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Everything posted by twisted3313

  1. Anyway to fix this i have a custom theme then glass8+ with default atlas theme pick thru aeroGUI.exe just darkened a lil bit but the default still gives the same result when snapping window to edge of the screen talked to the theme creator he is stumped
  2. how can i get this theme/.png to fit this layout win10.png.layout
  3. and i get a message saying my dwm is incapable but yet it still works
  4. here is my code NB47DXL3H5QYUL2D35MJLHSUJIBLN5H25ULUVQPISLD4BMVY need to remove this i'll do anything
  5. okay... is there any other ways of getting aero on win 8.1 preferably one without watermark sorry dude love your work but really watermaking me is just wrong
  6. okay so i have been everywhere looking for a way to remove the watermark and nothing please help me on what im do to thank you
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