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Posts posted by drakenabarion

  1. Oh, I have been using hte latest RC for over a week without getting the error about the Theme Resources.

    Yesterday I tried out the theme posted about 20 posts ago with the default Windows 8 with text glow (Think its called Aero Glow). And then I started to get the theme saving error.

    And what is more annoying about that, is that uninstalling the Aero Glow theme does not stop the error. But I'm not complaining. I know that these things happen when bug testing, and that seems to be a way to cause the bug.

  2. I dont think I was the only person unable to get the inactive to change. Someone else with an nVidia card was also unable.

    If you set inactive colortization settings properly then the color will change properly. The color cannot be changed by simple running AGTweaker - you will get only unexpected results in this case, because it does not set all ColorizationXXXInactive values properly.

    Thanks for the tip. I avoided using AGTweaker, but I guess I must have used it at one point. I guess what I am looking for is to set the inactive colour to something much closer than the active colour. Perhaps, that is not possible on the default Windows 8 theme. (Setting active grey changed inactive colour to white, so I guess that is why I though that I was getting no colour).

  3. NoelC: Ok here it actually is, your updated theme where I added transparencies as I like them to the control buttons:




    Your inactive window colours are very nice. What do you do to get them? I have been unable to change the inactive window colours. What am I doing wrong? :3 here are my Reg Settings. Everything else works perfectly.


    I dont think I was the only person unable to get the inactive to change. Someone else with an nVidia card was also unable.

    Ooh and here are my log files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/73idsbxj5ho2tdw/debug30-May-2013.log

  4. BigMuscle, did you see my last post (#1878) with my most recently updated theme file?


    I think the hint of rounded corners, yet the squarer, slightly flatter controls says "a better Windows 8 desktop" pretty nicely. Of course I'm willing to tweak the file any way you'd like, just let me know. You already have my eMail address if you'd like to take the conversation private.

    But you're right; the ability to load full themes at run time, if you can pull that off, would please a WHOLE lot of folks who feel uncomfortable with changing their system files, and take your product to whole new level beyond your already impressive achievement.


    Seems to be aligned nicely now. I added transparency to the buttons again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8zo8orea8ehspy5/AlternateThemeNewTransp.png

    Edit: Actually, I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but, the Shadow on those themes affect the Steam windows aswell. And possible some element of the glow. I think I noticed it before but I tested some of the other themes without shadow and the Steam windows lost the shadow too. :)

  5. Do you think you can work with Vishal Gupta (http://www.askvg.com/) to port AeroVG 7 theme to Windows 8 and use that?

    I dont think everyone is going to like that. Yes, its a nice theme and everything, but, that would not be my taste anyway. :)

    I'm using a PNG where NoelC added drop shadow. I made the text glow more, white therefore more intense, and made the Window Control buttons transparent (so that the red looks ruby in colour in active windows and the blue looks more grey/blue. The default theme Window control buttons are very strongly coloured, so I have been using this for some time and I quite like it. Of course, it is my own personal taste.


  6. So let's prepare for final version. But I would need a little bit of help to finish 1.0 and prepare all stuff for user-friendly release:

    a) if you are using RC2 version then upload your debug.log after few hours of running. I would be glad if this running time includes common operations, computer restarts, etc.

    B) it would be good if we can collect screenshots from Aero Glass usage to be displayed on the website (@ berlios currently). The screenshots should be clean as much as possible, smart and should not contain any personal information or advertisement (it should not even include desktop shortcuts of cracked software etc.). I will then select some of them and put them on the website.

    c) I'm searching for someone experienced who would be able to create official theme for the Aero Glass utilization. This theme should be elegant, clean and it should be made only as a modification of the original Win8 theme resource. (so only PNG compatible with default Win8 Aero theme) It mustn't be the complete msstyle theme. I would suggest to base the look on Win8 Consumer/Release Preview (square look with shadows, bordered frame buttons, caption glow etc.) It must look good with Aero Glass effect - possibly regardless the selected frame color.

    Thank you!

    I will work on this ASAP.

    I also assume for Screenshots, the desktop images should only be Windows Defaults to avoid and wallpaper artist objections? (Or personal, non identifying images/wallpapers from designers who with to have their wallpapers used for this purpose).

  7. How so? There isn't Control Panel in 8.1 or what? StartIsBack has its settings in it too.

    Ha! I never noticed this because it just says "Start Menu" like it did in previous versions (of Windows).

    So yes, a settings shortcut in the control panel should be no difficulty because many applications have this.

  8. And to inactive colors... how to reproduce your problem? I changed appropriate registry values and have no problems. Inactive frame color changed as expected.

    For me, the inactive colour changed when I restart the DWM process, but once I select then deselect a window, they are uncoloured after they are made inactive. (Not a huge problem for me really, but I figure it is not expected behaviour?)

  9. Ok, today I noticed that Explorer restarted a few times. (Taskbar and Windows Explorer stopped responding, desktop image and taskbar disappeared briefly and reappeared).

    There is no crash.log or minidump, so I do not have any debuging logs to share. I guess I cannot be surethat it has anything to do with AeroGlass - it might be unrelated. But, I think it might be worth mentioning. *shrug* :D

    Oh, also. I cannot modify the inactive window colours. They keep resetting.

    Other than that, its working great. I have not seen one Artefact in days.

  10. Nope, callBlurShapes does not provide much useful information. The only thing which can be tested with it is DWM compatibility + colorization settings.

    Btw, I found a bug which happens when window is moved outside the bottom screen boundary. Could that be what you were reporting as "black screen when I touch the taskbar" (so it is not touching the taskbar but moving the part of window below the taskbar) ???

    Hmm, I will check again. Could it be an overlap with the taskbar that causes this? I have my taskbar set to autohide, and some of my windows explorer windows are covered when I move to the bottom of the screen to activate the taskbar. I will check in a moment, but that sounds like it could be at least part of the issue.

  11. calBlurShapes is just a temporary solution because it does not generate glass region properly and can break with any Windows Updates. I will remove it when I am able to fix the issue. I will post another version to test when I manage to log Direct3D pipeline errors.

    Ah, I understand. Does running with callBlurShapes give any useful information then? Or are there other things I ought to test out at this point?

  12. Minidump is not important now, it will always look same - stuck in nVidia driver after DWM failed wth ERR_NO_HARDWARE error. Just post debug.log if you use "x64_HookFlag" version.

    Ok, here they are. I did not delete logs between the versions I tried today, but I am using "x64_HookFlag" now, so the later entries will refer to that.

    Crash: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xa7o69jr5no4s7t/crash%2012-May-2013.log

    Debug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wd5smji2rghi824/debug%2012-May-2013.log

    Threads: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jw2eq1klukd2wy/threads%2012-May-2013.log

    I will start deleting the log files after updating in future (after saving them else where in an archive folder).

  13. I have been away a few days so I did not test right away.

    RC0 - gives black screen just as reported, as did subsequent debug versions. The version labelled "debug_with_dump.7z" initally loaded DWM in a way that seemed normal, but interacting with the taskbar caused the black screen - the screen that went black was the screen that the taskbar was interacted with, while the other screen did not change graphically but mouse inputs were ignored. Was possible to use F11.

    In the latest version that generates a minidump, callBlurShapes=0x1 seems to allow things to work again, and so far I do not see the presence of artifacts, and it is currently performing well. I reloaded DWM so I think I might have to restart explorer for the taskbar to colourise properly. I will keep running and report any additional problems later.

    I can provide the logs but are they still needed? You have had a few people provide logs so far and the callBlurShapes "fix" seems to currently sorted some issues out. SO if the minidump is not needed, I can still provide the other logs. Since the minidump is over 100mb, it will take a long time for me to upload. I will do so if it is still needed.

    Edit: Just to mention (again) that I use an nVidia card (GTX570) and the driver version is 320.00.

    Edit: Here are the links to the other logs and the minidump once it finshed uploading.

    Crash: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xa7o69jr5no4s7t/crash%2012-May-2013.log

    Debug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wd5smji2rghi824/debug%2012-May-2013.log

    Threads: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jw2eq1klukd2wy/threads%2012-May-2013.log

    Minidump: -No longer needed :D-

  14. It's name might be rainmeter, but it provides much more than a weather widget. Looks like you didn't look into it enough. It supports all sorts of usage/temp/net/playback info an is much easier if you want to script stuff yourself. Otherwise getting a skin you like is not different from installing a gadget...

    Thats one option, or, I can have my widgets that I have already which provide clean neat real-time graphs and stats.

    Well, this isnt really the right place to discuss the best or worst details of Rainmeter. Still, if people are using Gadget8, there are older versions that crashed whenever DWM did something new (Such as AeroGlass :) ), and newer versions do not crash like this.

  15. Sorry if this has been asked before, but how do I update the DWMGlass.dll file as its locked?

    Do I have to reboot into safe mode?

    What I do is rename the file (since I have permissions to rename in the folder I keep in) then copy the new dll, then force DWM process to restart.

  16. drakenabarion: your settings seem to be correct, but could you provide your theme resource? Do the glitches appear always, i.e. anytime you drag one window over another or only when new window is opened over existing frame?

    Sure! Here is the resource:


    It does not seem to matter if the window is newly opened or if it has been opened awhile. However, newly opened windows do not always show the behaviour right away. It can take up to a minute for it to start causing glitches. But I am pretty certain every window does it eventually.

    What I will do is try running for a bit without any loaded resource file and see if that makes a difference.

    Edit: Ok right after forcing DWM to reset after renaming "CustomThemeResource", the artifacts still happen, but are lighter in colour.

    Certainly, AeroGlass performs well. I don't suggest resolving the artifacts to be made a high priority as I can deal with a few artifacts, while other work might be of greater priority. :)

  17. And about glitches... don't use native blur rendering.

    I am not intending to make more discussion about this but since you advice was not to use Native Blur, and I was not using Native Blur, I just want to confirm that I do not have something crazy in my settings. I only ever used Native Blur to test it for at most 5 minutes when you introduced it.

    So here is a screenshot showing the version of Aero Glass, the Registry keys and the Glitching in the title bar. I have some degree of control over where the glitch occurs so I put a little pattern into the test area. :)

    Again, the glitch occurs a little distance outside the active window but is affected by the active window. Some people said it happens anywhere on the screen, but I have only ever seen the effect on inactive windows that are behind the active window I am currently moving.


    So if we can confirm that my settings themselves are/are not the cause of the glitching, I can continue providing feedback later on with the knowledge that my observations are not biased by an incorrect setup.

    Edit: I just had Either(maybe both) DWM or Explorer crash and restart.



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