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Posts posted by S0mE0nesMiNd1

  1. Thats what im talking about, it looks like Its functioning fine, but gives an error message, because its getting power but not plugged in the correct way. You should do a bit of research because obviously you are new to home computer building.

    Also, why are you looking for an alternative to the driver pack? They ARE the solution to your problem.

  2. On a differnet note, you mentioned that your floppy doesnt seem to be functioning. This is a very common error. You see, the floppy cable (the IDE looking cable) that goes to the motherboard...can be plugged in MANY ways....BUT....there is only ONE in which it will work properly. Considering this is the first time you have built a computer, this is a VERY Common mistake. Cheers....and goodluck.

  3. totoymola: This guy is confusing as hell: He said he would try it on simpel software when we told him that he should just use switchs on simple ones. And about that VMware statement we dont know if he means hes gonna try an installrite package with it or try his installrite package with vmware.

  4. saitoh: Your missing the whole point of repackaging software. The whole point is a last resort. Install switchs are first priority because they were made FROM the maker of the software, for that exact purpose. Its also typically very simple, thats why they are typically their. If that doesnt work, I always just make an AutoIT Script, however, even that can be fussy for some people or for me at points. Soooo if all those fail, I move to Installrite, which has never failed me.

  5. I myself made an installright package that worked perfectly. I tried this program for hours and even attempted to make an AutoIT Script of the program and enter the registration manually. I got tired of it all and just used installright, and I must say it worked perfectly.

  6. I've seen this before in even other installers for just installing them....even when there IS a silent switch, the vendor customized the installer to have a popup asking if you were sure you wanted to install the software. My Suggestions would be an attempt with autoit, especially considering you must press the checkmark to push yes.

    Just WinWaitActive("Stamps.com"), followed by a ControlClick on the checkbox, and then on the yes button.

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