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Everything posted by tolios1313

  1. ty i find it
  2. plzzzz help me!!!!
  3. guys who teach how work that on win8.1 i have teamviwer if needed!
  4. How can make default aero theme on windows 8 professional on dvd
  5. i make modify windows 8 and when go to install load driver no device drivers were found???any solution please!
  6. on windows 8 working perfect i make edition of windows 8
  7. tolios1313


    how can make defaults one theme on windows 8 dvd iso??please help!
  8. how can add apps on Windows 7 sp1 disc dvd i try now but i can't find the solution i need help if you can upload pictures please help! thnx
  9. how add apps please help me i can't understand
  10. help me guys i dont know how work that :'( who can help ??or have teamviwer?
  11. who can help me with teamviwer i dont know how work that ?? :'(
  12. what use for windows 7 ???? setupcomplete ?????
  13. and how change the color of text w32ui.dll please!
  14. pfff if you make it tell me please i want too
  15. that is for spwizimg.dll glass wallpaper? i want make too
  16. i change How can I change the text on the marked with restorator and i try to install on vmare and say mac adress dont find why??please help
  17. i want help for that i'm newbie on that theme i try many times with difreence apps but i dont find solution... thats is last to finish my edition :/ thnx for answers!
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