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Posts posted by drakenabarion

  1. Would anybody care to help me out with this? On Windows 10, I like the buttons from the Win8CP but I do not like the slightly misaligned borders that are around the start menu and notification panel, and I have had no success removing that. And in order to minimise those start menu borders, I have basically copied the buttons from win8rp to win8cp (It has a more elaborate layout file) and removed any borders from normal windows, which I would prefer to have. I also darkened the shadows a bit. Even then there is some border left on the start menu.




    The current theme that I am using is in that dropbox link named "win8rp - Copy.png", but in that folder there is also the win8rp and win8cp themes. Normally I am ok editing around the atlas files, but, I have no proficiency in the layout files.

  2. So after the newest update to AeroGlass, I am finding that the Win8CP atlas looks great. Apart from one detail - I cant seem to be able to disable the borders that happen around the start menu/system tray/notification panel.


    Would someone be able to explain what I should change or edit?


    Here are the Atlas from Win8RP and Win8CP. I really like the buttons form Win8CP. These were in previous releases of AeroGlass.



  3. I fooled around with the atlas file quite a bit and was able to get the start menu to be border-less. The windows also look pretty good.





    This looks quite suitable to my needs. I havent been able to get the frame borders to stay whille having a borderless start menu. Do you mind sharing this?

  4. (To no one in particular...)

    After a bit of refinement, how do these buttons look to you? More appealing than my prior version?


    (for Win 10) http://Noel.ProDigitalSoftware.com/ForumPosts/Win10/RoundedCorners.png


    To be honest, I love this gel effect. It's in keeping with what aero was in Windows 7, while simultaneously breaking new ground in the ui. Makes me wish we could have the ripple gel effect while moving windows from Linux.

    <3 <3 <3

    Edit: for my own preferences, I am likely to change the dark elements like the x or maximise button while also adding transparency to the mouse over on the buttons. But, as you do it for your preference, I will keep my changes, which are minor, completely private.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM12 (LP 5.0.2) using Tapatalk

  5. You're welcome, guys, and thanks for the feedback.  It was a quick effort and I might have missed some things - please let me know if you find anything wrong.


    Unfortunately, Microsoft processes the theme resources in such a way that it's impossible to make the borders look sharp and clean - perhaps it has to do with high DPI scaling, I'm not sure.  But whatever the reason, with all the versions of Windows 10 so far the pixels at the border are not painted one for one from the theme atlas, which makes the borders seem a little less sharp and clean than I'd like.


    Also, I personally like to reduce the size of the title bar, which used to work across the board but now only works for Desktop applications (not Metro).  Still it's an improvement.  This registry file will do that...





    I am trying to work something out with the themeatlas from AeroLite which still exists in build 9926, and has full borders. In this version, the taskbar icons and text are also white so its easier to work with. Maybe that could be a solution to the border issue.


    Here is the basic ThemeAtlas from 9926's AeroLite https://www.dropbox.com/s/ctlclfot7ip6b0g/Win10v9926AeroLiteAtlas.png?dl=0




    I have realised I cant find the spot in AeroLite to place the text glow, so that is an issue. But here is what I have after a little light editing of the Atlas:

    Atlas: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vgwhtolztqz8fb/Win10v9926AeroLiteAtlas%20Inverted%20buttons.png?dl=0



  6. Well, taskbar transparency works with the commandline tool... but is lost every time the UI refreshes, which is often, especially if you bring up the start menu. I never got the start menu transparent.


    WinID says the class name for the start menu is "class Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow" however, that did not work for me, which I assume is partly because clicking start refreshes the UI and removes transparencies.

  7. I just updated to the newer build of Win10tp and it is seriously ugly! Definitely will use Startisback later.


    At least AeroGlass partially works (if you click cancel on the error message about being unable to get symbols/unable to hook DWM)


    Edit: And the commandline for putting blur on the taskbar works but gets reverted shortly after it is activated (by bringing up the start menu). It is actively trying to stop users having a nice OS.

  8. I am always so grateful for this project.


    In a clean install of Windows 10 tp, it takes a minute or two to install AeroGlass - in that time, it is so uncomfortable to use the OS. Its easy to forget how much of an improvement this is until you experience the moments without it.


    So as always, Thank you BM!

  9. I am not a fan of the Windows 10 start menu but while I am on the beta I am forcing myself to test it out.


    I dont like the accent on the taskbar so I use the commandline tool to make it more traditionally blured and its much nicer this way. But I havent been able to work out what class the start menu is rendered with so I havent been able to make the start menu transparent. I'll keep looking (although if someone knew it off the top of their head, I wouldnt object if you let me know).


    And overall, the commandline tool is easy to use. I just have it running in a batch file. It isnt instantly in effect but it works soon enough for my tastes and therefore I'm happy with that.


    But I am likely to use StartIsBack in the full release - the current start menu feels more and more like a struggle as I use it daily.

  10. NoelC, I just realised in the past couple of days that in Windows 10, Aerolite theme retains the windows border and is very easy to activate. Is this something you might plan to play around with?


    The only downside I can see is that taskbar text is locked in black with no glow.


    Edit: I have played around with the theme atlas. Not exactly big differences but I like the outcome.



    Screenshot of that:


  11. Aero needs to be at a folder where everyone can write.

    Why did you not install Glass to the location that's defaulted in the Setup?

    Do NOT install Aero Glass into non-writable location !!!

    If you are posting to me, it's installed to c:/dwm and has full permissions to the folder

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  12. I will provide logs later once I get home.

    I had and solved an issue with updating to the latest version of aeroglass where the new version could not download symbols from server, and gave me an error of access denied on a folder in c:/programdata/. I tried to take ownership of that folder but kept getting the dame errors until I deleted that folder. I will update later once I am at my pc. (it a few days ago but I am delayed as I have been sick a few days)

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  13. NoelC, Your theme has a nice colourisation to the active window. Its very clean looking. However, for the moment I dont enjoy the faux window borders and its annoying that MS are trying to force the borderlessness on everyone... Your theme looks good, but for now, I think I'd prefer your theme without the borders as they are now, but, instead would prefer a simple white line (since now they made the outer window have a black line, making Aeroglass look different to the 8.1 version, and hard to determine window border on dark desktop images - I guess I'd like a win10 version of the atlas that came with win8.1 AeroGlass).


    Also, I am not used to having a dark glow with light text. Its new and pretty nice. I think I would also prefer the minimise button and maximise button to also be light in colour now. But maybe with the same background glow as the titlebar glow.


    (I'm not very good at manipulating the Atlas files tho, as I dont really have anything other than the gimp that is capable of dealing with transparency and I dont even have the atlas for the build 9879).


    (Hope this is not coming off as a request, its not intended to be. Although it wouldn't be terrible if some of what I said was made into a theme, this is still in no way a request).

  14. It takes time of course but I don't understand the several day delay ms have before uploading symbols to the server. I want to get me some more testing of the new build. I just want to confirm it to be just as stable as any previous versions, which is pretty much what will happen.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  15. Been running on windows 10 tp for some time now and I have had no issues.

    Well only one theme related issue. That is the order edges of window borders are black instead of the white that I got used to in the windows 8.1. Not a big deal really. I just probably have to edit the atlas manually

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  16. It auto forgets passwords when you change networks!

    This made my day :yes:


    Lol. It sounds like a feature. Well of course it's a feature! Couldn't be a bug, right? If everything else was prefect I would suspect it's a bug but seeing how ms is trying is best to go against the user, I am forced to believe it's intentionally doing this.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  17. Nearest build of windows added another annoyance when it comes to Wifi networks.

    On my laptop, I spend time in my home network and in hotels, cafes and B&Bs. So if I stay in the same hotel more than once, I have to change the WiFi depending on the floor I am. Sometimes some APs are better than others and you don't know until you connect.

    So this is something that windows 8 did ok. The WiFi icon brings a side menu on the screen with the list of APs.

    But no more on win10! How dare we have convenience!

    Now you click on the same icon, and up comes the pc settings app. And wouldn't you expect that to open the WiFi APs page? Ha, don't be silly. It's the general networks tab, where then you need to click the WiFi settings.

    But wait! There is more,

    It auto forgets passwords when you change networks!

    What are you thinking ms?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  18. Just mirroring what has already been said. Aero is Transparent but no Atlas loaded. MS are very delayed with the symbols which I would have thought is an automatic thing built as the release is built.


    Edit: To add it it. Reflection.png is loaded. And Metro apps do not have transparent borders.


    For the new windows animations, the drop shadows do not appear until the animation completes. But I think most people are doing to disable these animations anyway.

  19. My question is, did they really need to spend so long updating this when the changes could probably have been done with a 10mb update. My bad connection aside (too several hours to download), it took forever to update.

    As for the window animation. They annoy me and yet there was similar in distributions of Linux that were fairly similar that did not annoy me. MS seem to be trying to play catch up, but, much of the ui changes annoy me now... Maybe i am just getting older and cranky...

    Sent from my Nexus 4 running CM11 (KK 4.4.4) using Tapatalk

  20. So far so good on AG10.


    Today I played around with the Atlas, adding the standard reflection png also. Its just a small change to button colours. Thinking about NoelC's discovery of the outer regions and mouse detection points, I might play around with making a wider window border. I basically like the style of the Windows10 theme in many ways because I enjoy the square style of it. But the window edges are confusing at times.







    Metro Apps obviously have their own atlas



    And it seems random when they are dark or light text/buttons.



    So while system to system will vary in performance, and code changed on MS side can easily break things in future updates, currently, AG10 has been completely suitable for me for daily use on my laptop.


    I did not get to try on my desktop yet, as I use my tv tuner too much and have not found a good alternative for WMC, so thus far, I have not tested on a dual screen setup, which previously was something that needed additional work while others were 100% stable on single monitors. Hopefully, the stability is more or less the same as the Win8.1 version. I am looking for an alternative tv tuner software, so, i will update once I get to that point.

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