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glnz last won the day on December 18 2018

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About glnz

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    XP Pro x86

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About Me

Some day, I will finally move my computer life from my dependable Optiplex 755 (4GB RAM)* with XP Pro SP3 and the 2009 POS hack updates into my new Optiplex 7010 MT (now 16GB RAM) currently dual-booting Win 7 Pro 64-bit and Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit.


The hard part will be moving my seven years of emails from Outlook Express 6 into something (Mozilla Thunderbird?) on the new machine.  Have pity, and send ideas.


Lots to learn.


* Actually - almost forgot - the Opti 755 motherboard died suddenly, but I was able to resuscitate the brain (hard drive) by buying a used brainless Optiplex 755 (no hard drive or RAM) on eBay for $65 that was almost identical and actually has a slightly faster CPU.  Am lucky as, after I moved the old hard drive, RAM, CD-DVD and cards from the old to the new, MS recognized my old Dell OEM XP license just fine.  A successful Frankenstein operation!

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