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Posts posted by xXiNightXx

  1. I can seem to figure out why SIB wont load the menu BG in windows 8.1

    The image in Start Menu > Menus > Basic > Toolbar is the usual place to skin that BG, but as of 8.1, it does not seem to load it.


    8.1 theme: 



    But... Loading a Windows 8 theme in windows style builder and selecting to load the start menu theme from msstyle in sib makes it load that image. Is there missing code for SIB to load that menu BG for 8.1?


  2. Yeah there are some apps that dont respect the windows theme settings (Usually apps that have thier own custom coded UI, example: Skype) And when it comes to dark themes, word programs are unusable due to the fact that they made the white page bg the window color. This will cause it to print out in the color its currently set to. Only grip with using dark themes XD  Its not like I use those types of programs often enough. haha



    Hats off to you for making a really nice dark theme that looks to be very workable.  I imagine there are still some bright white windows that depart from the theme settings, but it's the first non-glass theme I've seen that tempts me to try it.


    That would look great with an astronomical background.


    Well done.



  3. Options make a product better. Not going with another product. That is a terrible program btw...

    why don't you use ClassicShell? This was designed to bring the XP Starmenu back. StartIsBack brings the winVista/7 one back.

  4. On 07/12/2014 at 5:30 AM, Tusticles said:
    On 19/10/2014 at 4:48 AM, link6155 said:

    Just updated my theme Licorice to Windows 10 Technical Preview:  


    Beautiful! I found a small bug :P Same problem with Vanilla.


    Do you have shadows disabled?  or it may be a glitch with Oldnewexplorer.

  5. But the other style i lonked does not have this problem also there were some small disturbances in cmd and Firefox borders. The other theme doesn't have this as well.


    DoubleSanimations just explained why my theme does that and not on the other. Mine uses custom borders to add back in the glow and shine effects. The one you listed does not have that which is why that has no issues. 

  6. Yes there may not be round corners, you will have to keep in mind that not everyone had access to aero glass for win10 yet so you have to work with what you got. Round corners are nice however, those ones you made could use some work.

    All very nice, but most are altogether way too square-cornered (I like those subtle curved corners in Licorice - nice).


    I really like very slightly rounded corners myself, though I don't mind sharp corners on the buttons.  That's doable by adjusting the drop shadow resources to add a small faux border.





  7. For those running windows 10 and want a little bit of change in its style try out some of these unique themes. Also if you find any others, feel free to post them here just no direct links to the files, only link to the developers page & who its made by. :D


    Please note that themes on 10 can be unstable or break on future versions of the Technical Previews. Use with caution!


    Windows 8 RP Style By xXiNightXx






    Nome By neiio





    Slik by Link6155



    Vanilla by Link6155



  8. I actually don't know where in resource hacker since I use Windows Style Builder. The showdesktop button is located on the taskabar image due to it not being visible on windows 8. Because of this, the showdesktop graphic cannot be enlarged any further than what its size is. Doing so will cause the clock section to mess up.



    Could you please point me to the pic number that display desktop (the one at the bottom-right corner)

    I want to change it for C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero\aero.msstyles using Resource Hacker, to be much visible.

  9. That definitely an aero glass or diver issue... I am able to use camtasia on my system fine. see :P  




    for the start menu. GO into sib and make sure you turn transparency off for taskbar/menu.

    I was using Camtasia Studio and HyperCam 3. They both had lots screen tearing when setting up an area to record. Camtasia results in a black screen and HyperCam 3 was much slower than real time.


    The way I found out about the screen tearing was because I was trying record the screen and make an animated gif to show you in case you didn't quite understand what I meant by "wiping".


    I would test more screen recorders for you, but I unfortunately I only know of those two.


    Also if this was fixed in your "other improvements" ignore this. With SIB+ installed and using the Windows 7 orb, it's "mouse-over" and "clicked" colours aren't seamless like in the actual Windows 7 Aero theme. I'm not sure if that's the theme or the orb causing that.

    Cant believe I missed that details view section XD  All of these that you typed have been fixed along with other improvements to the theme. Thanks for letting me know. The files are now available to download from my page.  (I have included zip for people who prefer not to use exe as well.)
    As for the screen recording, what application are you using? It may be related to your graphics card/diver software.




    New updates to Windows Aero theme for windows 8.1 Update 1.
    Dowload: http://xxinightxx.deviantart.com/art/Windows-Aero-478224917


    When a window's view setting is Details why is it that the column it is sorted by is always coloured? It's not like that in Windows 7. And why when I have the details pane enabled with OldNewExplorer do they wipe in like PowerPoint transition? Why couldn't you leave them static like they are in Windows 7?


    Edit: I've now discovered that Program & Features now wipes in as well.


    Edit 2: The theme absolutely does not like being recorded. Screen tearing galore.



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