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Everything posted by dannyict

  1. thanks, did not work but works with {FILECOPY} and \\ at the end cmds[pn]=['{FILECOPY} "%wpipath%\\Install\\exception.sites" "%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\localLow\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment\\security\\"'];
  2. hmm now i see, it wants to go to AppData\Roaming instead to AppData\localLow, how to solve that one?
  3. cmd1 ** Fout ** (terug gedraaide code 999): "C:\brol4\WPI_ICT4.1\Install\exception.sites" "C:\Users\ghostie\AppData\Roaming\localLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security" config prog[pn]=['Voegt java security toe voor http://www.fisme.science.uu.nl]; uid[pn]=['VOEGTJAVASECURITYTOE']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; forc[pn]=['no']; bit64[pn]=['no']; cat[pn]=['Ict-werkbalk 4.1']; pfro[pn]=['no']; cmds[pn]=['{XCOPY} "%wpipath%\\Install\\exception.sites" "%APPDATA%\\localLow\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment\\security"']; desc[pn]=['Voegt java security toe']; pn++;
  4. Thanks for the suggestions, strange but still not working
  5. Thanks, but tried with cmds[pn]=['{XCOPY} "%wpipath%\\Install\\exception.sites %APPDATA%\\localLow\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment\\security\\"']; and it's not copying that file?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to copy this file exception.sites to \appdata\localLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\. But can't figure out how to do that. I ttied {Start} and then the vbs script and {Filecopy} with the file, but it's not working . this is the vbs script that works. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set objWShell = wScript.createObject("WScript.Shell") usrName = objWShell.expandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%") objFSO.CopyFile "exception.sites" , "C:\Users\" & usrName & "\appdata\localLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\", True Anyone has a solution please?
  7. Big thanks Kelsenellenelvian, that did the trick
  8. trying this from within WPI after importing reg file taskkill /f /im explorer.exe --> this goes OK start c:\windows\explorer.exe ---> WPI just hangs there anyone got solution to restart explorere.exe ? Can't find how to get it to work. Thanks
  9. Looking nice, some nice programs in there
  10. Sorry for that, removed 1 space but still the same.
  11. Kelsenellenelvian thanks that worked great Now I got another question if you don't mind? I'm trying to delete a folder from the desktop and used {DELDIR} "%allusersprofile%\\desktop\\folder" Did not work, I can't see a where my fault is. Any suggestions?
  12. Trying to install a program and copy a file to desktop and it's working but when I put the compiled script in WPI the install runs fine but the file does not get copied to desktop. Anyone has an idea how to fix that? Is there another way to copy the file to the desktop? I'm using the WPI 8.22 version Thanks Here's the script ;Edukleuter RunWait("Edukleuter.exe /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-") sleep (500) FileCopy("Edukleuters.lnk", @DesktopDir)
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