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Posts posted by MrChris

  1. I am looking for any recomendations for an External Drive Enclosure that will allow me to Plug both an Internal either ATA or SATA and 5.25" drive such as an DVD-Burner and plug into any usb or firewire port, I prefer usb for compatibility reasons.

    My Idea here is to be able to cary around in my car (mobile service tech) this case and be able to have access to both data on the hard drive and have access to a DVD-Burner all in one external case.

    I have looked high and low but can only seem to find an case that will do one or the other, but not both.

    Any recomendations?

    Many thanks,


  2. In windows if I have a file on my desktop that has for example 20 charectors in the file name somewhere after like the 10 or so charector it will add a ........ after it until I click on the file itsself.

    Can I change it (like maybe in the registry) so it will show longer file names without having to click on the file itsself?



    Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on.


  3. I have the multiple CD version. I only downloaded the 2 CD's from Microsoft, I did not download the MSDN bundle, allthough I can if need be. I do not have access to the DVD version.

    The thing is. I have created the ISOs for both CD's but when I start the install about 10mins into it it asks me for "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ENU - Disk 1" but it does not take. I think but am not sure it may have to do with the volume lable.

    I downloaded these from Microsoft via This link (login required).



  4. Umm. No. NLite will not remove Windows Product Activation or Convert Windows XP Home Edition to Professional Edition or vise versa. However you if you dig around on this forum you will find a posting on how to convert Windows XP Home to Pro or really what determins the media version.


  5. I just downloaded Streets and Trips 2006 from (Login Required) https://licensing.microsoft.com/eLicense/L1033/Default.asp but after I extract the SFX to a folder and create and ISO the install from CD1 starts but when It asks for the CD2 (Run CD) it is not seeing it for some reason. Everything on CD2 looks fine. I have created many ISOs and even tried to install it from a local folder with same results. And it doesnt even give me the option to point to a path for CD2 just an insert CD window and OK.

    Can I maybe combine the 2 CD's into a single DVD?

    Any Ideas?

    Many thanks,


    Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on.


  6. XP SP2 all windows updates

    Toshiba Satellite A55-S306 Laptop

    I noticed the other day that the option to use standby was greyed out. It used to work but not anymore. Also when I go into power options in control panel If I enable hibernation and close the power options and go back into it its disabled again. All ACPI options are enabled in my BIOS. What the Fo?

    Many Thanks,


    Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on.


  7. Well first and formost we would need to know a little about the drive and how you are plugging it into the new system. As well as what do you mean when you say "I have a computer that's board is fried" Are you talking about the Hard Drive controler on the Mobo, the Hard Drive Controler on the Drive itsself, or the mobo in the old system? Also what type of drive is it? IDE/SATA/SCSI/MFM/RLL/USB ect..... Also what type of format/file system is on the drive in question? It would help if you could be a little more helpful on some details,


  8. Just wanted to let you all know (who has a DigitalPersona Biometric Finger Print Scanner) that I found a psudo way to make it work in Firefox 1.x. I use my DigitalPersona Scanner on a daily basis but thought it only major downfall is that It didnt support Mozilla. I HATE Internet Explorer and I use Firefox and now I can use them both and finaly ditch IE (Kinda sorta).

    There is an extension that will allow you to view Tabs in an Internet Explorer Tab inside Firefox 1.x.

    Tha extension for firefox can be found Here

    I have not tried it with the one that Microsoft version of the Scanner but I supose it will work as well.


  9. OK Here goes it!

    I have VMWare v5 and I love it a tone. But......

    VMware needs to be installed and it is quite a thick application and depending on the PC I am on I may not be able to install vmware for licesening reasons and lack of admin rights on the host box.

    I have an external usb exclosure with a 60GB drive in it, powered by USB cable. I would like to be able to walk up to just about any windows pc (asuming its has at least 512MB ram) and launch an exe file to open a VM emulator and start my windows xp machine right from my usb drive without having to install anything on the host pc.

    Currently I am using qEMU with a nice little GUI frontend but qEMU lacks of speed even with the accelerator module enabled.

    I am commonly going to internet caffe's to do some work and dont always have the apps I need at hand, but do on my vm machine.

    Any I deas, or recomendations?



  10. I have been using vmware for years now. I am looking for a alternative to vmware that will run indapendetly to a external usb drive. Currently I am using QEmu but its kinda slow and clunky.

    Does anyone know/recomend and others out there besides virtual pc? that does not require to be installed and covered all over the host OS platform.



  11. acording to the website for SPBLinux 2.1b13 preliminary release can

    using the makebootable script SPBLinux, started from the install cd, can be copied to a USB storage device.

    Im going to have to check this one out il post feedback!


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