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Posts posted by xXiNightXx

  1. *stares at it drooling* Windows XP, you will be missed, but your theme will always remain immortal within Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1.

    LOL Nice preview, can't wait to use it.

    It will always be my fav theme out of all the windows themes. Preview has been updated. Here are some changes:

    Preview #4

    -Scroll Bar Tracks Skinned
    -Tabs Skinned
    -Tab Box BG Skinned
    -Trackbars Skinned
    -Reading Pane Darkened
    -Progress Bars Skinned
    -Updated Caption Buttons

    It's things like this that make it all worth having Windows 8.1 XD. Exactly which Luna Royale related themes will be implemented after this one?

    All will be released After Royale Is done. Most of them only change a few things. (Luna[blue, Silver & Green] will be released after the rest as its a completely different style compared to Royale, Embedded, Zune, and Noir.)

  2. *stares at it drooling* Windows XP, you will be missed, but your theme will always remain immortal within Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1.

    LOL Nice preview, can't wait to use it.

    It will always be my fav theme out of all the windows themes. Preview has been updated. Here are some changes:

    Preview #4

    -Scroll Bar Tracks Skinned
    -Tabs Skinned
    -Tab Box BG Skinned
    -Trackbars Skinned
    -Reading Pane Darkened
    -Progress Bars Skinned
    -Updated Caption Buttons
  3. Imported a new Windows 7 theme into Windows 8 and 8.1. Although, I'm having a bit of a problem with the caption on the window frames.


    5yyBI.jpg here

    5yyCm.jpg here

    5yyF6.jpg and here.

    How would I be able to get the Text Glow and the Text Color to match with this theme? I'm not sure why they are mixed up but they appeared this way when I imported the theme into Windows 8 and 8.1. If there's anyone out there that can help me locate where these are in the Windows Style Builder, that'll be greatfull.

    Glow color should be in Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) If that does not work, then go to: Windows & Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Details > Glows > Text

    For the backup window titlebar text, go to: Explorer & Shell > Shell > AeroWizard > TitleBar

  4. Sweet, I know Classic Shell supports both .bmp and .png but anyway I like it..where can we get the file?

    They will be in a complete Windows XP Theme Suite for windows 8.1 Here is a full preview of whats done so far.


    Good Job xXiNight, looks promising with the full start button now, anyway reminds me of one of my
    favorite XP themes from years past called the "Royale Remixed" that was part of Windows Media Edition..http://postimg.org/image/jef7mx1e1/

    Looks like the zune theme with just a blue button. :P

  5. Links to proof then? They're have been people that have picked win8 apart here since beta and no-one found it.

    Occasionally when I mess up with system DLL's or the shellstyle of a windows 8/8.1 theme, it will force windows to load classic style buttons/drawn textures. It is still in the system. Just not available in the theme selection.

  6. I plan on updating the Royal 8 Suite for windows 8.1 Luckily you found a dl to my old files on someones youtube. I accidentally removed them from my DA and lost the original files in a HD crash. XD

    Oh, really? Awesome! I'm glad I was able to recover those files for you XD. That Adobe 8.1 theme looks really awesome.

    Here is something cool Startisback does now. Supports PNG start buttons that are not limited in size. Behold, the Xp start button style with a bit of 8 flare :D



  7. Is there any trick that would allow either a WinXP style theme (as in Royale Noir), or even the Classic desktop?

    I understand that there is a Classic Desktop style skin, and that the true Classic style was removed from Windows 8. But there must be some registry hack that can reveal it, no?

    http://www.deviantart.com/art/Windows-Classic-Vs-372853688 xXiNightXx Classic Theme for Windows 8 Only.

    http://xxinightxx.deviantart.com/gallery/43668944 and look here for Windows XP themes. (Royale8 and Ambient) also by xXiNightXx

    http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.186 Royale Noir Theme for Windows 8 only can be found here. This too by xXiNightXx

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuJRNMxYVD4 ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl2ctvjca8ypp4r/royale8_suite_vs.rar ) Royale 8 Suite

    Theme Enabler here http://uxstyle.com/

    I plan on updating the Royal 8 Suite for windows 8.1 Luckily you found a dl to my old files on someones youtube. I accidentally removed them from my DA and lost the original files in a HD crash. XD

  8. Ah, Okay. Well. I think You don't have to worry about trying to force the button image on the taskbar any longer. Why don't I send you my modified Aer 8.1 file with the fake image on the taskbar. Just to see if I got it the right size. (I also fixed the Windows 8 version too. )

    The showdesktop graphic has no issues on the 8 version. Its exactly the same as win7.

  9. A little something new that I have been working on. Its not quite ready for release.

    Sweet job Night. Looking forward to the finalized theme.

    Btw, did you get my comment on deviantart?

    Not quite, what was it again?

    in your Aero 8.1 Theme (And in the Aero 8 Theme) I fixed the Show Desktop area on the taskbar image.

    Seen here below..


    and possibly I could do the Vista theme out of Aero 8.1, maybe that way you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. The one thing I may not be able to do is the default Start Menu that Windows Vista comes with, unless you were planning on making this theme from scratch.

    oh yeah, I removed the show desktop graphic from the theme since the clock was shifted over a few pixels. Im still messing with trying to force it back to the original position. If you want an actual button for there use this instead of a fake image: http://xxinightxx.deviantart.com/art/Show-Desktop-133022210 Its just quite odd for it to be there all squished. just takes away the looks. lol

    The Vista Aero theme will be made from scratch. I have some plans for including a basic style to go with it as well.

  10. Are the Themeable Control Panel Navigation Panes going to be part of the project? And I'm looking forward to this new project.

    This wont be a standard feature, I have asked for it though and it will be implemented in a different way, it will be theme specific and be implemented in the way of modified UI files in shellstyle.dll so if a custom theme uses custom navigation panes for the control panel they will be applied with the theme, this will also be the same for other theme specific changes, so if you have a topshell theme (details pane on top) then you can add the custom UI files to the shellstyle.dll and it will be applied with the theme as shown in the image below.

    I see. I was only asking, because, and I'm not sure if you got my deviantart message or not, but in any case, disregard it. I had asked about the Control Navigation Panes in the Windows Style Builder, eventually I went through the comments of your Shell32 Patch for Windows 8 and figured out how to do it. I just wish it was easy to add in.

    I've been wanting to get xXiNightXx's Aero 8, 8.1, and his Windows Vista VS (For Windows 8 only), modified to support the CP Navigation Panes.

    Aero 8.1 is out (Supports bottom details pain if you install grims shell patch), Working on my adobe theme before I start the port of the vista style. (requires me to manually import all of the images onto a new windows 8.1 theme file and then set the markings ans such)

  11. An update to my Aero theme that was originally made for windows 8.

    Hi Night,

    Glad that you made this for Win 8.1! Thanks so much! It looks as nice as the one for Win 8. There is only one thing I'd like to ask about. When I click on the bookmark of Firefox, the arrows to show the links inside a folder are too big. On IE and Maxthon they display very OK.

    I don't know if it happens to anyone else or just on my computer. Can you check it up, please? Thank you again for sharing the theme.

    its an issue with firefox. Its menus get wonky when changed in a msstyle.

  12. Strange, my copy of winrar is legit. I just updated to the latest version of it, should not be popping up any issues. Its most likely the command that it uses at the end to open the personalization window. "control.exe desktop"

    Nice Looking Theme!!

    Only thing is your installer is showing 3 Trojan virus hits with VirusTotal, probably false-positive because of a cracked version of winrar and sfx.. DP


  13. I am still getting a black taskbar on my second monitor. I have tried all the aforementioned fixes, but it is still happening. The first monitor renders the taskbar with no issue, but when I enable the bar on the second monitor, it flashes correctly and reverts immediately back to black. I have been using ActualMultipleMonitors for my second taskbar, but the glass effect does not get applied to it and the look is slightly off from the primary taskbar (my OCD kicks in there). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    If you have startisback go into the settings and disable taskbar translucency. For some odd reason that worked for me.

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