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Everything posted by gontie
Hello, I am currently testing Windows 10 and i did not found any was to provide a very specify color for the startmenu. It does like that : http://www36.zippyshare.com/v/zil7pAIz/file.html Has someone, any workaround or tweak that could do the job ? Thansk.
Thanks Bigmuscle for your answer. I will install in safemode and then overwrite the dll file. So, i installed Aeroblur from safe mode and then copy paste the latest DLL (Versoin Windows 10) I've rebooted but aeroglass was not there and it seems that the schedules task neither. So i've uninstalled it and installed it again and then it worked again. Very strange. Now what is for sure is that the issue has been caused only by the latest security updates of Microsoft since i've had this issue on two computers. Thanks for your support Bigmuscle.
Thanks Bigmuscle for your answer. I will install in safemode and then overwrite the dll file.
Hello, I wanted to report an issue since i've updated my Windows 8.1 update 1 with the latest security patches. So i've uninstalled it, renamed the c:\aeroglass and then installed it again with the latest version. After the install, the system became unstable and i have see that 7 minidump of 150MB each have been created. it is currently uninstalled. Upload is in progress, i will post the link when the upload is finished. Below the download link to one minidump file. http://www39.zippyshare.com/v/BpC9L9Ck/file.html
What do you all think when you do superpose multiple windows in Full screen ? I cannot explain it but it is a bit more ugly with aero glass when i put for exampel chrome and explorer in maximised window on Windows 7 comparé au win 8.1 and Aero Glass. Any idea, how i could improve that ? For the rest, no crash at all even with all the latest update, this is really good work Bigmuscle.
Here a link to the custom reflections. http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/52511463/file.html Then in Aero Glass configurator 3.0, you set the link to the custome theme and specify the Glass relfection intensity.
You need to use AeroGlassConfigurator and specifyt a Custom Reflection file. I will from home tonight upload the custom reflection file.
You can use this one... http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170384-aero-glass-cofigurator-for-windows-81/
New name "internal aerolite" bigmuscle It would be nice if you could turn this into a blur enabler / disabler tool. I do 10000% agree with Ace2 What do you think about it Big Muscle ? Do you know also why the taskbar color with startisback or with classic shell is always a bit darker than the aero blur ? Thanks a lot.
For the ones that would like to have the Windows Start Screen as start menu and also blur on the taskbar, with Classic Start menu (Classic Shell) you can modify it to have the exact same behaviour than in WIndows 8.1. Change the right and left click to Windows Start Screen and also enable Right Click opens Win+X Menu.
Have installed Update 1 and the latest updates, it works fine.
I really think, there should be two posts, one with only the crash or issues with Aero Glass and another with all the not crash related matters.
Will be there a new website ?
New name "internal aerolite" bigmuscle It would be nice if you could turn this into a blur enabler / disabler tool. I do 10000% agree with Ace2
I've had a severe crash today with AeroGlass, i did change a setting with Aero Glass configurator and i've had then a black screen. Rebooted, loggued in safe mode, nothing solved the issue, i still had a black screen just after the WIndows logo. I reinstalled my Windows with the update 1 and now it seems perfectly working. Has anyone a great and easy tip to make the change of colors of the windows not also modified on tha taskbar. Thanks.
You can use ZIppyshare, it is free and works fine. You don't even need to create an account for it.
Thanks Ace for your tests. I followed the procedure of the Aerolite Hack but it doesn't seems to work. Could you upload your Themes folder ? Thanks
Can you make a screenshot ? http://www42.zippyshare.com/scaled/9261923/file.html
Classic shell + Winaero Skin 2.0 for Classic Shell has been made for Windows 8/8.1. I just found out that it also give some good results, better than Opaque Taskbar and TaskbarBlurToggle. gontie I am using Aerolite HACK, which i discovered. Do you have a link ?
Classic shell + Winaero Skin 2.0 for Classic Shell has been made for Windows 8/8.1. I just found out that it also give some good results, better than Opaque Taskbar and TaskbarBlurToggle.
Sad, because Opaque Taskbar or Taskbar Blur has not a lot left to have something closer to the real Aero effect. Of all the software i have tested, currently, Startisback is giving the best closer taskbar transparency effect.
Thanks Noel, I cannot see your the picture from the office so i will check it this afternoon. I still don't understand why all of you seems to be agains the fact that Aero Blur of Windows 8.1 (and update 1/2) should propose also a blurred taskbar as it is in WIndows 7 by default? Then if you prefere to use start is back/Classic shell or any other way to work, it is up to you, but at least, you have the same blurred transparency as on WIndows 7 by default. I will show my screenshot from Start is back, Start is back is better in blurred taskbar compare to TaskbarBlurToggle or Opaque Taskbar
I am sorry, but aero blur of Big muscle remains far better than start is back, so my request remain. Just place a text behind the taskbar, you will see that the blur of start is back is far from being as good as Big Muscle. Big Muscle, please can you give your opinion to that point ? Thanks.
Sorry, but my english is not so good to understand "so fussy" and some other part of your post. Doesn't it seems to be normal to report something which not beeing totally similar to Windows 7 transparency ? I think we are all missing it and do contribute one or other way to improve that software.
For information, in two year, WIndows 8 will not have updated anymore. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-8-support-lifecycle-windows-xp-enterprise,24665.html