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Posts posted by jfmartel

  1. Hello all!

    I was wondering if any of you did thid before.

    I'm trying to get the driver version installed on fresh installed machine.

    I know about some utilities like devcon, driverquery and filever, but they are very hard to work with and i get too much stuff generated by these utils.

    Is there an autamated way to get what's inside the device manager for specific device such as NIC and Video and the driver version installed....

    Thank you all!

  2. I'd like to have more information how to do that


    REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\UserInfo /v UserInfo /t REG_BINARY /d %%UserName%%

    Says "Too many command-lines in parameters"

    Tried with BINARY data such as 00010101 and it works..... so it really needs a BINARY data.... how do I convert STRING TO BINARY?

    Thank you!

  3. First of all, this topic should be moved to "Application Installs" subforum

    Since it's a Nullsoft Installer the working switches are: (found on their website)

    Which command line parameters can be used to configure installers?

    /S - Silent installation

    /D=C:\Bla - Set output folder

    /NCRC - Skip CRC check

    Note that command line options can be disabled by the author of an installer.

    So maybe, Instant Messenger disabled them......should you send them an email....

  4. You migh consider adding 2 ligne to your cleanup.cmd so all user can benefit this

    REG LOAD "HKLM\User" c:\Doc And Setting\Default User\NTUSER.DAT
    REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v StartMenuAdminTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    REG ADD "HKLM\User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v StartMenuAdminTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

    That way, default user will have it, and the current user too


  5. simonsays, totoymola, crahak, and i spent a lot of time

    working on our methods. and your going to say

    This is much more simple than any other method found in the topic, or using some unofficial build.

    Well im not disapproving what u are doing...if you want your Firefox installed with tweaks the way you like it... thats fine...

    But in my case, i dont need these...i want something very easy with the default settings... i dont want to specify a lot of setting for my users in my corporate environment....

    What i needed was something very easy without any tweaks.

    In my case, i guess im lucky... worked with that MSI

  6. i uninstalled firefox on my laptop on my pc

    i tried the /qn /qb switch nothing

    both computers using the latest sp2 w/ hotfixes

    so ...

    i asked 4 people from different parts of the world to test it also nada.


    As promised, here is my video of Unattended /qb installation of Firefox

    Enjoy... this is a great movie

    done on a Precision 360 Windows XP SP2 with latest hotfixes

    #1 Codec

    #2 Video


  7. I think its possible to change it at will.

    You just need to do it through REG.EXE instead of regedit imports.

    That way,  you can specify the userinfo in your batch-file and it gets imported.

    I'm not sure of what u mean by this

    What is REG.EXE and how i use it, and when i use it?

    Thank you!

  8. You know when you are launching for the first time any Office apps (Word, Excel, etc) from a newly created user profile, the installer start and then ask for a Username and Initials

    I found where this information is located....the problem is that the information stored about the user (name and initials) is stored in HEX !!!!!

    Key located in:


    I know this could be very easy to just enter anything there and then copy the whole key and load it in the .reg file that loads from the cmdline.txt.

    But, in my corporate environment, these key are very used for our template file.

    Thank you!

  9. Hello all!

    I got a strange behavior related to the Administrative Folder

    First of all

    1) I DO have enabled the "display Administrative Tools" in the Classic Properties of the Start Menu

    2) I want to get this folder into c:\DocAndSetting\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Utils instead of the typical c:\DocAndSetting\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

    3) Got a line in my cleanup.cmd file the contain the following code

    MOVE %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Utils

    The problem is:


    It keeps, for some reason, a copy of the original folder in the start menu. So i have one directly in Programs folder, and another one in Program/Utils


    -The one in the Utils folder contain all the link to the admin tools such as "Service, etc.

    -The one in the Program folder is empty. And the administrative tools that is found in the control panel is EMPTY too!!!!

    Anyone has a clue on this one

    Thank you all!

  10. Ok...after reading 20 pages of this post here... here is what i can see

    There is REBUILDED version of Firefox...

    There is REBUILDED unatttended version of Firefox...

    But havent found yet a way to just command line it like other app.

    Is there any FirefoxInstaller.exe /qn

    That just plain install it without some tweak that is not much usefull for corporative environment

    What kind of installer is the original installer?

    What are the switch for?

    Thank you!

  11. Using this

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
    "Pattern Upgrade"="TRUE"
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

    With this:


    Loaded from cmdlines.txt

    Works #1

    I'd like to thank everyone that bring solution to my problem


  12. Now i want to suppress the shortcut

    Anyone has the swtiches to delete them

    Tried using ORCA but havent found them

    Using Orca,

    Go to the Shortcut Table, all 3 are listed there.

    Just right click on each one and select Drop Row.

    Then resave your msi.

    Yup i tried with ORCA to get the property name, and got them....

    But i don't want to modify my MSI

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