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  1. ok, I have found a solution based on the Scr1ptW1zard's answer : http://www.msfn.org/board/Diskpart-question-t108302.html > @echo off REM ===================================== REM Script de partitionnement du disque 0 REM Utilisation sous WinPE2.0/ImageX REM C[12Go]/D[Total-(12+6)]/Z[6Go] REM XP - 01/08 REM ===================================== setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo list disk>%temp%\listdisk.dp diskpart /s %temp%\listdisk.dp >%temp%\disklist.dat if exist %temp%\mkdisks.dp del %temp%\mkdisks.dp>nul for /f "tokens=1-4 delims= " %%a in ('find /v "###"^<%temp%\disklist.dat^|find " Disk "') do ( If %%b EQU 0 ( set size=%%d if !size! LSS 1024 set /a size=!size!*1024 set /a ddrv=!size!-18432 echo select disk 0 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo clean >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo create part pri size=12288 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo select part 1 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo active >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo assign letter=c: >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo format fs=ntfs label="SYSTEM" quick >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo create part pri size=!ddrv! >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo select part 2 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo assign letter=d: >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo format fs=ntfs label="DATA" quick >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo create part pri size=6144 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo select part 3 >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo assign letter=z: >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp echo format fs=ntfs label="MSI" quick >>%temp%\mkdisks.dp )) endlocal diskpart /s %temp%\mkdisks.dp Greetings. XP. diskpart_dynamique_valid_xp.cmd
  2. Hello there, I am working with WinPE 2.0 and ImageX over USB Flash Disk trying to deploy HII XP SP2 image over multiple different computers. I want to use a script that perform disk partition/format (using diskpart.exe /s myscript.txt) before deploying the image (imagex.exe /apply ...) I need 3 partitions in this exact order : C: [sYSTEM] 12Go D: [DATA] all_of_free_space Z: [MSI] 6Go I juste want to know how to script this need.? How to calculate automaticaly the all_of_free_space that is = Total Capacity - (12Go+6Go) A simple way might be to create the partitions in this order: C(12)/Z(6)/D(no parameter, so all the free space) but I really would like to get the C/D/Z order... Thanks in advance XP
  3. That's It ! I have changed the NTFS permissions of the RemoteInstall folder on the RIS server. >Replacing "Authenticated Users" group with my dedicated group for deploying (Read/Execute+List Contend+Read) Thanks.
  4. Hello, I am trying to implement a RIS server to deploy unattended installation of Windows XP. But I am asking few question about security. Especially with the Client Installation Wizard, in fact, as I can see, a user with a working computer with PXE-boot enable and no admins rights could easily launch the RIS startup, logon himself with its own account to completely reinstall its own computer (and then loosing all local data...) I want to know if there is a way to allow only a special group/user account (even admin) to be able to complete/launch the Client Installation Wizard process. Or showing me how to increase the security process with RIS. ps : I also try to create a special delegation control on a group for joining computer, and changing GPO to allow only a special group to join a computer to the domain but unsuccessfully... Thanks in advance.
  5. ok, i finally found how to add a writable RAMdisk (and get my own little Z: drive) (customized my PE : adding WMI support + script support + RAM disk support) i am trying to use the vbs script above but i am stuck on the fifth line (GetObject) > sizepart.vbs(5, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable: 'GetObject' What i have missed...? Forget it I have completely restart the RAMdisk integration with the Johan Arwidmark procedure and now it is ok (with Christiaan Ghijselinck's RAMdisk files)
  6. Hi there! I have exactly the same need, My question is: what is the z:\ drive, how can i create/access it. (the x:\ drive means the CD device / PE source location) Thanks in advance.
  7. I have the same problem on my virtual PC via VMware (4.5.1b7568 + 4.5.2b8848) > C:\WINNT\System32\QTPlugin.ocx > Unable to register the DLL/OCX : division by zero. > [Cancel / Retry / Ignore] The problem will not appear when the SGVA II Driver from the VMware Tools is installed. Hope that will not arrive on a none-emulate PC.
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