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Everything posted by AlBundy33

  1. Of course it is possible to insert this command directly into wpi - but if you use a batch file you can also install your application without to start wpi. Al
  2. Why not use cmdow? Currently I add the following line to all of my batchfiles: CMDOW.EXE @ /HID Which hides the current shell (the window is only for some ms to see). But with cmdow.exe /RUN /HID path_to_your_script you can start the script in background. Greetings Al
  3. The problem is that you call "C:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.exe" instead of "%wpipath%\Install\Office_2007_Install\setup.exe" Just modify your script like this: PUSHD "%~dp0" setup.exe /adminfile MPS.msp POPD %0 ist the full path to your setup.cmd - %~dp0 is only the drive and the path to your setup.cmd. PUSHD and POPD are better CD-commands. Greetings Al
  4. Maybe you want to add an option to clear Temp-files. Al This script tries to delete all temp-files and ignores files that can not be deleted. clearTemp.cmd @ECHO OFF CALL :CLEAN_DIR "%TEMP%" CALL :CLEAN_DIR "%TEMP%\..\Temporary Internet Files" CALL :CLEAN_DIR "%WINDIR%\Temp" CALL :CLEAN_DIR "%USERPROFILE%\Recent" CALL :CLEAN_DIR "%USERPROFILE%\Cookies" GOTO :EOF :CLEAN_DIR IF "%~1"=="" ( ECHO Kein Parameter angegeben. GOTO :EOF ) IF NOT EXIST "%~1\" ( ECHO Verzeichnis "%~1" existiert nicht GOTO :EOF ) DEL /S /Q "%~1\*.*" FOR /F "tokens=*" %%D IN ('DIR "%~1\" /A:D /B') DO RD /S /Q "%~1\%%~D" GOTO :EOF
  5. Some Ideas: And two new Buttons "First" and "Last" to go quickly to the first or last page. Maybe a combo (or another way) to go quickly to a category would be enough A hint selected/app_count on each category would also be very nice. The same hint should be displayed during install (current_app/apps_to_install) maybe instead of the percentage. Also the time (the difference from "start install" to now) would be interessting. --> instead of 10% the progress should be displayed like 5/50 5:28min Haven't tried it yet but is it possible to scroll up during install to the first entry? --> e.g. to check if all apps were installed correctly during install. Maybe also a scroll-lock would be needed. Al
  6. Please enable full qualified-pathnames for Images by default. program.js ... //check if an absolute path was set // if (desc[i+1].match(/img src=".*\\.*"/g) != null) // { // //remove ./Graphics/ // desc[i+1]=desc[i+1].replace(/src=".\/Graphics\//gi, 'src="'); // //replace variables (e.g. %ROOT%) // desc[i+1]=ReplacePath(desc[i+1].replace(/src="([^"]*)"/gi, 'src="$1"')); // //get path to image // path_to_image = desc[i+1].replace(/.*src="([^"]*)".*/i, "$1"); // //replace every "\" with "/" // path_to_image = path_to_image.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // //build new description // desc[i+1]=desc[i+1].replace(/src="[^"]*"/gi, 'src="file://' + path_to_image + '"'); // } ... So I don't need to patch each new version by myself. :-) Al
  7. On WPI-Start I create SetWPIEnv.cmd on %SystemDrive% which sets some variables: createSetWPIEnv.cmd @ECHO OFF SET CMD=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\SetWPIEnv.cmd SET HIDEWINDOW=no SET DISABLE_CLEANUP=no SET DISABLE_INSTALL=yes :PARSE IF /I "%~1"=="-h" SET HIDEWINDOW=yes IF /I "%~1"=="-c" SET DISABLE_CLEANUP=no IF /I "%~1"=="-dc" SET DISABLE_CLEANUP=yes IF /I "%~1"=="-i" SET DISABLE_INSTALL=no IF /I "%~1"=="-di" SET DISABLE_INSTALL=yes SHIFT IF NOT "%~1"=="" GOTO :PARSE CALL :OUTPUT>"%CMD%" GOTO :EOF :OUTPUT SET TMP=%~dp0 SET TMP=%TMP:~0,-7% ECHO @ECHO OFF ECHO. ECHO.SET HIDEWINDOW=%HIDEWINDOW% ECHO.SET DISABLE_CLEANUP=%DISABLE_CLEANUP% ECHO.SET DISABLE_INSTALL=%DISABLE_INSTALL% ECHO. ECHO SET ROOT=%TMP% ECHO SET WPIPATH=%TMP%\WPI ECHO SET CDROM=%~d0 ECHO SET PATH=%%PATH%%;%TMP%\Tools ECHO. ECHO IF /I "%%HIDEWINDOW%%"=="yes" IF EXIST "%%ROOT%%\Tools\cmdow.exe" "%%ROOT%%\Tools\cmdow.exe" @ /HID ECHO. GOTO :EOF which will create a batch like this SetWPIEnv.cmd @ECHO OFF SET HIDEWINDOW=no SET DISABLE_CLEANUP=no SET DISABLE_INSTALL=yes SET ROOT=D:\System SET WPIPATH=D:\System\WPI SET CDROM=D: SET PATH=%PATH%;D:\System\Tools IF /I "%HIDEWINDOW%"=="yes" IF EXIST "%ROOT%\Tools\cmdow.exe" "%ROOT%\Tools\cmdow.exe" @ /HID Each Batch-File checks if that file exists an runs it - so I have access to all Tools, Paths and so on.
  8. Thanx - I'm using Windows XP Professional with SP3 and IE7. ;-) Al
  9. Hi, I have a a config.js for ~700 appz. With WPI 6.4 it takes about a minute to load this config but since WPI 6.5 it take much more time to load this config. Maybe Kel can do some some performance optimizations. After config.js is loaded I get the message: "Ein Script auf dieser Seite verursacht eine Verzögerung im Internet Explorer. Falls das Script weiter ausgeführt wird, verlängern sich die Antwortzeiten des Computers möglicherweise erheblich." which means "A script on this page is causing a delay in Internet Explorer. If the script continues to run, extend the response times of the computer may be substantial." (translated with translate.google.com) For tests I have attached my useroptions.js und config.js (only with freeware-apps and no registration infos). ;-) Greetings Al scripts.zip
  10. These filenames are the original ms-names: windowsxp-kb896688-x86-deu_4fb457652be06b59a1a45a5fbad6d6ccc3757c7e.exe
  11. I'm using ct offline updater to get all hotfixes, which stores the hotfixes with theire original names. e.g. windowsxp-kb896688-x86-deu_4fb457652be06b59a1a45a5fbad6d6ccc3757c7e.exe instead of windowsxp-kb896688-x86-deu.exe Is this a Problem for HFSLIP or can I use these files? Al
  12. My HF-folder is grown up since a lot of month because I put all hotfixes in there, which I have installed on my system. But I have a good idea for such problems. What do you think about a blacklist and a whitelist? whitelist could include your tested hotfix-list blacklist could include some user-definded excluded hotfixes So every user can decide what he want to do and don't has to worry about, what files are in the HF-folder. If found out that mose of the hotfixes has a fileinformation "applies to" which shows the Service Pack the hotfix applies to - may someone could write a little program which scans the files an generates a whitelist or a blacklist. Al
  13. Support for KB933360 would be nice. And I have a little problem with slipstreamed IE7: Al
  14. Thanks for your help, I reduced my list to these ones: windowsxp-kb824151-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb841356-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb841533-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb867282-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb871250-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB885835-x86-DEU.exe Some of them seems to cause the bluescreen. Here is my complete HFSlip-Log - I think that there a lot of hotfixes which are not for sp2 but I get my updates from ct offline updater which downloads all hotfixes automaticly and I put them only in my HF-folder. This file is automatically generated by HFSLIP HFSLIP is for personal use only Copyright(C) TommyP 2005-2007 ============================HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM============================ If running into problems, refer to http://hfslip.org/support.html HFSLIP support forum: http://msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=129 =============================================================================== HFSLIP Version - 1.6.6beta build 71103a HFSLIP Path - E:\cdimage_pro\HFSlip\ OS in SOURCESS - XP SP2 German MSIE Version - MSIE7 Drivers - SPX.CAB Added CD Install Path - Default CDTAG - WIN51 =============================================================================== Files in your FIX folder: uxtheme.dl_ uxtheme.dl_.old UXTHEME.ORG Files in your HF folder: gdidettool.exe HMTCDWizard_DEU.exe IE7-KB928090-WindowsXP-x86-deu.exe IE7-KB929969-WindowsXP-x86-deu.exe IE7-WindowsXP-KB931768-x86-deu.exe IE7-WindowsXP-KB933566-x86-DEU.exe IE7-WindowsXP-KB937143-x86-DEU.exe IE7-WindowsXP-KB938127-x86-DEU.exe IE7-WindowsXP-KB939653-x86-DEU.exe IE7-WindowsXP-x86-deu.exe msxml4-KB927978-deu.exe msxml4-KB936181-deu.exe msxml6-KB927977-deu-x86.exe msxml6-KB933579-deu-x86.exe WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.26.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.28.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.29.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.30.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.31.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.32.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.33.exe Windows-KB890830-V1.34.exe Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-DEU.exe WindowsMedia10-KB917734-x86-DEU.exe windowsmedia11-kb929399-v2-x86-intl.exe WindowsMedia11-KB936782-x86-DEU.exe WindowsMedia11-KB939683-x86-DEU.exe WindowsMedia6-KB925398-x86-DEU.exe WindowsMedia-KB891122-x86-DEU.exe WindowsMedia-KB911564-x86-DEU.exe WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB917275-Client-GER-x86.exe WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe windowsxp-kb873333-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB873339-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb873376-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb883939-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb885250-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB885626-v2-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB885836-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB886185-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB887472-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb887472-x86-sp1-deu.exe windowsxp-kb888113-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB888302-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb890046-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb890047-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb890175-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB890859-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb890923-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb891711-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB891781-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb892944-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb893066-v2-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb893086-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB893756-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB896344-v2-x86-ENU.exe WindowsXP-KB896358-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb896422-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB896423-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB896424-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb896426-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB896428-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb896688-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb896727-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB897663-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB898543-v3-x86-ENU.exe WindowsXP-KB899587-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb899588-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb899589-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB899591-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB900725-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB901017-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB901190-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB901214-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb902400-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb903235-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb904706-dx9-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB904706-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB904942-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB905414-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86-Standalone.exe windowsxp-kb905495-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB905749-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb905915-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB906569-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB908519-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB908531-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB910437-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB911280-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB911562-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB911567-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB911927-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb912812-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB912817-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB912919-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb913446-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB913580-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB914388-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB914389-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB914440-v12-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb914798-v2-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb916281-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB916595-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB917021-v3-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb917159-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB917344-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB917422-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB917537-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB917953-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB918118-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB918439-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb918899-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB919007-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920213-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920214-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920342-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920670-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920683-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920685-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB920872-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB921398-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB921503-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb921883-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB922582-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB922760-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB922819-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB923191-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB923414-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb923689-v2-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB923689-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB923694-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB923789-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb923810-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB923980-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924191-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924270-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924441-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924496-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924667-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB924941-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB925454-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-DEU.exe WINDOWSXP-KB925876-X86-DEU.EXE WindowsXP-KB925876-x86-ENU.exe WindowsXP-KB925902-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB926247-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB926255-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB926436-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB927779-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB927802-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB927891-v3-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB928090-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB928255-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB928388-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB928843-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB929120-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB929123-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB929969-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB930178-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB930916-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB931261-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB931768-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB931784-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB931836-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB932168-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB933360-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB933566-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB933729-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB935839-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB935840-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB936021-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB937143-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB938127-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB938828-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb938829-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb939373-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB939653-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB941202-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXPMediaCenter2005-KB900325-ger.exe WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-deu.exe wmp11-windowsxp-x86-DE-DE.exe Files in your HFCABS folder: Apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.cab Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cab Apr2006_XACT_x86.cab Apr2006_xinput_x86.cab APR2007_d3dx10_33_x86.cab APR2007_d3dx9_33_x86.cab APR2007_XACT_x86.cab APR2007_xinput_x86.cab Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cab AUG2006_XACT_x86.cab AUG2006_xinput_x86.cab AUG2007_d3dx10_35_x86.cab AUG2007_d3dx9_35_x86.cab AUG2007_XACT_x86.cab Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cab DEC2006_d3dx10_00_x86.cab DEC2006_d3dx9_32_x86.cab DEC2006_XACT_x86.cab Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x86.cab Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.cab Feb2006_XACT_x86.cab FEB2007_XACT_x86.cab Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.cab JUN2006_XACT_x86.cab JUN2007_d3dx10_34_x86.cab JUN2007_d3dx9_34_x86.cab JUN2007_XACT_x86.cab NOV2007_d3dx10_36_x86.cab NOV2007_d3dx9_36_x86.cab NOV2007_X3DAudio_x86.cab NOV2007_XACT_x86.cab Oct2005_xinput_x86.cab OCT2006_d3dx9_31_x86.cab OCT2006_XACT_x86.cab swflash.cab Files in your HFSVCPACK folder: cmdcons.cmd dotnetfx11_silent.exe dotnetfx20_silent.exe dotnetfx30_silent.exe SPTDinst-x86_silent.exe Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder: msxml6_x86.msi UPHClean-Setup.msi Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW2 folder: roots-kb931125-xp-ws03-x86-x64.exe WindowsXP-KB923789-x86-DEU.exe Files in your HFGUIRUNONCE folder: Files in your HFTOOLS folder: 7za.exe bbie.exe BOOT.BIN cdimage.exe cmdow.exe EXTRACT.EXE HFANSWER.INI modifype.exe =============================================================================== HFSLIP run time: 16m06s
  15. I known that I have to put some cabs from directx_nov2007_redist.exe to hfcabs. But which cabs do I need? I have WinXP SP2 (32Bit) - so I think I don't need the 64-Bit cabs. Al
  16. windowsxp-kb824151-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb841356-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb841533-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb867282-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb871250-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb873333-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB873339-x86-DEU.exe windowsxp-kb873376-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb883939-x86-deu.exe windowsxp-kb885250-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB885835-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB885836-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB886185-x86-deu.exe WindowsXP-KB887472-x86-deu.exe If I include these hotfixes (with a lot of others) in my dvd, setup crashes after first restart (between text- and gui-setup) with a bluescreen (because of win32k.sys) I hope that someone knows which is the dirty hotfix because I don't want to test them one by one. ;-) Al
  17. Fully qualified pathnames for images would be nice. e.g. %ROOT%\Apps\Nero\wpi_image.png My config.js is created by a batch-file which searches in the application-folder for wpi_image and sets picf[pn] to it. e.g. picf[pn]=['%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Multimedia\\Codec - DivX Pro 6.6.1\\wpi_image.png']; For this purpose I created a litte hack in program.js function WriteBackPrograms(programs) { position="program.js"; whatfunc="WriteBackPrograms()"; for (var i=0; i<programs.length; i++) { if (IndentText) textindent =' '; else textindent =''; if (programs[i].picf != null) { if (programs[i].textl != "Top") { if (programs[i].textl != "Bottom") { pwidth=programs[i].picw; pheight=programs[i].pich; textloc=programs[i].textl; desc[i+1]=imagelocationlr + programs[i].picf + imagepart2lr + pwidth + imagepart3lr + pheight + imagepart4lr + textloc + imagepart5lr + textindent + programs[i].desc; } } if (programs[i].textl != "Left") { if (programs[i].textl != "Right") { if (programs[i].textl != "Bottom") { pwidth=programs[i].picw; pheight=programs[i].pich; textloc=programs[i].textl; desc[i+1]=textindent + programs[i].desc + imagepart1t + imagelocationtb + programs[i].picf + imagepart2tb + pwidth + imagepart3tb + pheight + imagepart4tb; } else { pwidth=programs[i].picw; pheight=programs[i].pich; textloc=programs[i].textl; desc[i+1]=imagelocationtb + programs[i].picf + imagepart2tb + pwidth + imagepart3tb + pheight + imagepart4tb + imagepart1b + imageparteb + textindent + programs[i].desc; } } } //check if an absolute path was set if (desc[i+1].match(/img src=".*\\.*"/g) != null) { //remove ./Graphics/ desc[i+1]=desc[i+1].replace(/src=".\/Graphics\//gi, 'src="'); //replace variables (e.g. %ROOT%) desc[i+1]=ReplacePath(desc[i+1].replace(/src="([^"]*)"/gi, 'src="$1"')); //get path to image path_to_image = desc[i+1].replace(/.*src="([^"]*)".*/i, "$1"); //replace every "\" with "/" path_to_image = path_to_image.replace(/\\/g, '/'); //build new description desc[i+1]=desc[i+1].replace(/src="[^"]*"/gi, 'src="file://' + path_to_image + '"'); } } else desc[i+1]=textindent + programs[i].desc; prog[i+1]=programs[i].prog; ordr[i+1]=programs[i].ordr; uid[i+1]=programs[i].uid; dflt[i+1]=programs[i].dflt; cat[i+1]=programs[i].cat; forc[i+1]=programs[i].forc; configs[i+1]=programs[i].configs; deps[i+1]=programs[i].deps; excl[i+1]=programs[i].excl; cond[i+1]=programs[i].cond; gcond[i+1]=programs[i].gcond; regb[i+1]=programs[i].regb; cmd1[i+1]=programs[i].cmd1; cmd2[i+1]=programs[i].cmd2; cmd3[i+1]=programs[i].cmd3; cmd4[i+1]=programs[i].cmd4; cmd5[i+1]=programs[i].cmd5; cmd6[i+1]=programs[i].cmd6; cmd7[i+1]=programs[i].cmd7; cmd8[i+1]=programs[i].cmd8; cmd9[i+1]=programs[i].cmd9; cmd10[i+1]=programs[i].cmd10; rega[i+1]=programs[i].rega; picf[i+1]=programs[i].picf; picw[i+1]=programs[i].picw; pich[i+1]=programs[i].pich; textl[i+1]=programs[i].text1; } prog[programs.length+1]=null; } Are there plans to replace the static count of commands with an dynamic list? 10 commands are much better than six but a lot of my applications need much more commands. e.g. Microsoft Office Viewer need 21 commands for installing "Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003 1.0.exe" /Q /C:"msiexec -i xlview.msi /passive /norestart /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress" "Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2003 3.0.exe" /Q /C:"msiexec -i ppviewer.msi /passive /norestart /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress" "Microsoft Visio Viewer 2003 2.0.exe" /Q /C:"msiexec -i vviewer.msi /passive /norestart /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress ACCEPTEULA=1" "Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 2.0.exe" /Q /C:"msiexec -i wordview.msi /passive /norestart /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress" office2003-KB914451-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB917346-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB919029-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB923272-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB923275-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB923276-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB924424-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB925525-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB920813-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB929064-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB924883-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB934180-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB934445-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB934041-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB936508-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB936048-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q office2003-KB940604-FullFile-DEU.exe /Q And three cleanup-commands (move startmenu-icons) At this time a have two batch-files. One application-specific setup.cmd (if necessary) and a global filtercleanup.cmd which extracts the cleanup-commands from a application-specific file. I think it would be better to store all commands in wpi - but for this reason a dynamic list of commands is necessary. Al
  18. New Version: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET SHARE= SET USERNAME= SET PASSWORD= SET HIDEWINDOW=no IF NOT "%~1"=="" SET SHARE=%~1 IF "%SHARE%"=="" ( TITLE Running local WPI... PUSHD "%~dp0" CALL :RUN POPD ) ELSE ( TITLE Running WPI from "!SHARE!"... IF NOT "!USERNAME!"=="" IF "!PASSWORD!"=="" SET /P PASSWORD=Passwort fuer !USERNAME! @ !SHARE!: IF NOT "!PASSWORD!"=="" SET ARGUMENTS=!ARGUMENTS! "!PASSWORD!" IF NOT "!USERNAME!"=="" SET ARGUMENTS=!ARGUMENTS! /USER:"!USERNAME!" SET ARGUMENTS=!ARGUMENTS! /PERSISTENT:YES FOR /F "tokens=2" %%D IN ('NET USE * "!SHARE!" !ARGUMENTS!^|FINDSTR /I Laufwerk') DO SET DRIVELETTER=%%D IF "!DRIVELETTER!"=="" ( PUSHD "!SHARE!" ) ELSE ( PUSHD "!DRIVELETTER!" ) ECHO.Mounting "!SHARE!" to "!CD!"... CALL :RUN ECHO.Unmounting network-drive... POPD IF NOT "!DRIVELETTER!"=="" ( NET USE "!DRIVELETTER!" /DELETE ) ) GOTO :END :RUN PUSHD WPI ECHO.Starting WPI... IF /I "%HIDEWINDOW%"=="yes" IF EXIST Tools\cmdow.exe Tools\cmdow.exe @ /HID START /wait "%WINDIR%\mshta.exe" wpi.hta POPD GOTO :END :END Changes: 1. now it's possible to hide the command-window if cmdow.exe exists in WPI\Tools 2. share is mounted persistent (for restart-reasons) 3. username and password can set for password-protected shares 4. if only username is set the script will ask for password users with a non-german Windows have to replace FINDSTR /I Laufwerk with FINDSTR /I ?????. ????? is the first word in the first line of the output of the net-user-command with your share. This is my command with output: net use * \\home\system Laufwerk Z: ist jetzt mit \\home\system verbunden. Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt. Greetings Al
  19. I know MSN Messenger is not a hotfix - but it is an update. ;-) The HFNet-script works but it doesn't show the optional updates. :-/ Al
  20. I think the topic says enough. ;-) BTW: Is there a tool which displays ALL (security, optional, ...) installed and not installed hotfixes without activation? --> I test my HFSlip-CD in VMWare Player and don't want to activate this copy on every test. Al
  22. You can do it so: FOR /F "tokens=2" %%D IN ('net use * "!SHARE!"^|FINDSTR /I Laufwerk') DO SET DRIVELETTER=%%D This is my output of net use * "!SHARE!" Laufwerk T: ist jetzt mit \\home\system verbunden. Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt. So you have to change the "Laufwerk" in my first command to the first letter before the drive-letter - this word is used to find only the first line of the output. token=2 means to take the second word of the output. Al
  23. As far as I know: no. :-( PUSHD is like CD but it can handle UNC-paths - and as far as I know there is no possibility to add username and password to an UNC-path. "net use" can take username and password but with this command you have to determine a free drive-letter by yourself. Al
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