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Posts posted by Anixx

  1. I have just found this thread and I think it is amazing!

    I hevent read it all but I want to poit some bits that can be useful.

    * There is Microsoft Application Verifier. It allows to lie the windows version to applications that require higher one. May be worth inclusion to this unofficial SP. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20028

    * There is a way of installing IPv6 support on Win2000, the driver is by Microsoft. Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21676Somewhere I read that this needs sone fix for better work... Do not remember.

    * Some people added ClearType subpixel smoothing to Win2000 as well as support for true color icons

    * It is possible to install the Windows Restore service on Win2000 from XP. The recipe is the same as with Windows 2003 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carloc/archive/2007/01/24/enable-system-restore-on-windows-2003.aspx

    * It is possible to install DX12 on Windows 2000 (the way is the same as with XP). It will not employ some things which only available with newer drivers but the programs that require newer DX will work well.

    * The program Pitaschio allows to arrange icons on the desktop by a grid like in Win XP.

    * If one needs more memory it is possible either to make Windows to think it is a server version (the difference is only in registry keys) or install a ramdrive putting the swap on it.

    I hope this is helpful.

  2. Does anyone know how to make Explorer to display the icons in folders with size 32px but having the labels BELOW the icons, like on the desktop?


    Can this functionality be added to Old New Explorer or maybe it is possible to do so with AHK?

  3. PS: Is this more stable and error free than OP's method?


    1. Taskbar works, but some elements are shifted by 1 px. I wrote an AHK script that mostly fixes the problem.

    2. IE can be patched

    3. Extension for Firefox is available that fixes a similar problem

    4. Task manager does not work, one needs one from Win7 (there is an utility that installs it)

    All the rest should be the same as with the hack from this topic.


    Do share the magic :) 

    PS: Is this more stable and error free than OP's method?

    In essence it is the same method with handle hack, just using another utility:



    The one I use is attached, it is not the latest version but works the best for me. Also I use ClassicShell 4.1.0 because they broke classic theme support later.


  5. Can this feature be included?


    This is Address Bar remover. When it is running, explorer windows have no Address bar (Navbar, Rebar).


    The executable is attached, and here is the AHK source code:

    #NoTrayIcon#NoEnvGui +LastFoundhWnd := WinExist()SetControlDelay, -1SetBatchLines -1DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )ReturnShellMessage(wParam,lParam) {If (wParam = 1 ) ; HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED := 1{WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %lParam%if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass") {ControlGetPos, ,y1,,ha,ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%SendMessage, 0x0082,,,ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%ControlGetPos,,y2,,h1,ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ShellTabWindowClass1,, y1,,y2-y1+h1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ReBarWindow321,,,,0, ahk_id %lParam%WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %lParam%Sleep, 100SendMessage, 0x0082,,,ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%ControlGetPos,,y2,,h1,ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ShellTabWindowClass1,, y1,,y2-y1+h1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ReBarWindow321,,,,0, ahk_id %lParam%WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %lParam%Sleep, 100SendMessage, 0x0082,,,ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%ControlGetPos,,y2,,h1,ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ShellTabWindowClass1,, y1,,y2-y1+h1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ReBarWindow321,,,,0, ahk_id %lParam%WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %lParam%Sleep, 100SendMessage, 0x0082,,,ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam%Control, Hide,, ReBarWindow321, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ShellTabWindowClass1,, y1,,y2-y1+h1, ahk_id %lParam%ControlMove, ReBarWindow321,,,,0, ahk_id %lParam%WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %lParam%}}}



    But I think it would be better to add such feature as a checkbox.


    P.S. I have updated the script (November, 1015)

  6. You could use AutoHotkey to do it. I can't really tell the difference since I'm running 8.1 with Aero, but zDump confirms Client Edge is set for all new windows:

    This indeed works and very interesting! But what I wanted is to set the property for the control captioned "FolderView" (class SysListView32 or SysItemView32 as reported by ZeroDump) rather than the whole window...

    Also is it possible to do the same for open/save dialogs?

    ***** Later edit: *****

    Well, I have changed to

    Control, ExStyle, ^0x200, FolderView, ahk_id %lParam%

    and it works! This is great!

    ***** Still later edit: *****

    Is it possible to do the same to other applications (Mathematica, open/save dialogs etc)?

    Also is it possible to resize a control on each window resize (that is not only when a window created but when it is resized as well)?

  7. I'm joking of course.  I hope you find a way to make Windows look like that again - especially Office!


    The way to make it like on the screenshots is known. Unfortunately I have no programming skills to implement it. But for those who has it should not be a big trouble, all necessary info is known, no research is needed and even test implementation with source is there.

  8. Is it possible to include a feature that would implement this new fascinating find?


    There is a great open-source utility Zero Dump but unfortunately it is abandoned. With this utility it is possible to modify control styles of the running windows. Particularly, it is possible to make the FolderView in Windows Explorer in Vista+ to appear like in Classic Windows, with the 3D border around:


    This can be done by setting the property "Client Edge" in the extended style tab in ZeroDump. This sets the control style to the value 56001348.

    Unfortunately the utility can do this only with one Explorer window and every time the procedure should be repeated manually. It would be great if Shell Folder Fix could do the same every time it loads.




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