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Posts posted by cluberti

  1. wdf01000.sys is the kernel-mode portion of the Windows Driver Framework, meaning the DPC is coming from a driver that is loaded and using the KDF. From what you've said so far and what the pictures say, we can be sure it's a kernel-mode driver (rather than user mode). We can also be fairly certain it's going to be a network driver, given previous attempts showed ndis.dys (the network driver subsystem) and the current picture seems to indicate netio.sys is probably what's causing the KDF in this case.

    What network card are you using, and what drivers do you have installed for it?

  2. You technically need a Client Access License (CAL) to access services, including file sharing, running on a Windows Server. Certain other products, like SQL and Terminal Services also have their own CALs, which are above and beyond the Windows CAL required to access a Windows server remotely from that client, for instance, that you would also need in that sort of scenario. You will need to be more specific in what you want to give your users or their machines access to on your server or servers to get a more specific answer.

  3. And this, and this (especially the last one). Just because you don't agree with a EULA does not mean you should just ignore it. If you do not like it, find another application to meet your needs. If none exists, write your own. If you cannot do either, time to learn. MSFN is not the internet police, but we do have forum rules. Please follow them.

  4. Hmm, when I try to run your script (see above) then I get an error popup:

    line 8

    Char 1

    The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has noenabled device associated with it

    Code 80070422

    I don't know which service or deviuce is meant.

    How can I run this script otherwise or enable (which?) service?


    It's connecting to the Windows Update Service COM object. If you've disabled Windows Update or any of it's dependencies, this is the error you'll get. You can't enumerate updates that are tracked by the service if you've disabled it.

    The script run without errors for me.

    But I have to click ok for each line that is echoed.

    how can I get it to print to a file?

    Edit: Script updated to spawn itself via cscript in a cmd prompt, even if double-clicked.
  5. I work for a university and am trying to build a complete slipstream for our builds. The only part I am having trouble with is working Office 2010 Pro Plus into the build. We use volume licensing, so everything is on the up and up. I've dug around here quite a bit and haven't found exactly what I need help with. I will be more than happy to do the work, just need somewhere to start. If it is wrong to ask for help with this or about Office in general, I apologize.


    Windows XP SP3

    Office 2010 Pro Plus

    As the nLite EULA says, and we've discussed here at length in the past, using nLite for *anything* other than personal use is prohibited in it's licensing, including what you're trying to use it for. You've violated your volume licensing agreement by using nLite to modify Windows in the first place, and you're also violating the nLite licensing agreement as well. Please find other, legal ways, to modify your Windows installations. Please do not post here about using nLite in a non-personal-usage scenario - we're not the internet police, so we cannot stop you from using it, but we can ask that you refrain from discussing illegal activities here as per the forum rules, and that you in good faith follow the licensing of applications available on the broader web, whether they be free or not. Thank you.

  6. Note the OS itself tends to run faster on the same hardware under 64bit, as you're talking about double the CPU registers available, plus you don't have the kernel virtual address space layout limitations that you do on 32bit (they're less with dynamic memory allocations, but you're still limited to 2GB of kernel virtual address space by default).

    I don't think you'd see any real problems with using 64bit over 32bit, although for moderate use you probably won't see any tangible benefits either without having more than 4GB of RAM in the system. However, if you ever want to upgrade in the future (not sure how you feel about upgrading, but it is a consideration for some people), it's likely Win8 will not have an x86 variant and be x64 only, meaning no x86 Win7 to x64 Win8 upgrades (upgrades between like architectures only).

  7. It would have been easier to simply go Mozilla[eg. Firefox/Seamonkey] and use the "Default User Agent" utility/add-on.
    Generally, if apps require a specific version of IE, they probably are using ActiveX controls. I know of quite a few Citrix and SAP applications that have started requiring IE7 due to their design as well, and you need at least that version of IE to even visit the site and load the control - this can be done in IETab in another browser, of course, but you still need at least IE7 installed for the site to work properly in that IE hosted tab. Thus making XP a requirement anyway.
  8. This is easy to do in VBScript or Powershell, but since VBScript is a little easier to understand and will work (relatively speaking) downlevel on stock XP/2003 and 2000 SP3 systems as well, I'll do it in VBScript:

    '// Run with cscript:

    '// Connect to the Windows Update COM object:
    Set objSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
    Set objSearcher = objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher
    intHistoryCount = objSearcher.GetTotalHistoryCount

    '// Get WU history data:
    Set colHistory = objSearcher.QueryHistory(1, intHistoryCount)

    '// Loop through and print to screen:
    For Each objEntry in colHistory
    WScript.Echo "=============================="
    WScript.Echo objEntry.Title
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Support URL: " & vbCrLf & objEntry.SupportURL
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Description: " & vbCrLf & objEntry.Description
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Installed On: " & vbCrLf & objEntry.Date
    WScript.Echo ""
    Select Case objEntry.ResultCode
    Case 1 ResultCode = "Pending Reboot"
    Case 2 ResultCode = "Successfully Installed"
    Case 4 ResultCode = "Installation Failed"
    Case 5 ResultCode = "Installation Canceled"
    Case Else
    ResultCode = "Unknown Installation Status"
    End Select
    WScript.Echo "Result code: " & vbCrLf & ResultCode
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Client application ID: " & vbCrLf & objEntry.ClientApplicationID
    i = 1
    For Each strStep in objEntry.UninstallationSteps
    WScript.Echo i & " -- " & strStep
    i = i + 1
    If objEntry.UninstallationNotes = "" Then
    ' No uninstallation notes, print nothing
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo "Uninstallation notes: " & vbCrLf & objEntry.UninstallationNotes
    End If
    WScript.Echo "=============================="
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Echo ""

    Sub RunMeWithCScript()
    Dim ScriptEngine, engineFolder, Args, arg, scriptName, argString, scriptCommand

    ScriptEngine = UCase(Mid(WScript.FullName, InstrRev(WScript.FullName, "\") + 1))
    engineFolder = Left(WScript.FullName, InstrRev(WScript.FullName, "\"))
    argString = ""

    If ScriptEngine = "WSCRIPT.EXE" Then
    Dim Shell
    Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set Args = WScript.Arguments

    For Each arg in Args 'loop though argument array as a collection to rebuild argument string
    If InStr(arg, " ") > 0 Then arg = """" & arg & """" 'If the argument contains a space wrap it in double quotes
    argString = argString & " " & Arg

    'Create a persistent command prompt for the cscript output window and call the script with its original arguments
    scriptCommand = "cmd.exe /k " & engineFolder & "cscript.exe """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & argString

    Shell.Run scriptCommand, , False
    Exit Sub 'Already Running with Cscript Exit this Subroutine
    End If
    End Sub

  9. If you use a Windows 7 PE environment, it can install Vista .WIMs without issue. However, if you mix them and try to boot with a Windows Vista PE environment, it can fail to apply one or the other. Make sure the proper .clg files are in the sources folder for all versions in your WIM, and use a Win7 source, and you should be OK to do this without any further changes.

  10. If a screen cap program on the machine is capturing it as well, that would indicate the data being displayed is corrupted. It very well could be a driver issue in that case - if it looked fine in a cap I'd say it was a video driver, but if it's corrupt in both it's less likely the video driver is at play (it still could be, of course, but it's less likely to be a root cause). Can you capture this installation to a VM and repro it in there?

  11. Or, a better option is to use Process Explorer to view all threads inside explorer.exe, and which one is consuming your CPU time. It'll probably be obvious which software add-on thread loaded in Explorer from the thread list is causing the perf hit, and you can kill that thread from procexp (and then remove the software from add/remove).

  12. It could be - again, without a memory dump from the crash that throws up the error, we're making educated guesses. Chkdsk /f on the HDD is never a bad idea when you're getting those sorts of warnings, although you should *definitely* back up all of your important data elsewhere beforehand, because if there is a problem with the filesystem on disk (or the underlying disk itself), chkdsk could make it unbootable if it tries to fix something and is unable to do so, for any reason.

    Might also be worth backing up and rebuilding Windows itself, to be sure you've got a clean build (don't add anything yet), and see if the problem persists or not with just Windows and inbox drivers on the system.

  13. Are you sure the Windows Setup routine sees that disk partition as C: after it starts setup? Also, if you copy the unattend.xml to the partition you then overwrite with the WIM, that would cause the error as well (the .xml would be gone). You can press Shift+F10 when you see the error in setup to get a cmd prompt that you can use to investigate with diskpart and reviewing the Panther and CBS logs.

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