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Everything posted by g-alex

  1. Very interesting solution glugorian, I've tried your example and I can find the name of the folder "desktop" for using as a variable. So I've used this: @ECHO OFF :: delims is tab folowed by space FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v Desktop') DO SET Desktop=%%B ECHO Desktop=%Desktop% PAUSE But the variable has the value "Settings\Alex\Desktop", I dont know Why "C:\Documents and" is missing Thanks for any help
  2. Hi, I want to know if there are variables for user's desktop, or start menu programs, because I'm using Both English and Greek versions of Windows XP, where these folder names are different. I also want to know if there is another way to make batch files for copying files in the desktop in both versions, or if I can check with a command the language of windows xp so i can go on with fixed paths. Thank you for any help
  3. I don't like the scrollbars and when you will include a lot of registry tweaks for example, WPI appears chaos. I prefer as solution submenus, so i will go to each menu and easily find what I wan't to install. This will be very helpfull also for lower resolutions for example 800x600. In this case you can have categories in each submenu, so it will be very easy to find everything
  4. New Idea! Can WPI have a submenu or next page function, so the WPI will work much better in lower resolutions while not having all apps in the same screen. For example, the user will click in a "registry tweaks button", and a new menu will appear closing the old one. thank you
  5. I've installed Windows Vista Beta 1 (Build 5112) I see that the folders are changed The Folder "Documents and Settings\All Users" is now changed to "Users\Public" and some other changes. I used my WPI DVD and Windows Vista are now broken because of a installation of some drivers. I will install it again tomorrow. P.S. The version is v6.0.5112
  6. Ok, One other thing, I've installed Windows Professional x64 and WPI is not currently working. This because of the two program files folders, maybe WPI need to check in which program files folder the program installed. "Program files" or "Program files (x86)". Attention. Not all of the 32bit programs will be installed on the "Program files (x86)" as M. says. It depends of the installer of each app. You may include a check for this occasion in the next ver. of WPI thank you
  7. Greek Language Please integrate it in the next version thank you lang.js
  8. I'm impressed from your interest to make WPI to cover everyone's needs. I just hope, to also include -in some way- my need I also want to include the Greek Language -if possible- and for exchange I can make the translation for you thank you people
  9. Hello, Congratulations for your development. I'm using wpi for a long time and I think is the greatest thing I've ever used. I've created two installation CD's, one for installing my applications in english windows, and one for installing my applications in greek windows. I'm doing this, because of the cleanup command which has to be diferent because of the special folders that are different in each language of windows (desktop, programs, startup, etc.). I think that this can be solved with an universal option, a check box for each language that wpi must read in the beginning of the installations and put it in the "special" commands that uses. for example: Two check buttons one EN and one GR. In the beginning of the installation the wpi will read this and where it is finding the command "cleanup.cmd" it will run it, as "cleanupEN.cmd" Universal options can also created for defining from which disk the installation will begin "%systemdrive%\install..." or "%cdrom%\install..." You may also have some ideas for using universal options. I hope you like this idea thank you
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