %SystemDrive%\test

    REM do something

    REM go back to the last directory


  2. If your batch-file is also on the stick you can get the drive with %~d0

    drive: %~d0
    path to script %~f0 (= %~dpnx0)
    path to script-dir %~dp0

    have a look at the help for "for".

    Zusätzlich wurde die Ersetzung von Verweisen auf FOR-Variablen erweitert.
    Sie können jetzt folgende Syntax verwenden:

    %~I - Expandiert %I und entfernt alle umschließenden
    Anführungszeichen (").
    %~fI - Expandiert %I zu einem vollständigen Dateinamen.
    %~dI - Erzeugt nur den Laufwerkbuchstaben von %I.
    %~pI - Erzeugt nur den Pfad von %I.
    %~nI - Erzeugt nur den Dateinamen von %I.
    %~xI - Erzeugt nur die Dateierweiterung von %I.
    %~sI - Erzeugter Pfad enthält nur kurze Dateinamen.
    %~aI - Erzeugt die Dateiattribute von %I.
    %~tI - Erzeugt Datum und Zeit von %I.
    %~zI - Erzeugt die Dateigröße von %I.
    %~$PATH:I - Durchsucht die in der PATH-Umgebungsvariablen
    angegebenen Verzeichnisse und expandiert die erste
    gefundene Datei %I zu dem vollständigen Dateinamen.
    Wenn der Name der Umgebungsvariablen nicht definiert
    ist oder diese Datei bei der Suche nicht gefunden wurde,
    wird dieser Parameter zu einer leeren Zeichenkette


  3. Try this...

    SET TARGETFILE=%~dp0targets.txt
    SET LOG=%~dpn0.log

    IF EXIST "!LOG!" DEL /Q "!LOG!"
    CALL :TEE %DATE: =0%, %TIME: =0%
    CALL :TEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    IF EXIST "%TARGETFILE%" FOR /F "tokens=*" %%C IN ('type "%TARGETFILE%"') DO (
    IF "%%~C"=="" GOTO :EOF
    SET COMMAND=PSEXEC %%~C -c "C:\deployment tool\dummy.bat" dummy.bat
    CALL :TEE running !COMMAND!
    CALL :TEE %%C reported errorlevel: !ERRORLEVEL!
    CALL :TEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ECHO %*
    ECHO %* 2>&1 1>>"%LOG%"


  4. I'm happy with the way I have it now. All the reg keys get flushed out after quit or after install complete.

    Using a temp file would cause the same problems if WPI crashed, hit the X close button on the window (WPI can't catch this and doesn't quit properly. mshta quits but doesn't tell the program to shut down). Either way the same problems can happen, just in a different way.

    Thats fine. But in my opinian a portable app should not write to registry because in many cases it will not be used anymore.

    For example: I have WPI and some apps on my USB-stick to install them on every machine I want - and in nearly all cases I don't run WPI on such a machine again.

    So it would be nicer to have such data in a temp file instead in the registry.


    When will all the new patches included in the download-archive? Is there a possibility to download the latest dev-version?

  5. Happy new Year!!! :hello:

    I think this is a good idea. :-)

    Some options are really necessary - some maybe not.

    So we could vote for options we want to have also available on commandline.

    But: Maybe there is a user which needs an option for a very specific case which is not in the list. So why not implement something like a Map (or Dictionary in JS?) which holds all config-settings (key = config-key, value = config-value) and is initialized with default-values and can be overwritten with command-line-arguments.

    e.g. settings['options'] = './WPIScripts/config.js';

    if [command_line_has_options_argument] settings['options'] = get_argument_from_command_line

    So you have

    - all settings at one place

    - can easily extend it

    - can easily overwrite all settings with command-line-arguments


  6. Started a new thread on reg keys paths.










    Quotes are only needed if there is a space. There was a quotes bug, it is fixed but not uploaded yet.

    Sure - but in my batch file I call wpi.hta with

    "%WINDIR%\system32\mshta.exe" "!CD!\wpi.hta" config="!CD!\WPIScripts\config.js" options="!CD!\WPIScripts\useroptions.js" %*

    and therefore I need the quotes because I don't know where WPI is started from.

  7. @AlBundy33: Saving the paths in a reg key is required because when leave Options/Config editor, it does document.reload(). If you specified a command line arg, it wouldn't remember it, and load the default files. It has become a pain.

    Someone else made a DVD and ran it from there. Then needed to make some changes so copied to their harddrive. Made the changes, hit save, error. WPI tried to save it do the DVD since that was what was saved in the reg key.

    I suppose I could erase the reg keys when really quit and after an install. I posted a message on the forum about this a while back. Not many responses, so I left it as is.

    There was a problem with quotes in the command line args. I fixed it.

    But I have different WPI-instances on my pc and after I started an instance the path to config and useroptions will be used for all instances.

    I also tried to run WPI with

    "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshta.exe" "D:\System\WPI\wpi.hta" config="D:\System\WPI\WPIScripts\config.js" options="D:\System\WPI\WPIScripts\useroptions.js"

    but the config and options from my first instance are used.

    As I asked before: Where can I find an overview of all command line arguments?

    Just another question: How do you debug WPI?


  8. command-line-arguments "options" and "config" does not override registry settings.

    Is it really neccessary to store them in registry?

    Default should be options=./WPIScripts/useroptions.js and config=./WPIScripts/config.js - so there is no need for a registry key.

    Also quoted paths should be possible e.g. config="C:\my folder with a space\wpi\my config.js"

    Do you have an overview of all possible command-line arguments?



  9. Kel is on the right way. :-)

    --> the Sucess and failure after the command should not be displayed if icons are used.

    With "return-codes" I meant only to display the return-status of the commands (success or not) - thats all.

    Why not show the real commands instead of "command 1".

    In an unattended environment it doesn't matter what is displayed - but if you have a look at the installer window it would be nice to see a more usefull information about the current command.

    --> Maybe the commandline or the start-time or the execution time (new - start-time) or something else.

    For example

    You will get much more information if you display something like this

    Microsoft Viewer 2007
    success_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\wordview_de-de.exe" /quiet
    success_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\WordViewer2003SP3-KB934736-FullFile-DEU.exe" /Q
    success_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\office2003-KB934041-FullFile-DEU.exe" /Q
    failure_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\PowerPointViewer.exe" /quiet
    running_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\powerpointviewer2007sp1-kb937158-fullfile-de-de.exe" /quiet
    waiting_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\visioviewer.exe" /quiet
    waiting_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\visioviewer2007sp1-kb937160-fullfile-de-de.exe" /quiet
    waiting_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003 1.0.exe" /Q /C:"msiexec -i xlview.msi /passive /norestart /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
    waiting_icon "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Microsoft\Microsoft Viewer 2007\ExcelViewer2003SP3-KB934737-FullFile-DEU.exe" /Q

    instead of this

    Microsoft Viewer 2007
    Command1 success
    Command2 success
    Command3 success
    Command4 failure

    My idea was to display all commands of the current application (there is no need to see also the next app and der commands) to know where I am and how many commands are left for the current install.

    If you can modifiy the list you can also remove the displayed commands of application that are done and set the success/failure-icon before the application-name.

    --> so you have above the current applicaion only a list of installed application und below the current application the commands,

    These are just ideas and nice-to-haves - WPI also runs without that really good. :-)

  10. But I think that the lines with the name "command X" are not really usefull because currently they are used to display the exit-status of the command.

    Instead of display


    It would bebetter to display something like this

    status_image the_command_to_execute
    status_image the_command_to_execute
    status_image the_command_to_execute

    Where always all commands of the current application should be displayed - with the status_image you can display if the are "running", "successfully exited", "exit with failure" or even wait to be executed.


  11. But how you will do this?

    Only copy does not work - at least the themes-service must be terminated (no problem) but if the service is terminated some application can have a reference to the dll - so it is not possible to copy the new one.

    Next problem: this method does only work with one version (e.g. XP SP3) - I wouldn't work on other XP-Versions (maybe SP1).

    --> I integrate WPI into my XP-Install CD but have the possibility to run WPI on every machine.

  12. As the topic says - i'm looking for a tool that patches the uxtheme.dll to use unsigned themes in windows xp.

    I know that I can integrate the patched uxtheme.dll in windows-cd or use n-lite or something else.

    But I really need a tool what I can integrate with WPI in my CD which is fully unattended and don't shows any dialogs like windows file protection or something else.

    Can anybody help me?



  13. Little change for install-window

    Instead of

    command1 success

    command2 failure


    you can display

    a status-image (running, install sucess, install failure) followed by the executed command line

    If there was an error you can set a tooltip on the error-image to display the error-message.

    I think this looks better and with a horizontal-scrollbar it is possible to see the complete command line.


  14. I need special "cleanup" commands.

    For me cleanup-commands are command to delete shortcuts and move shortcuts or folders inside the startmenu.

    I want to enable/disable this feature in wpi before starting the installation.

    For example install of WinRAR:

    === Programmnummer: 23
    === Kategorie : Toolz
    === Programm : WinRAR 3.62
    === Größe : 12 MB
    === Standard : ja
    === Freeware : nein
    === Reihenfolge : 5
    INSTALL: "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Toolz\WinRAR 3.62\wrar362d.exe" -s
    INSTALL: "%ROOT%\Tools\7z.exe" x -y -o"%PROGRAMFILES%\WinRAR" "%ROOT%\Anwendungen\Toolz\WinRAR 3.62\rarkey.rar"
    CLEANUP: "%ROOT%\Tools\eMove.cmd" "WinRAR" "Toolz"

    I can have more cleanup-commands but only need one for WinRAR.

    I manage all my commands per application in a file named unattended_*.inf, parse it and create config.js.

    The result for winrar looks like this:

    prog[pn]=['WinRAR 3.62'];
    desc[pn]=['<div style="padding:5px;"><b style="white-space:nowrap;">kommerziell/Registrierung erforderlich</b><br/><table style="color:black;font-family:\'Courier New\', monospace;font-size:1em;border:none;"><tr><th align="left" nowrap><u>Registrierungungsdaten</u></th></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;">WinRAR 3.62 Serial: *</td></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;">* Um WinRAR zu registrieren, muss nur eine der Dateien rarkey.rar</td></tr><tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;">in das WinRAR-Verzeichnis entpackt werden</td></tr></table></div>'];
    picf[pn]=['%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\wpi_image.png'];
    cmds[pn]=['"%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\wrar362d.exe" -s','"%ROOT%\\Tools\\7z.exe" x -y -o"%PROGRAMFILES%\\WinRAR" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\rarkey.rar"','"%ROOT%\\Tools\\parsecommands.cmd" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\unattended_150.inf"'];

    As you can see the cleanup-commands are executed by the script parsecommands (which parses the unattended*.inf again) as last command during install.

    To enable/disable this feature I create a script setWPIenv.cmd at WPI-start where I store the state.

    parsecommands.cmd start setWPIenv.cmd and checks if the cleanup-commands should be executed.

    Maybe there is a way to integrate such cleanup-commands in WPI and enabled/disable them global in main-WPI-window.


  15. With this from code.js no batch-files with arguments (e.g. "drive:\a\folder\test.cmd" MyArgument) will be found:

    	if (cmd.toUpperCase().indexOf(".CMD") != -1 || cmd.toUpperCase().indexOf(".BAT") != -1)
    if (!FileExists(cmdLine))
    WriteLogLine(cmdName+' '+getText(FailFileDoesNotExist)+': '+cmdLine);

    return false;


  16. In core.js defaultWPI() you get the ROOT with

    	// %root%
    if (root.indexOf(":")==1)

    But ROOT should be used to get the WPI-parentfolder.

    My folder-structure looks like this

    - WPI (only with contents from the download-package)
    - Tools (my additional Tools)
    - Applications
    - Common
    - Multimedia
    - Microsoft
    - ...

    And my commands look like this:


    But with the Bug above my commands does not work. :-(

    Only with


    all works fine.


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