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Ver Greeneyes

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Posts posted by Ver Greeneyes


    Hmm... you might want to try replacing the '100's in there with '1's as I believe 100 is meant for Windows XP SPx (I could be wrong, but 1 should be the default and it's already messing up anyway :P)

    Edit: However, keep in mind that Windows 2k may need more than Ryan's DX pack, as DX9 isn't included originally.. I've never used Windows 2k so unfortunately I can't really experiment with it, but..

  1. Yes, but other browsers don't get integrated with windows properly so the programs still mess up; for example in PerfectDisk 7, if I took out IE Core the intro page it uses would always load in a new window in Firefox, instead of in the program as it should. I doubt that has changed, and some other programs depend on it more than for an intro page.

  2. If you skip the components removal page then nLite won't remove anything - it does allow you to check whole sections, but it doesn't sound like you did that; it sounds more like your nLite got corrupted somehow. Check that you've got a clean source and try burning it at a lower speed or with a 3rd party program, and make sure your computer is completely stable (no overclocking issues or anything)

  3. Hey guys, been using nLite for some time with hardly ever any problems, but with 1.3 I'm suddenly completely unable to log in. I've tried doing the unattended part of the nLite with 1.2.1 but it doesn't make any difference, so I think it must be something weird going on with the new components.. no idea what though. I've attached my last session.ini for your perusal, and below is some unattended information from my last session_u.ini. I'll try it by adding an account instead of renaming the Administrator one next, so I'll get back to you on that.

    TimeZone = (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
    CDKey = [removed]
    ComputerName = [removed]
    Organization =
    Language = English (United States)
    Locale = English (United States)
    Keyboard = United States-International
    DomainAdmin =
    DomainPass =
    JoinDomain =
    JoinWorkgroup = [removed]
    Owner = [removed]



    You shouldn't be getting any errors slipstreaming Ryan's DX Pack.. what error are you getting? Could you tell us a bit more about your nLite? (i.e. attach your LAST SESSION.INI)

  4. I have been messing with it a bit, inspired by this post, and here's the simplest version that should work for everyone; it's a bit more aesthetically pleasing than the original, I think, because it looks the same as it would if you opened cmd from run.

    It adds "Open Command Window Here" to the right click (context) menu of folders, files, and drives.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="Open Command Window Here"

    @="cmd %COMSPEC%"

    @="Open Command Window Here"

    @="cmd /K cd %L & %%COMSPEC%%"

    @="Open Command Window Here"

    @="cmd %COMSPEC%"

    A problem I've noticed with this is that files which don't have a program associated with them get the Open Command Window Here option set as the default. This tweak should prevent that, displaying an Open With window instead, but unfortunately it adds it to -all- file types, all the time, so you'll have an extra Open With... option there. I'm also not sure the CLSID is the same for other systems, though I think it should be... any way to find that out?

    Anyway, here's the code:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="Open With..."


    Edit: and here's the simplest inf file that applies those tweaks, for who cares:

    Signature = $Windows NT$

    AddReg = Registry

    HKCR,*\shell\1st,,,"Open With..."
    HKCR,*\shell\cmd,,,"Open Command Window Here"
    HKCR,*\shell\cmd\command,,,"cmd %COMSPEC%"
    HKCR,Directory\shell\cmd,,,"Open Command Window Here"
    HKCR,Directory\shell\cmd\command,,,"cmd /K cd %L & %%COMSPEC%%"
    HKCR,Drive\shell\cmd,,,"Open Command Window Here"
    HKCR,Drive\shell\cmd\command,,,"cmd %COMSPEC%"

  5. I have a static IP on my desktop PC, and it doesn't get the acquiring network address icon either ;) It's just my laptop that does.. I'm wondering if removing the DNS service is causing it.

  6. Let me put it this way: you can take -everything- out (including DHCP) if you have a static IP and it'll still work if you set it up manually. If you don't have a static IP you'll need to keep DHCP and, as a result WMI, and if you want to get rid of the aesthetic issue of an annoying, wrong, acquiring network address icon in the taskbar, you'll have to add SENS, COM+, MDAC and DTC to that list. (Edit: actually, I just tested it and the icon -still- appears.. Don't ask me why. But, as I found before, you can make it go away by going into the properties of the adapter and exiting them again.. annoying after a reboot or a loss or connection though)

    Actually, can I hijack this topic by asking if there's any way (tweak) to disable that stupid icon so that I can remove these four services? Everything is working fine, but the icon gets on my nerves.

    Edit: Oh, and Network Connections in the control panel is still there even if you remove everything, so you don't have to worry about messing with the registry. You can't remove the service with nLite, either. If it errors out on you saying it can't find any adapters, go into services.msc and manually start Network Connections; you only have to do that once - after you fill in the right settings it'll work fine.

  7. Looks like two network related updates were included in RVM's UP 2.11:

    KB914440 - Just a diagnostics tool, doubt it could be causing anything not related to them

    KB920683 - The update you noted earlier - really, something in this one has to be messing things up. Or maybe a combination of this one and nLite, who knows.

    Anyway, the latter contains, and presumably updates, two files:

    dnsapi.dll - DNS Client API Library

    rasadhlp.dll - Remote Access AutoDial Helper

    Both are version 5.1.2600.2938.

    Dunno if any of this is new to you or if it helps you, but that's all I can see. Good luck solving your problem.

    Edit: I decided some other things might be worth mentioning. First, so far as I could tell from looking at the extracted files, no registry keys are added or changed except the ones needed to uninstall the hotfix later. Secondly, have you tried making an install with the RVM Integrator? Does the problem still appear? If so, it's either RyanVM's update pack or the hotfix itself, and you should test a vanilla Windows XP SP2 (that is, no update pack), and just get everything from windows update, to see if it's the hotfix or the update pack. Doing this should atleast narrow things down for you.

  8. I've been trying to extract the latest version of AMD's CPU drivers, which use some kind of Inno setup.. pretty much all the methods included in your tool for extracting it produced different results, some close, but none of them entirely right.. could you look into this?

    Sure, can you please provide a download link?

    Sure: http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_ty...amdcpusetup.exe (I'm not sure if they like hotlinking, but their website is too confusing)

  9. Hey, thanks for this software.. it's already helped me out several times.

    I've been trying to extract the latest version of AMD's CPU drivers, which use some kind of Inno setup.. pretty much all the methods included in your tool for extracting it produced different results, some close, but none of them entirely right.. could you look into this?

  10. i installed 1.35 through svc pack .. and then tried daemon tool through WPI .. it tried to install the 1.29 version.. dats all unattended.. it might work if u try it in a normal way..

    will test again..and let u guys knw.. but hopefully by then daemon tools update their installer..

    I installed Daemon Tools manually after windows was already installed, so that must be where it's messing up; thanks for clarifying.

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