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Posts posted by tnx

  1. It will be probably more difficult then you think ;)

    INF files should go to %systemroo%\INF, not to system32. You drivers have got a CAT file so they are probably digitally signed.

    Ahhh. This is a good bit of info which I did not know.

    So I should just ave my .inf copied there. Will look carefully how to do this.


  2. I have just this second rwad summet...From this thread


    Specifies a fully unattended GUI-mode Setup. If you do not specify a required Setup answer in the answer file, Setup generates an error.

    During an attended Setup, improperly signed hardware drivers generate a warning dialog box. If UnattendMode = FullUnattended, then Setup does not install hardware drivers unless they are properly signed.

    With my lates test i used



    With every other test I have used



    Could either of these be causing a problem...

    On the very last test i DID NOT add




    When it came to updating my drivers manually and browsing for them i DID get the driver unsigned error pop up...

    Any pointers on the correct WINNT.sif setting for installing drivers ?


    Sorry if I am going on a bit with this..... :angel

  3. Hi..

    just done my latest test with my LAN Drivers.

    I have made a Word doc with all the steps I took.

    this : -

    Malc’s LAN Test

    Step 1:

    Copy source files.

    Windows XP Disc used: “en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_x14-80428”

    Step 2:

    Create new driver folder structure,


    Step 3:

    Driver Files:







    Compress all driver files.

    Compassed Driver Files:







    Copy driver file “Netrtle.in_” into “i386”

    Copy driver files,”netrtle.ca_, Rtenic.sy_,Rtenicxp.sy_,RtNicprop32.DL_,RTNUninst32.dl_” into “i386\NewDrvs\LAN”

    Step 4:

    Edit DOSNET.inf


    d11 = "\i386\NewDrvs\LAN"

    [OptionalSrcDirs] <--------------> Goes under [RootBootFiles]


    [Files]; LAN Drivers







    Copy edited DOSNET.inf into “i386”

    Step 5:

    Edit TXTSETUP.sif


    1980 = %cdname%,%cdtagfilei%,,"\i386\NewDrvs\LAN"


    1980 = NewDrvs\LAN

    [sourceDisksFiles.x86]; LAN Drivers

    netrtle.cat = 1980,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Netrtle.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    Rtenic.sys = 1980,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Rtenicxp.sys = 1980,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Rtnicprop32.dll = 1980,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Rtnuninst32.dll = 1980,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Copy edited TXTSETUP.sif into “i386”

    Just installed from USb ( i love this ) and got this result.

    to recap there are six driver files








    was copied into "i386"

    The remaining files were copied to my "NewDrvs\LAN" folder.

    However the drivers were not installed automaticly and I needed to update the drivers and browse to find them all....

    I have not tested having ALL the drivers added to NewDrvs\Lan and having the "Netrtle.inf" copied into "i386" as well...

    I dont know what i am missing or where I am going wrong. With looking at my procedure can you spot any mistakes ?


  4. You should just use a USB flash disk for installation (as long as your motherboard supports USB booting). You don't waste CDs and the installation itself is MUCH faster :whistle:

    Quick question about this.

    Once I have a usb drive setup with the XP files will I be able just to modify the files,TXTSETUP etc on the actual USb drive or will I have to run through the whole process of using WinSetupFromUSB each time....

    just looking at the USB file structure,looks like I may be able to do that. mmmmmm, good....

    off to test it right now...


    Wellllllllll ..... How cool was that. Took less than half the time to install. That is guuna be great for me right now with all this messing about..

    Thank you very much for showing me that....


  5. You should just use a USB flash disk for installation (as long as your motherboard supports USB booting). You don't waste CDs and the installation itself is MUCH faster :whistle:

    I have never managed to do this with XP. Will have to look hard at your link.


    downloaded the files. Just gunna test it out now. On an image without owt added,one I know installs well...LOL...

    If I can manage to get this to work,well that will be great. No more wasted discs......

  6. ? I thought that the additional Drivers Folder (and all Files) would have to follow 8.3 naming conventions?

    newdrivers = 10-characters

    Or am I mistaken?

    Ohhhh. I did not know that. So it could just be my file system is too long. I will try shortening it.

    Cheers for that info.

  7. Well another disk hits the bottom of the bin. Good job they're cheap.

    Only one file was going to be copied "Netrtle.inf"

    I think this must come down to my

    [sourceDisksFiles];lan drivers

    netrtle.cat = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Netrtle.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    Rtenic.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Rtenicxp.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    RtNicprop32.DLL = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    RTNUninst32.dll = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Can i ask what do you make of that...I have wrote it totally wrong.

  8. I'll try to test such a driver integration myself later but it's not easy as you need to do it on a real hardware to be sure that the drivers are indeed automatically installed. I'll remember this topic and reply back if I manage to find something out :)

    Thanks for the intrest in this matter.

    I am just about to test my latest version. testing it with LAN drivers though,just for a change..LOL...

    I do my testing by burning to a disc and installing onto a machine. This way,as you say I can really see if it works,or not...

    I have this.

    Malc’s LAN Test #2

    Driver Files List







    Compress all drivers.

    Make directory “i386\newdrivers\lan”

    Copy all files excluding “Netrtle.inf” into “i386\newdrivers\lan”

    Copy “Netrtle.inf” into “i386”

    Edit DOSNET


    d1980 = i386\newdrivers\lan

    [Files];LAN Drivers









    1980 = "i386\newdrivers\lan

    [sourceDisksFiles];lan drivers

    netrtle.cat = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Netrtle.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    Rtenic.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Rtenicxp.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    RtNicprop32.DLL = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    RTNUninst32.dll = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Just about to test...Fingers crossed..

  9. @tomasz86

    Thanks for that reply. That is very interesting about using none compressed and compressed driver files. I had not read anything telling me to add an extra "_x". Most if not all all what have read used compressed. I think I will indeed switch back to using compressed files. i actually wrote a nice little .cmd to compress all file in a folder. Works really well,even i do say so my self...

    Then onto what looks like the important bit,where the files live.

    The structure which I posted on here was my very last attempt where i put all the files directly into i386.

    Before this I had them all sat in a folder i386\NewDrivers\001 ( I did not leav a gap between New & Drivers cause I thought this would confuse the install ??? "i386\New Drivers" would be perfect



    1980 = NewDrivers\001

    [sourceDisksFiles];si3132 drivers pnp

    si3132.cat = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    SI3132.inf = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    Si3132.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    SilSupp.dll = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    SiRemFil.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    SiWinAcc.sys = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    TxtSetup.oem = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    DOSNET was edited too....

    But I have not put .inf into i386 alone while all the other drivers into my chosen directory....

    So let me see......

    should the .inf go into both the i386\NewDrivers\001 and the i386 or just into i386.

    then if it does go into just i386 i should have

    SI3132.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    and if it does go into both places i should have

    SI3132.inf = 1,,,,,,,1980,0,0

    SI3132.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    Plus DOSNET would need ammending to follow suit........

    Will this mean then when the OS is installing the .inf will be picked up and it will be referenced to the rest of the files and the driver installed instead of just sitting there waiting for me.......

    This sounds good......

    I will check this out later.....I have jobs to do first...

    Cheers tomasz86

  10. You should try use the search function. There were many very useful topics about this in the past, ex:

    You know ,I had a little chuckle to mi sen with your link.

    I must have read that particular thread about twenty times and infact it is the reason I joined these forums. Especially this post,

    So, you want to install your drivers, huh?

    Ok! It's getting a little difficult now. You first have to find out wich of your INF-Files will start the installation of your hardware (modem). Go to: Open the hardware dialog and start to install the drivers manually. Tell Windows to select the folder with the *.inf by yourself. Hopefully the hardware setup will select the right inf itself. Remember this inf file.

    Open this inf file with notepad. How to proceed depends on what is stored in this file. Show me the whole content of this file and I think about how to execute the installation.

    That post seemed to be regarding the info I wanted. After joining and posting my thread I sent that guy a PM refering him to his old post and pointing him to mine.

    As yet I have heard nowt from him but to be honest I am not holding my breath that he will.

    That thread is quite old.

    Thank you for taking the time to find me that thread and indeed if you know of any others I may of mist please dont hesitateto let me know?

    I know it looks like I am just jumping in but please believe me I have read lots of posts\threads on these forums which may have held info which could help me.

  11. Well

    97 views but no replies... :no:

    This means either I have not mangaged to make myself clear,or i am trying to do summet which is not possible.

    Never mind. i will keep messing.

    Seen another way for OemPnPDriversPath=\Drivers

    This put the $OEM% folder inside of the I386 folder. I have always just put $OEM% into the cd root.

    Hopefully this will make the "Drivers" folder not to be in C: ...I dont like it there and thats all I wanted to change really.... I would like it to be in C:\Windows\New Drivers.

    This seems like a good place for drivers to live....Nice and neat out of the way....

    Still doesn't help with why the drivers don't install automaticly though......

    off to mess...

  12. Hi all....

    tn here. new to these forums but I have been reading so many threads,posts on what I wish to achieve but can't find a definate answer..

    What I am wanting to do is have my XP drivers install automaticly. i.e Graphics,Audio,USB3, etc etc.

    I am going to giva a simple example of what i have done and the reults I get.

    using my si3132 driver only as an example. I am NOT trying to intergrate SATA drivers in TXTMODE...OK

    This is a simple example.

    I have my si3132 drivers.








    I have NOT compressed them and I have simply copied them into I386

    I have edited DOSNET


    Files];si3132 drivers pnp








    I have edited TXTSETUP

    [sourceDisksFiles];si3132 drivers pnp

    si3132.cat = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    SI3132.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    Si3132.sys = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    SilSupp.dll = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    SiRemFil.sys = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    SiWinAcc.sys = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    TxtSetup.oem = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    I have added these lines to WINNT



    UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes

    With these edits I get no errors and the files are copied into Sytem32

    But the drivers do NOT install and I need to manually update the drivers. The PC does find the drivers and it does install them but it is not what i am after.

    So I was hoping somebody on here can point me in the right direction.

    I do NOT like Nlite

    I do NOT like DriverPacks

    I do NOT like the OemPnPDriversPath=\Drivers way of doing things....

    There must be away to do this. When I do a test using nLite to interhrate my si3132 drivers in PNP mode they do install automaticly. I can not find out what nLite is altering for this to happen...

    There must be more code to write but I can not figure it out..

    Does anybody know and can point me in the right direction.

    I know XP is old.

    I know I can simply install the drivers manually.

    I like to mess though..


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