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Everything posted by crowe80
Thanks for all the replies everyone was really helpful!!
The driver was for a Toshiba L840-BT3N22. The NIC card is a "Qualcomm Ahteros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)" THe HW ID is: PCI/VEN_1969&DEV_2062&SUBSYS_FB501179&REV_C1\4&26d56668&0&00E3 Driver Version: And yes they were in the drivers folder on the WinPE disc. While looking at the device manager using devmanview there is a section that says ".inf File" and it list oem146.inf So i'm not for sure if that means that is the .inf file it used which I'm assuming it is what it means. If so, there is nothing in the driver package that I have found by this name. All the drivers were labeled as L1....x32 or x64.inf files. So that is interesting.
I finally got this to work and I'll share for anyone who is interested because it's very strange. I had the WinPe disk created with the correct drivers for the NIC. I even put these drivers on a USB flash drive and was doing a DRVLOad to that driver and it would say successful. I used a tool called devmanveiw.exe that takes you into a generic looking Device Manager and I could see the driver was there. But I still got no IP. What I finally did was delete the driver from the devmanview.exe application. I tried the DRVLOAD command again and noticed even though it said successful the driver was not in the device manager. So from my USB flash drive I ran the setup.exe file for the LAN driver using the command prompt in Winpe and installed the LAN that way. After that I was getting a 169 address. So then I ran the command wpeutil initializenetwork and then I got an IP and now it's imaging. The only thing is I don't know why I had to run the setup.exe to get it to recognize the LAN instead of just doing the DRVLOAD command to load the .inf file. But in any case it's at least working in a round about way.
I've tried all these suggestions which were all good but still no luck. I don't know what's up with this device
I've tried all these suggestions which were all good, but no luck. I'm not sure what's up with this device
This did not work either. I even did the dvrload and it said successful but it didn't help. I ran the wpeutil initializenetwork and it said successful but no luck. When I do an Ipconfig /all this is all I get Windows IP Configuration Hostname......:minint-ntglq49 Primary DNS Suffix........: Node Type..............:Hybrid IP Routing Enabled.......................No WINS Proxy Enabled...................:No And that's all that shows up.
I"m creating a new WinPE disc with just the drivers for this paticular device. I don't know that it will make a difference but it is worth a shot. Will let you know if it fixes it.
The .sys files were there and the HW id's were in the .inf file. I also downloaded this tool called devman view which is kind of a tool that looks like Device Manager. When going into that it shows the correct LAN driver is installed and the hardware ID is correct. Very strange. I just can't get it to recognize an IP address. I have multiple different models here and they all work. But this one Toshiba is giving me fits. WE are just using it for a demo right now but if I can't figure out how to even image it, I don't believe we will be purchasing it.
The .sys files and all that was found. I am able to even do a dvrload command and it says it installed the driver successful but it's still not working. The LAN is enabled in BIOS. I don't see anything else that would affect the LAN in the BIOS that would be disabled. I'm at a loss.
I'm using Winpe 3.0. I do have the drivers injected. I can go out to the path and find them under x;\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository.
Does anyone have any other ideas, I've tried everything I know how to do. But I have a Toshiba Sattelite L840 model and my WinPe disk boots up but it's not getting a network address therefore I can't use the Net Use command. I've went to Toshiba's site and downloaded the NIC driver and mounted it to the WinPE disc and its still not working. I've tried the dvrload method by trying to install the drivers that way but no luck. I've checked the BIOS and I don't see anything there that would help. WE are on a DHCP network. It will say tha the drive is successfully installed when doing the DVRLoad command and I did the initializenetwork command with no luck. I loaded a Windows 7 disc and put the OS on there and installed the NIC driver (atheros driver) just to make sure it works and it did. So I'm not sure why I can't get the device to pick it up using WinPE. Any other suggestions? I have about 20+ different models I use this disc on and it works fine. It's just this one new device I have that is causing me fits. Thanks in Advance!
Is there a way to install a Lan driver from the WinPe disc? I have the drivers on the disc for this one paticular model and I can see they are there but it's still not picking them up. The disc works on about 15 other devices that are different models but struggling with this new one. It's a new laptop we got in. So I was wondering if there was anyway when booted up to WinPe if you can force it to install the driver?
Anybody have any exeprience with using Big Bang UIU (Universal Imaging Utility) to image Windows 7 devices? I want to use it and have it prompt me for a computer name, which it does and then I want it to join it to my domain. The joining to the domain part is not working. Just curious if anyone uses this tool and if there were any tricks to it. I contacted Big Bang but have not heard back from them yet.
Yes you are correct, that worked. Totally overlooked that. Thank you so much! I wish every fix was that easy
I had not seen that link where there was a contact. So thanks for sending that my way. I will contact the developer to see if this is possible. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I have a sysprep file set up to work with Mysysprep.exe, basically what it does is it reboots the PC after I have the image I want and prompts me for a few things such as domain, domain password, domain username and then domain again. I have everything set up to autofill except the password. I want only the admin people to be able to put the password in but when I type it, it shows what I'm typing. Is there a way using mysysprep to prompt me for this to allow me to type in a password but it types asteriks instead of showing what I'm typing? Below is how I have my sysprep file set up. component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> - <Identification> - <Credentials> <Domain>%Enter A domain {THIS IS MY DOMAIN ACCOUNT}%</Domain> <Password>%Enter Password%</Password> <Username>%Enter Username {ADMIN DOMAIN USERNAME}%</Username> </Credentials> <JoinDomain>%Enter A Domain To Join {DOMAIN NAME}%</JoinDomain> </Identification> </component>
Unattend Files and Joining a Domain
crowe80 replied to crowe80's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Thank you for some suggstions and links to refer to. Just to give you more insight. I use WSIM (version 6.1.7600.16385) on a stand alone PC to create my unattend files. From there I have WinPE disc created that I boot to. So I have another PC that I will install Windows 7 on and get it the way I want and from what I understand for certain settings to carry over I have to set them under the local admin account. So I set all this up and have the unattend file set to true to copy profiles. I then clean up any profiles other than my local admin account. So if there is a domain account on there I delete it from C:\Users and also from the registry under the profile list. I then have my unattend file and Unedit script saved in the sysprep folder along with my reghack command which sets a registry setting to point to the script after reboot. I then open the command prompt by running it as an administrator and type: sysprep /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:unattend.xml It does its thing and after it's finished I run the reg hack command and reboot. From there I would put my WinPe disc in and I copy this image out to a network share that we have. After that would finish and reboot it does all it's set up and prompts me for a PC name and admin password and it goes through and like I said I get to the Windows login screen but it's like it never named the PC or joined it and then my local admin account is disabled. Although I did not have the RunSynchronous path set to "net user administrator /active:yes" So I'm going to test that, that could be the disabling issue. But I still have the issue of joining a domain and getting it named. You are also correct that was not my real login account so it's actually not that long. Also, if the machineojbecOU is blank is that o.k? I can manully put it where I need it once it's named in AD. I will look at some of these suggestions and see what happens. Seems I have everything working fine except this last part and it become a little frustrating and confusing but I appreciate this site and the help I have recieved!! -
Unattend Files and Joining a Domain
crowe80 replied to crowe80's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
I got a little further with this. I have now got past the error message "Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize]. The settings specified in the answer file cannot be applied. The error was detected while processing settings for component [Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup]. I had deleted all the user accounts except for the local admin account. But I had not deleted it from the registry HKLM\Software\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList After doing this it ran smoothly, it prompted me for a computer name and a domain admin password. I did all this and no errors. It rebooted, however it did not join the domain and now I can't log in. The only account I had on there was my local admin account and it's not working and is now disabled. So I'm still not sure why it's not joining to the domain and why my local admin account does not work. IT did not name the PC what I named either. -
Unattend Files and Joining a Domain
crowe80 replied to crowe80's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
I didn't put this in my original post. I have attached my Unattend.xml file and a reg hack I run after I sysprep right before I reboot. I have pasted my script as well, below here. If you see anything that jumps out at you please let me know, thanks! Option Explicit Dim answer, answer2, computerName, domainAdminPass, unattendFile, WshShell, fso, unattendFileObject, strContents unattendFile = "C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml" Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Do While answer <> vbYes computerName = InputBox("Enter the desired Computer Name:", "Computer Name") answer = MsgBox("Is this correct?" & vbCrLf & "Computer Name: " & computerName, vbYesNo, "Verify Name") Loop Do While answer2 <> vbYes domainAdminPass = InputBox("Enter the Domain Admin Password :", "Domain Admin Password") answer2 = MsgBox("Is this correct?" & vbCrLf & "Domain Admin Password: " & domainAdminPass, vbYesNo, "Verify Password") Loop If fso.FileExists(unattendFile) = False Then wscript.echo "ERROR: Could not find the unattend file" Else 'Read the unattend file in and replace apprpriate variables Set unattendFileObject = fso.OpenTextFile(unattendFile, 1) strContents = unattendFileObject.ReadAll strContents = Replace(strContents, "ReplaceMe1", computerName) strContents = Replace(strContents, "ReplaceMe2", domainAdminPass) unattendFileObject.Close 'Write the updated contents back to the unattend file Set unattendFileObject = fso.OpenTextFile(unattendFile, 2) unattendFileObject.Write(strContents) unattendFileObject.Close End If ' Launch setup (will use the modified unattend.xml) WScript.Sleep 5000 WshShell.Run "%WINDIR%\System32\oobe\windeploy.exe", 0, True Unattend.xml Sysprep Reg Hack.cmd -
I've searched on this subject on these forums and have gotten some ideas but I've worked on this issue for a week and I'm having a hard time with it. I'm wanting to be able to have an image that will prompt me to name the PC what I want it to and then join it to the domain. I know there is a bug with this that it joins the domain first before I can name the PC. I've tried some vb scripts that people have offered on the Internet and I can sysprep and it will restart and prompt me to name the pc and put in my domain admin password but if will eventually error out saying it could not parse or process the unattend file etc. I've also tried the mysysprep.exe method although I'm not sure this is supported and would rather not use it but I get the same thing with it too. So my question is...Is there anywhere I can copy a good vbscript for doing this and go from there? If I have a good VB script I can go by then I will modify my unattend file to point to it. I'll keep searching in the meantime. This seems to be the last thing hanging me up on getting images to work the way I want them to. Thanks!
I got it working! After I got pointed in the right direction the last part of it was user error!! I named my file "Unattended.xml" but I kept calling it "Unattend.xml" in my command line. Just got in too big of a hurry and was not catching that. Thanks to everyone who helped!
Yes I had tried that but still get the error. So I've tried the following with the same error each time: sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /shutdown /unattend:C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattended.xml sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattended.xml I'm still looking into this but if anyone has suggestions, I will gladly take them.
This got me farther but I'm getting a box popping up now that I believe is basically telling me there is a syntax error. It seems to be fine until I type in the /Unattend:C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattened.xml line. The box that pops up says: Sysprep USAGE:sysprep.exe [/quiet] [/generalize] [/audit | /oobe] [/reboot | /shutdown | /quite] [/unattend:<filename>] If no command-line arguments are provided, a graphical user interface is used to select the desired mode of sysprep operation.
When I run the command at an elevated prompt it looks like this: C:\windows\System32>sysprep /oobe /generalize /unattended:C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattended.xml With the unattended file saved at: C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep folder.r Still getting "\sysprep is not recognized as an internal or external command. operable program or batch file." error Unfortunately it's not the best way we keep images but currently this is the way I have to do it as we have a helpdesk department and a networking department. The helpdesk currently has the responsibility of doing images but we don't have rights to servers. So I currently just have a PC set up on the domain that has nothing on it but an operating system and thats where I save all the images I create to. Then I create boot up disc for the rest of the helpdesk and when we need a new device built anyone in the helpdesk can put the disc in and retrieve the image out on this lone PC. So just a quick FYI for why it's set up the way it is. I am working with our networking team on getting a server and doing this differently but as for now I need to find a way to make this work the way it is and I'm really hung up on how to get the unattended file to work after I create it. In XP you would just put the answer file in the sysprep folder and run sysprep and it found these settings but I'm not sure how this works in Windows7. I've read and seen a lot on unattended files but mainly it's just how to create one, it doesn't say what to do with it after it's created.
I'm struggling with the Unattended.xml file and understanding how it works with Windows 7. I currently save images out on a network share and I'm able to save them and get them off the network when needed, but we are currently on a domain so I need to create an Unattened file to not name a computer the same name, join a domain, etc. So I have created an Unattended file and saved it but from this point I'm not understanding what to do with it. On the PC I want to copy the image of, I saved the file under c:\windows\system32\sysprep I've seen forums where they say to go to an elevated command and type: sysprep /oobe /generalize /unattended:c:\Windows\System32\sysprep\Unattended.xml But it just says "sysprep" is not recognized as an internal or external command. So I think I understand how to create the .xml file but I"m not sure what to do with it from there?