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Everything posted by aztec
Man great info..thank you very much.
never mind i found it...thanks
hi rado do you know where i can find a copy of your addon (Opera 10.50).10.63 did not work for me.
Thanks for the answer, i downloaded an older version of java (java6/update6) and it worked with the rest of the addons. i think the problems was opera 10.63( i did not install it this time, now i am looking for opera 10 addon)hopelly this one will work. yes i use virtual box.
This is a pain since nlite does not specify what is the one asking to chose an option,i down to two opera 10.63 and java6 update22. all of the addons were from winaddons.com. is there a way to remove addons once nlite has processed the files??? so we dont have to start from scratch?
Thank you very much X. let me try it and will repost.
hello i was wondering is somebody may know what the problem is with this set up,i am assuming is something with the unattended settings but can not figure out what it is. this is the message i am getting the rest of the installation is fine, it usually happends when windows is registering componentes (13 min to go). thanks in advance. LAST SESSION (205610.29-14.59.42).INI
thanks a lot tcntad, i ll double check and post back....
Hello i was able to make an unnatended install for windows 7,but when finishes installing iam getting this screen. does anybody know what component i need to remove for this not to appear? my computer its not even on a network. thanks in advance. This is everything i removed. vlite.txt
It is possible to make an unnatended w7 using vlite?
aztec replied to aztec's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
thanks a lot redxii, i re-did my install and now worked great. -
hello iam trying to make an unnatended windows 7 using vlite. iam running windowsxp pro. installed latest vlite and virtual box. this is what i remove from original ISO. and this is the error iam getting on virtual box. when i use the original iso file everything works. so it has to be something i removed. any help will be greatly appreciated Last_Session.ini
thank all.. i finally got my wallpaper to show..this is how i did it. makecab c:\bliss.jpg c:\bliss.jp_ rename your favorite wallpaper to "bliss.jpg" Place your custom Bliss.jpg at the root of your c: drive and then press the little windows key & "r" at the same time to bring up the run box. Then paste the above code into it. then just copy and past to your i386 directory. (thanks Kelsenellenelvia)
After a lot of trial and error i got my winxp just the way i wanted. thanks NUHI- for the great program THE MAD GUY for this little wonder-- WinntbbuED ONEPIECE--Sharp addons Kelsenellenelvia-helping me with the (****) bliss johnhc-always anwsering my post mooms-for taking the time to post updated addons and to all the gurus who take the time to create all the addons for all of us. specially rado354,johndoe74,UtCollector.
Thank you very much for the answer mooms, i am using xp sp3. i do have slipstreamer installed, it kicks in when nlite is installing the rest of the components and install WMP11. i will try again with the new nlite version.
iam trying to add my own wallpaper at the end of my unnatended install...but its not working. i tried making a cab out of my wallpaper and replacing the bliss file in the i386 folder. iam suspecting the problem is with something i removed from my win xp cd. but dont know what it could be.. any help will be greatly appreciated. *** by the way when i tried my unnatended cd using virtualbox, without changing the original bliss, the original windows bliss is not showing either... Last_Session.ini
will do johnhc... the problem was that i had a corrupted wmp11.exe file. i downloaded the new version of slipstreamer and everything went fine this time thanks a lot for your help.
Hi there i did a search on this topic but could not find anything specific about it. I am trying to slipstream wmp11 to my xp cd sp3, but its giving me a error at the begining and at the end of installation Iam using WMP11 SLIPSTREAMER 1.3, I added WMP11-WINDOWSXP86-ENU to my addons, then the wmp slipstremer kick in, but i got the error: WMP11 Slipstreamer v1.3.4.3 Detected source: Windows™ XP Professional SP3 System.IO.IOException. and a bunch of other code. but its giving me the option to continue with the installation. once the unnatended install finish i get the error: error creating process C:\PROGRAMS FILES\WINDOWSMEDIAPLAYER\WMPEnc.exe/regserver..reason the system cannot find the file specified Is this something related to slipstremer, SP3, or some of the stuff iam deleting from my installation???? thanks in advance. Applications: Briefcase Games Internet Games Pinball Screensavers Drivers: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) IBM PS/2 TrackPoint IBM ThinkPad ISDN Logitech WingMan Microsoft SideWinder Modems Multifunctional Printers Scanners Serial Pen Tablet Sony Jog Dial Tape drives Toshiba DVD decoder card Hardware Support: AGP filters ATM Support Brother Devices Gravis Digital GamePort Iomega Zip drive Multi-port serial adapters Ramdisk Windows CE USB Host Multimedia: AOL ART Image Format Support Images and Backgrounds Intel Indeo codecs Media Center Mouse Cursors Movie Maker Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder Tablet PC Network: Client for Netware Networks Communication tools Comtrol Test Terminal Program Connection Manager FrontPage Extensions H323 MSP Internet Connection Wizard Internet Information Services (IIS) IP Conferencing MSN Explorer Netmeeting Network Diagnostic NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol Peer-to-Peer Share Creation Wizard Synchronization Manager Vector Graphics Rendering (VML) Web Folders Windows Messenger Operating System Options: NET Framework Administrative Templates Administrator VB scripts Blaster/Nachi removal tool Color Schemes Desktop Cleanup Wizard Document Templates DR Watson Extra Fonts FAT to NTFS converter File and Settings Wizard File System Encryption Help and Support IExpress Wizard Input Method Editor Manual Install and Upgrade MS Agent MS XML 2.0 Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Private Character Editor Remote Installation Services (RIS) Search Assistant Security Center Service Pack Messages Shell Media Handler Symbolic Debugger (NTSD) Tour Visual Basic Scripting support Web View Services: Application Layer Gateway Error Reporting Indexing Service Messenger Network DDE Remote Registry Removable Storage Route Listening Service RPC Locator Service Advertising Protocol Simple TCP/IP Services Telnet Directories: DOCS SUPPORT VALUEADD
does anybody has a link for .net framework 2.0 by any chance. i know its on this post but it looks like everybody is having issues with it.
Easy things to remeber / Requesting Add-ons...
aztec replied to piXelatedEmpire's topic in Application Add-Ons
net framework 2.0....ONLY i already have the AIO 1/2/3 but i would love to have just nfw 2.0 -
thank you for your input,i really appreciated.
hello everyone iam trying to create my own unnatended xp cd. this is what i deleted from my installation. games internet games pinball screensavers printers mouse coursors movie maker old cd player music samples tour all keyboards all languages (except spanish) but iam getting this error message: an error has been encountere that prevents setup from continuing set up failed to install the products catalogs,this is a fatal error.the setup log files should contain more information press ok to view the setup log file. error: the signature for windows xp professional setup is invalid.the error code is 800b0100 no signature was present in the subject. fatal error the setup failed to install the product catalogs this is fatal error, the setup log files should contain more information. thanks in advance.
[Release] AVG Antivirus Free Edition v8.0.176 Build 1400
aztec replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
ooops, iam sorry i just noticed that. i guess i press "close" too quick it works great thank you very much -
[Release] AVG Antivirus Free Edition v8.0.176 Build 1400
aztec replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
thanks for this addon, i just have a question, when the windows installation finishes, i got the dos window from this addon. i just closed it and everithing was fine. but how can i fix this window to pop up . tx -
thanks alot for your answer.these are my add ons: 7zip adobe reader avg antivirus crap cleaner dotnetaio irfanview izar klite opera unlocker i tried without removing anything and it worked, i really dont know why removing unnecesary stuff like wallpapers,screensavers,music would affect the installation +by the way the first time around i also replace the original BLISS file with my own as well as the background using winntbbued. thanks once again.
hi there i am trying to create an unattended xp cd out of my xp pro cd. i did copy all the contents of my xp cd to the desktop, started nlite, added my add ons, removed ( games-internet games,wallpaper,languages,music samples,old cd,tablet pc) only. i created my ISO, but when i tried in vmware i got this message: error the signature for windows xp professional set up is invalid the error code is 800b0100 no signature was present in the subject fatal error set up failed to install the product catalogs.this is a fatal erro.the setup log files should contain more information. any help on how to fix this wull be greatly appreciated.