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Posts posted by drakenabarion

  1. What does this error message mean "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS money FROM donators WHERE email='****@yahoo.com' AND password='*****' at line 1" When I log on to my profile at http://www.glass8.eu/support. I used stars to censor my email and password

    This is probably because BigMuscle is/was updating the content scripts for the user section of the site. Try again later ;)




    Ok so initial impressions of AeroGlass test version.


    So far so good in terms of border transparency. But to mirror everyone else - the Window theme is kind of a step back. What are MS thinking??? :D With Glass enabled, there is no clear border on the window. A tiny black line maybe but see how it is difficult to distinguish where the window ends when there is a dark coloured window behind it. Similar problem on the taskbar.




    Also, Glass is working nicely with EnableBlur. I can control the taskbar is transparent or not independantly to the window borders. I want the taskbar the same as the window borders, but, for someone who might now, this tool works well together with AeroGlass.


    Everything feels stable right now, and I will update after a few days of usage.




    AeroLite theme exists. But unlike with Windows 8, the Titlebar Text is no longer white. And just like Windows 8, the Taskbar text is black (and makes reading the clock more difficult).



  2. It seems to be a bug in my script. I try to fix it as soon as possible.

    Well, I still have the previously activated licence keys which are still working so I am not so worried about recovering what I previously had there. Just letting you know that it has unexpected behaviour.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  3. Just to note, I donated again and my previous generated keys have been overwritten by the new donation so that when I log into that part of the page, it is like I had not previously donated anything.


    (I know my individual donations arent so large as I would like them to be but I donate when I can, and considering I use AeroGlass basically all the time, its always been worth it)

  4. Why can't you back up 8.1?  The system comes with the ability to make both a bootable System Recovery Drive and a System Image backup.


    This is because the System Recovery Drive /System Image Backup backup for Windows 8, and I updated to 8.1 from the App Store, which does not update the part of the system that makes a backup... Unless I am completely mistaken, in which case, ignore me :D

  5. Beware... 


    This can potentially happen, though obviously you haven't paid anything for Windows 10:  http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/172440-i-fell-through-a-microsoft-trap-door/


    For those of you considering moving up to Windows 10 as your main OS (i.e., not as just a test)...  You do realize that it will expire (in 2015) and it will likely not be upgradeable to a licensed system, right?



    Right, I know this. It will either need a clean install or a revert back to 8, then 8.1 and then finally 10. But I think I am ok with that - however, that might be a good reason to stay with 8.1 on my main pc, which is fine really. Now if only I could backup 8.1 and all its updates xD


    Edit: Just to follow up, adding Media Centre from the previous key makes the OS Windows 8 again, but with the start menu and etc from Windows 10, as an evaluation copy of the OS... SO no change really.


    Edit: It seems to have problems like Windows Updates check for the wrong version of Windows.


    Sorry, this is really off topic :D

  6. I must say, the only two things that stop me using Win 10 TP on my main desktop is the lack of Glass, and also the Lack of Media Centre (which is the successful way I could use my tv card). Interface really does make a difference, and currently, there are no technological advancements on Win 10. (I guess this post *could* be off topic!)

    I was successful installing Media Center on my Win 10 TP VMWare installation using the free key Microsoft sent me in 2012!
    I must try that!

    Now I just need a good way to back up my channel settings (sat TV card - took me forever to remove the excess 500 useless channels).

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  7. I must say, the only two things that stop me using Win 10 TP on my main desktop is the lack of Glass, and also the Lack of Media Centre (which is the successful way I could use my tv card). Interface really does make a difference, and currently, there are no technological advancements on Win 10. (I guess this post *could* be off topic!)



    I have windows 8.1 x64 pro, and i have a problem with the installer.






    Well, that seems odd. I know I had no problem installing on my install on Win8.1 Pro x64. Although it might be that it does not automatically install symbols unless you donate and unlock that (I dont know for sure, I donated as soon as I could)


    What does the debug.log say in the install location?





    This is what i get in the log file:

    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0x1348:0x1394] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0x1348:0x1394] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0x1348:0x1394] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0x10D0] Donation key not loaded (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0x10D0] Machine ID: AC3GJFLMLUYTTL755MITLTE34MYL3BIVNZLIUKFI6L3CMAPA
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0x10D0] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #2
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0x10D0] Aero Glass for Win8.1 v1.2.5 x64 correctly loaded (C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll).
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0xCF0] dwmcore.dll version 6.3.9600.17200
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0xCF0] udwm.dll version 6.3.9600.17284
    [2014-10-10 10:58:30][0xC20:0xCF0] DWM incompatibility error 0x4.



    Ok, so you dont have the donate key and therefore need to manually download symbols in order for the transparency to work.


    I dont have a guide off the top of my head because I never needed to do this... maybe give me a second.

    [edit] Dont really have time to find how to do it for you but I am sure you can find it easy enough.

  9. I have windows 8.1 x64 pro, and i have a problem with the installer.






    Well, that seems odd. I know I had no problem installing on my install on Win8.1 Pro x64. Although it might be that it does not automatically install symbols unless you donate and unlock that (I dont know for sure, I donated as soon as I could)


    What does the debug.log say in the install location?

  10. --------

    Meanwhile, I created a small utility which can alter blur (Win7-8.1) and accent (Win8-10) on any window. You can download it here: http://glass8.eu/stuff/EnableBlur.7z

    The usage is:

    EnableBlur.exe [hwnd | name | class] [<window handle> | <window name> | <window class name>] [blur | accent] [<true/false when blur>|<number 0-4 when accent>]

    For example, to disable accent and enable blur on the taskbar, use:

    EnableBlur.exe class Shell_TrayWnd accent 0EnableBlur.exe class Shell_TrayWnd blur true


    In Windows 10:

    Accent changed the taskbar to opaque on each value 0-4. I do not see much difference in each of those values but my taskbar is no longer transparent.

    Blur changed the Taskbar to the Theme colour when True and to a lighter version of it when false (Which I think its the default).


    I am guessing this will make more sense when Areo Glass is running. I have not tried on my Windows 8.1 machine.

  11. Maybe another direction altogether?

    I was thinking Aero+, AeroGlass+, but then I thought of something else.

    How about some metaphor of things in a physical window.

    Aero Glaze sprung to mind.

    But that probably isn't very good. One can glaze a window and also many deserts, but it's probably not so great a name.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk


    Still, in the Windows 10 TP feedback app a lot of people are also asking for Aero. So, who knows? There's always some hope! Though if they don't listen this time around I will admit they'll have exhausted my patience. 


    I've provided what feedback I could in this app - There is a huge amount of feedback asking to fix everything wrong with Windows 8 - and I hope its listened to.


    And yes, I've seen at least 15 different feedback posts requesting glass, and a few requesting a customisable theme engine. But given their general borderless theme, which includes several elements that improve the theme, was implemented so badly, I have little confidence in MS to do a good UI anymore.


    I look forward to seeing 10 in a glassy way but for now I am staying with 8.1, made act like Windows 7, with thanks to BigMuscle (and also startisback).

  13. I am hoping that Windows 10 can be like the new 7. The technical preview isn't much more than a new start menu and theme (borderless feels odd in most situations, I need some border!).

    The advantages exist in the preview, like much faster boot times. But I just don't know what direction MS want to go. Office was a disaster, Windows 8, I make look like 7 where it counts.

    I was hoping for more out of steam os... But it will never have support for windows only games...

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk


    Currently, it should be possible to use my Aero Glass in Win10 to change atlas file only.



    Heh, I'll try that and see how it works.


    I see that Win 10 desktop windows are nearly borderless now.  That'll be something I'll want to fix.  Beyond it being ugly, it's almost comical to have to resize windows by grabbing their edges from some pixels outside the actual visible window....




    Asthetically, I can see the appeal of the borders being so thin. Also they added the window shadow to the theme... but neither are implemented particularly well as of yet.


    I tried it for Windows 10 and downloaded and installed the correct symbols but still didn't work. It what to expect for a technical preview.

    From my first observation: there are only small changes in DWM. The main problem is that MS ripped out the last remainders of glass stuff which mainly means renamed functions. Thus, it currently does not work although you have symbols, because e.g. function DrawGlass is not there (it has been changed to DrawGeometry)...


    Currently, it should be possible to use my Aero Glass in Win10 to change atlas file only.


    I am guessing that, given that so much of the end product might change over the next number of months, it might be a little futile for try keep up with compatibility until the end prouct of Windows 10 arrives?


    However, if you need me to test something, I am running the tech preview on one of my machines. Given its current level of stability, maybe all of my machines soon***. Yes I was very quiet since a stable version of AeroGlass 8.1 was released - everything worked perfectly for so many months, I had very little to feedback. But, you might need someone for testing if you decide togive support to a non final version of 10.


    (***Since Windows 7, I never had problems with system stability - The UI may have faltered but Windows stability has never been in doubt since 7!)

  16. I think the update is a good thing. Ok so some people depended on features that are no longer being supported, but, they would not have been supported with the new method of installing anyway.

    However, something I have noticed.

    I use SIB for the start menu, and when I do not select "Disable Taskbar Transparancy", the taskbar is transparent, but not blurred.

    When I enable it, the taskbar is not transparent (as labelled) except for whatever is inside a window. It does not show desktop images or Icons, but it does show the contents of any window that is behind it, and thost contents are blurred.

    Ideally, it would be nice if I could have things blurred while not selecting "Disable Taskbar Transparancy".

  17. Oh yes, this works on both monitors now! :)

    FYI, the download link on the webpage still links to the Beta 2, but changing the url to having a 3 instead of a 2 works for download.

    Edit: Anyway, I'll test for longer term stability and report back if anything goes wrong. So far I am so very pleased to have transparency in 8.1, and could not care less about things like watermarks or debug windows. ;)

  18. Oh, and for what it's worth, you don't need to go through a big production involving the registry to install these files if you already have beta 1...

    Just RENAME the old files that are about to be overwritten, then copy the new ones out of BigMuscle's .7z file, then either close the DWM window or log off/on.


    Actually, I am getting the new dll running. I updated this way (I definitely deleted the old one). Yup, still has the problem. But not complaining - its what the beta is for right? To iron out these things :)

  19. Thanks for the update. On Beta 2, I still have problems with my second monitor. Similar symptoms as last time however, instead of having an after image of what was last displayed on the second monitor, it is just black. I can still see mouse pointer on it.

    GPU is GTX570

    [0x8EC] License file loaded[0x8EC] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0x8EC] License code: 0[0x8EC] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x8EC] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x8EC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x8EC] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x8EC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x8EC] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x8EC] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0xFD0] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0x56C] Propagating user logon successful.[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0xFD0] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xFD0] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\3F9BD655DE8740EA85CB67518CF763C42\dwmcore.pdb[0xFD0] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0xB84] Uninstalling...[0xE14] License file loaded[0xE14] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0xE14] License code: 0[0xE14] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xE14] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xE14] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0xE14] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0xE14] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0xE14] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0xE14] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0xC4C] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0xE28] Propagating user logon successful.[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0xC4C] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xC4C] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\3F9BD655DE8740EA85CB67518CF763C42\dwmcore.pdb[0xC4C] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0xD24] Uninstalling...[0xE40] License file loaded[0xE40] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0xE40] License code: 0[0xE40] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xE40] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xE40] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0xE40] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0xE40] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0xE40] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0xE40] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0x954] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0xE8C] Propagating user logon successful.[0x954] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0x954] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0x954] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x954] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\3F9BD655DE8740EA85CB67518CF763C42\dwmcore.pdb[0x954] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x9CC] Uninstalling...[0xBAC] License file loaded[0xBAC] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0xBAC] License code: 0[0xBAC] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xBAC] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0xBAC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0xBAC] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0xBAC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0xBAC] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0xBAC] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0xD24] Failed to load custom theme file (0x2)[0xE28] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0xD24] Propagating user logon successful.[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0xE28] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xE28] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\3F9BD655DE8740EA85CB67518CF763C42\dwmcore.pdb[0xE28] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x15BC] Uninstalling...[0x152C] License file loaded[0x152C] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0x152C] License code: 0[0x152C] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x152C] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x152C] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x152C] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x152C] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x152C] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x152C] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0xD18] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0x1284] Propagating user logon successful.[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0xD18] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD18] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\3F9BD655DE8740EA85CB67518CF763C42\dwmcore.pdb[0xD18] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x171C] Uninstalling...
  20. I just had a go on Windows 8.1. I have a dual monitor setup.

    In the primary window, it worked perfectly. In the secondary window... It was like the desktop no longer knew where the window is. If I start Aero Glass by restarting the DWM process, the secondary monitor keeps the image but I can no longer interact with the screen - its like the desktop is limited to one screen, however, the mouse pointer is able to move there.

    According to bigmuscle (see post #141 earlier in this thread), this has been fixed and the fix will be in the next beta release.


    Thanks. At the moment I have a very slow connection so it took some time to read through the whole thread - I was just coming back here to edit the post as originally I read up to the beginning of page 4 with no mention of multi monitors.

    Although its basically the same issue, I'm going to describe it as fully as I can... although yes, the problem is most probably fixed already.

    1) I did not have crashes like other people.

    2) The mouse pointer (and only the mouse pointer) worked on the secondary screen

    3) Depending on when the dll gets loaded, the second monitor displays the last frame that the monitor displayed. So if its started on boot, that is a black screen, or if its started later, thats the image of whatever was last on the desktop.

    4) Objects can be dragged into the second monitor - the desktop area is still active, but not displayed.

  21. I just had a go on Windows 8.1. I have a dual monitor setup.

    In the primary window, it worked perfectly. In the secondary window... It was like the desktop no longer knew where the window is. If I start Aero Glass by restarting the DWM process, the secondary monitor keeps the image but I can no longer interact with the screen - its like the desktop is limited to one screen, however, the mouse pointer is able to move there.

    [0x199C] License file loaded[0x199C] Machine ID: EQ6VHPLE3YWGULCZ3QU3LTIU52OLGO7HXQLDKYHYYLF7D5QA[0x199C] License code: 0[0x199C] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x199C] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x199C] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x199C] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x199C] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x199C] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x199C] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Beta 1 correctly loaded.[0x1318] Failed to load custom theme file (0x2)[0x21F8] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\DWM\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0x21F8] CTopLevelWindow::UpdateOcclusionHints hooked successfuly[0x1318] Propagating user logon successful.[0x21F8] CGlassColorizationParameters::AdjustWindowColorization failed (0).[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\uDWM.pdb\30C7272ED65C4EE6A9778128E65E70642\uDWM.pdb[0x21F8] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0x21F8] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x21F8] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x21F8] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols         C:\DWM\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\E0BCDC3E2B3B4712A67C5C16C295B7C42\dwmcore.pdb[0x21F8] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x21F8] CDrawingContext::DrawVisualTree failed (2158592).[0x21F8] CHwndRenderTarget::RenderDirtyRegion failed (2158592).
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