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Everything posted by xzes

  1. See screenshot - in AppInit_DLLs now wrote in my system, but do not work P.S. My english is badly.
  2. Hi friends! I not understand, how enable UxThemeSignatureBypass64.dll on Windows 10 x64 10586? I edit HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, in string AppInit_DLLs: "C:\AeroGlass\ModernFrame.dll , C:\AeroGlass\UxThemeSignatureBypass64.dll"
  3. Hi! Where and how I do a donate for generate new key?
  4. Hi to all! How I do get license key? I make donate, but I can't download license key. How I download key?
  5. 1.Install StartIsBack Plus and select Disable start menu translucency and Disable taskbar translucency. 2.Use regedit settings: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BlurDeviation"=dword:00000030[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BlurDeviation"=dword:000000303.Settings for BlurDeviation are from 0 TO 100, Default is 30 Thanks!!! It fixed
  6. On Windows 8 with Aero Glass for Windows 8 RTM v1.2 was so it:
  7. How? After apply OpaqueTaskbar and reboot system, taskbar back to default Win8.1 transparency (3rd image in 59th post)
  8. I want it to be so: With OpaqueTaskbar turns: Without OpaqueTaskbar turns:
  9. This advanced tool, but I want to native work AeroGlass. And after apply OpaqueTaskbar, when I push Disable Taskbar Transparency - blur effect appears, but small transparent effect, when I push Enable Taskbar Transparency - taskbar have default Win8.1 transparency. I want to color and effects like as window
  10. Hi! How make blur and reflection effects on taskbar? I have Windows 8.1 DEFAULT transparent, but windows have transparent, glow, blur and refflection effects Windows 8.1 Pro x64 Look to my screenshot...
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