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Everything posted by Peacem4k3r

  1. Both of you, make sure there is internet connectivity when you log-in, RC4 will automatically download debug symbols for the appropriate files and the Aero Glass should start eventually. Ahh, thank you. I used LAN to make sure I have internet connectivity on startup, and everything is working again. I was dumb ^^
  2. Yea, same problem here. My windows auto-updated, and your AeroGlass says it isn't compatible with my system anymore. Do you want me to upload anything for you to check?
  3. Hey, the new version works great. No visual artifacts etc. The only thing that is not fixed (at least for me) is, that the taskbar isn't colorized. For example, my window frames are green, but the taskbar is white. It is transparent and it got blur, though. What do you think? Is there a way to fix this?
  4. Because AeroGlass does not support any settings to adjust the blur. Opacity is adjusted by slider in Windows Control panel. The opacity adjuster in Control Panel's Color Mixer works correctly, yet blurring settings in AGTweaker don't work... maybe I'm wrong and I need some custom theme in order to see blurring around windows' captions (e.g. like in last screenshot posted by Peacem4k3r)? The blur around the window text is theme related. You need a special theme for it ;3
  5. Everything works perfectly, I don't see a single bug occuring with my setup. But this may be because of me not having two or three screens ^^' But yeah, really beautiful, easy to use and stable! (No crash till now). I hope you will continue developing this beautiful piece of software. You really have my thanks! (I will try to donate, but for me it's really difficult to do because I don't have PayPal..) Here's a screenshot of my current setup:
  6. My DLL versions: (Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64) C:\Windows\System32\UDWM.dll: 6.2.9200.16420 ~ \dwmcore.dll: 6.2.9200.16433
  7. Hey, I'm not sure.. but.. is the taskbar supposed to be clear or is this a bug:
  8. Just a report: The fullscreen D3D app mouse stutter issue is not resolved in the current build.
  9. Hey, just that you know... Did you post this at some japanese/chinese forum? If not, someone is copying you: http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread-1270848-1-1.html
  10. Now I did set it to 0 in the registry, but somehow the new effect doesn't even come near to the effect in v5 (which was nearly perfect). Additionally, there isn't enough transparency on active windows (the color is like rock solid) Sorry if I do something wrong, I'm just confused because the old version (v5) ran really well. Whats the difference between D2D and D3D mode in means of how you modify the window borders?
  11. I tried it again and now it worked. But it's not working as it's supposed to. Look at the screenshots: The top image is the window in ACTIVE state, the bottom in INACTIVE state. I don't know how this is caused :\ I use the same settings as in v5. Edit: Here is the debug log: http://pastebin.com/RWQzdT4B
  12. It works great but the app still don't like my GPU idle clock profiles, it lags. Forcing a fixed gpu profile and ignoring the idle clocks is not a good option but the lag will disappear, for now. If you open more than ten windows in explorer, then you grab a window and move it over the other windows you will notice a big lag, but this can be fixed by closing some windows. Btw, loaded the glass with the system. Unfortunately, as I said earlier, there is some problem that causes poor performance with layered windows in your computer. And there is very small chance that this will ever be fixed (unless someone finds a way to correctly composite hidden areas of desktop without layered windows). Btw, can anyone confirm that the problem with fullscreen games has been fixed in this version? I would love to test it, but as I mentioned a few post before, the new version doesn't work for me at all :\ I just does nothing on startup, not even a message is shown (I posted the debug log in my post a few pages ago)
  13. Hey, could you tell me what theme you are using? Thank you! It's the Win7Theme that was discussed in the last pages http://xxinightxx.deviantart.com/art/Windows-7-Vs-REV-D-350491112 Ohh, thank you! (Sorry for being too dumb to make proper researches ;3)
  14. Hey, could you tell me what theme you are using? Thank you!
  15. Hey, I tested your new version but it doesn't work. I get no black screen or crash when I try to start the loader, but aero isn't turned on, either. Here is the content of debug.log: [0x157C] Installing DWM hook... [0x157C] DWM: 0x00000000000000A8, error = 0 [0x157C] Module: C:\DWMHOOK\dwmglass.dll [0x157C] RemoteDLLName: 0x0000002E794F0000 [0x157C] WriteProcessMemory: 1, error 0 [0x157C] LoadLibrary: 0x000007FFD32E28AC [0x157C] CreateRemoteThread: 0x00000000000000AC error 0
  16. Could you check the fullscreen app window styles? E.g. via WinID utitlity - http://www.dennisbabkin.com/winid/ ... it will be difficult to check but I believe it is possible somehow - run WinID, run your app, move mouse pointer when it is in fullscreen, press right SHIFT (click sound should be heard), go back to WinID and check "Captured shots in upper menu". Copy the info here. Sure! I tried it and it worked at the first try. Here is the resulting data, I hope it helps you If you need something else, just tell me! WinID - [Unregistered] HWND: 0x71112 ID: 0x0 Wnd Pos: X = 0; Y = 0; W = 1920; H = 1080 Client Pos: X = 0; Y = 0; W = 1920; H = 1080 Wnd Brds: CX = 0; CY = 0 Wnd Ver: 0x0500 Wnd Stat: Enabled = 1; Visible = 1; Unicode = 1 Class: Battlefield 3™ Class C++: Class Desc: "" HMODULE: 0x400000 Atom: 0xC288 WndProc Class: 0x426530 WndProc Window: 0x426530 Menu: 0x0 Window DC: 0x19011CAE Client DC: 0x1F011EEF HICON: 0x6D1241 HICON(sm): 0x4B11F7 HCURSOR: 0x0 HBRUSH: 0x290001C Xtra [Cls, Wnd]: 0x0, 0x8 Class Styles: 0x0 Proc ID: 0x1260 Proc Open Lvl: 0 Proc Ver: 4.0; Wow64 = 1 Priorty Class: 0x20 = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS Proc Crtd: 03/25 2:35:24 Proc Krnl Time: 00:25.537 Proc Usr Time: 04:03.782 Proc Affty Msk: 0xFF Proc Hndls: 570 Proc GDI Hndls: 32 Proc USER Hndls: 34 Mod Alloc Base: 0x400000 Mod Entry Pnt: 0x24894E0 Mod Sz: 0x208A000 Proc WrkSet Sz: 0x397D1000 Proc Min WrkSet Sz: 0x8676000 Proc Max WrkSet Sz: 0x879D000 Proc Pg Flts: 0x19C87D Proc Pk WrkSet Sz: 0x3B788000 Proc Qt Pk PgdPl Usg: 0xD2198 Proc Qt PgdPl Usg: 0xC0908 Proc Qt Pk NPgdPl Usg: 0x33580 Proc Qt NPgdPl Usg: 0x32F80 Proc Pgfl Usg: 0x3CE0B000 Proc Pk Pgfl Usg: 0x3E859000 Proc I/O Rd Nm: 8659 Proc I/O Wt Nm: 148 Proc I/O Oth Nm: 133047 Proc I/O Rd: 0x2647E622 Proc I/O Wt: 0x299D32 Proc I/O Oth: 0xF39FD5 Proc Prvlgs: { {SeChangeNotifyPrivilege: 0x3 = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT}, } Thrd ID: 0xC5C Priorty Lvl: 0x0 = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL Thrd Priorty Boost: 0 Thrd Crtd: 03/25 2:35:24 Thrd Krnl Time: 00:00.374 Thrd Usr Time: 00:00.452 Base Priorty (Bkgnd): 7 Base Priorty (Frgnd): 9 Img Path: "C:\OriginGames\Battlefield 3\bf3.exe" Img Type: [32bit-GUI] Mod Path: "C:\OriginGames\Battlefield 3\bf3.exe" Mod Type: [32bit-GUI] HINST: 0x400000 ShtDn Priorty Lvl: 0x1 ShtDn Flgs: 0x0 ShtDn No Retry: 0 Parent HWND: Parent Class: Wnd Styles: 0x14000000 = WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS Wnd ExStyles: 0x8 = WS_EX_TOPMOST
  17. So, does that mean that our problem is theoretically solvable? Currently, I have a small script running that automatically disables your loader when I'm switching to a fullscreen application, but it doesn't always solve the problem. For example, I start Battlefield 3 (or any other fullscreen D3D application), and your loader gets closed by my script. Then I have a somewhat 50/50 chance that the mouse jitter stops. I don't know why this is the case, but I would love to assist you in troubleshooting this problem Peacem4k3r
  18. Ohh, I found a massive bug. With your Loader enabled, the mouse stutters alot in D3D games. Its like its trying to get to its old position when I'm trying to move it. (This happens f.e. in BF3, LeagueOfLegends; D3D games) ~Naschkatze
  19. Thanks ;3 For me, it works pretty good. Sometimes, it crashes on activation, leaving me with a black screen and mouse pointer. But not that often, so it's really nice for a preview version! Additionally, I tuned down the opacity to 80, because 170 is waaaay to less I also want to thank you for your work. I'm a programmer by myself, and I know that it can sometimes be really hard to get good feedback out of the mass that often only wants "Aero Glass" to work, and then whines because it doesn't at the first try. I really appreciate your work! Thank you, and I hope that this will someday reach a really stable state. ;3 ~Peacem4k3r
  20. "I am not absolutely sure, but it seems that rounded corners comes from visual theme too. At least, the theme Win7forWin8 somehow achieves rounded corners on taskbar preview windows. (Therefore, it generates more vertices than my AeroGlass expect and it crashes). But I won't add them to my utility, it would require complicated vertex buffer modification and I have even the problem to modify vertex buffer to extend rendered edges by blur radius :-D " Does anybody here have a link for that theme called "Win7forWin8"? I do want to try it, but googling doesn't yield any usable results :\
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