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Everything posted by kreker

  1. @JFX, thanks Here are 4 partitions http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn594399.aspx As I understand it was in the eMMC (16/32 Gb) on Windows tablets. I want to do the same on the SSD 60 Gb. It's possible to do so using WinNTsetup and Bootice?
  2. Update Russian language DLL v3.7.5 @JFX, 2 questions: - How to install Windows 8.1 WIMboot mode? What partitions on HDD must be created? What size? - What key changes in registry tweak "Disable security warning for downloaded files"? 1049.zip
  3. Russian language DLL update ver. 3.0.1 >> 3.6.1 1049.zip
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