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Posts posted by Cyker

  1. Is there anything else in there about enabling/disabling the onboard graphics?

    I think if you put it on PCI->AGP it will allow you to use both tho', with the AGP card becoming the secondary card.

    AGP->PCI is preferred, but you'd need to test whether that causes the onboard graphics to be disabled...

  2. Hello? You know if I can exchange on the fly with the integrated video card agp? That way I could use the Intel integrated on win98 without unplugging your video card agp.

    What I did:

    Have 7950GT plugged into AGP slot

    9200 SE in PCI slot

    BIOS -> Make PCI slot primary video card

    Win98 - Install drivers for 9200SE, abort driver install for 7950GT and disable in device manager

    Win2000 - Abort driver install for 9200SE, Install drivers for 7950GT, force 7950GT to be 'Primary (1)' graphics card and disable 9200SE

    Linux - Only compile in drivers for 7950GT

    It's a lot easier when your GFX cards are made by different people; I was going to use a GF7950GT AGP and a GF6200 PCI but then realized it would be a bit trickier, to stop the PCI card being the primary.

    And of course, if you have two monitors rather than just one with loads of input sockets, feel free to enable both graphics cards in OS' that support them! :)

    However, if you have one of those retarded motherboards that forcibly disables the on-board graphics chip if an external one is used, I'm not sure what you can do :(

  3. Device ID is 02E4.

    I don't think the problem is the drivers; As I said, they mostly detect the card okay (I tried it just now and it instantly detected it as a "NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT AGP". It even detects the monitor attached to the card and everything!)

    The problem is when you reboot the machine, it hangs after "Starting Windows 98... blah blah completing installation etc." appears and you have to boot safe mode and delete the card (Can't disable graphics cards in safe mode! :angrym:) and stop it installing again to get '98 to boot, otherwise it keeps hanging "Starting Windows 98...".

    It does this whether the card is primary or secondary. If it's secondary, I can see that the card has been initialized (There is a nice text saying something along the lines of "If you can read this Win98 has initialized the card correctly and you may use it once the system finishes loading", but of course it has hung by this time and just sits there...

    If Dave-H can get it to work I might try removing all the other cards to see if that helps, but it's a bit of a palava and I'm pretty pessimistic so I'll wait and see how he gets on first...

    @Dave-H - LOL! Sounds like you got the same card I did!!

    Mine looks exactly like this one:


  4. £50 was how much money I wasted trying different cards :}

    I haven't read any real problems with the Sil (Just stupid PEBKAC ones), and TBH I can't think of any other chipsets available on a PCI card anyway...

    I know the PCI bus can't handle the full speed of SATA-II, but it's more the signaling speed between the controller and drive that is the problem.

    Without the autoneg, it's like trying to connect a 10Base-F to 1000Base-SX!

    I'm starting to think you're right about eBay; The only retailer I can find that sells a Sil PCI eSATA card and really has one in stock is in the USA!

    Was hoping to avoid eBay but doesn't look like I have much of a choice :unsure:

  5. Well, by 'kludge' I mean rloew ended up having to send me a VMM32 that would patch and I've been using that ever since :P (This was some time in 2008!)

    I can't seem to find where I backed up my original (eek!), but according to the e-mail I sent the VMM32 I had was 2,228,235bytes. The one I'm using atm is 472,564bytes and has been patched.

    I think the current version of patchmem I have is 6.1

    I bought it because I wanted to be able to have 2GB RAM for my Linux and Win2k partitions. I'd been one of the lucky people able to use 1GB without any problems or hacks aside from the vcache limiter, but with >1GB rloew's kickass patch is really the only way to go!

    As for drivers!

    Ones I have tried include:

    + One with an archive name "nVidia GeForce 7xxx Hacked Driver.GF678_98ME.exe" that I got from the some laptops forum (19,161,143 bytes)

    + A set of 82.69-based drivers made by someone called ZakMcKracken

    + An 82.16-based driver from BFG which they hacked to support their 7800GS (But not the 7950 by the looks of things!)

    + Several different versions of the NV8269 from the mdgx website

    They all install (Either they detect the card or I force '98 to use n the case of the BFG driver) but with all I am greeted by the nasty 640x480@4 screen of... VGA failure! :o:P

    As you can see I've had a few goes at it, but I've yet to read or hear about anyone getting a 7950GT w/512MB RAM work in Win98 (As opposed to those smug 256MB owners! :P)

    I must admit, by the time rloew's /a mode came out, I'd pretty much given up and gone down the multi-card-per-OS route so I didn't give it much of a test, but if you get it working please tell us!

    You will bring hope to this random internet person! :D

    TBH tho', I'm slowly (*very* slowly admittedly) trying to move over to Linux. About the only thing I use Win98 for now is for older games like MechWarrior 3 that doesn't work properly on any other OS...)

    (Whew, thank smeg for the forum post saver! Dang thing timed out while I was typing this... thought I'd lost the whole post!! :o)

  6. I have a 7950GT with 512MB RAM and have never been able to get it to work in Win98, even ith rloew's patch :(

    Partly, I can't get any driver to recognize the card, but it may be a problem with the 512MB thing.

    One problem I have is, for some reason, my Win98's VMM32.VXD is not recognized by his patch so I had to kludge it...

    If you get it working, I'd love to see the steps you went through.

    At the moment I have 3 cards in here (Well, 4 technically; Voodoo2 SLI, Radeon 9200SE PCI and the 7950GT AGP!) so I can boot between Linux, Win2k and Win98 and still play all my games!

  7. My advice:


    I've wasted about £50 finding this out and I don't want anyone else to go through the same experience!

    The Via 6421A is a bloody awful controller chip. It's not that it's a first generation SATA-I controller or even that it's limited to 1.5Gbit.

    The problem with it is that it doesn't support auto negotiation!

    Now, this is not a problem if you're using SATA drives with a 1.5Gbit limit jumper, but if you're using SATA-II drives at 3Gbit the controller freaks out and keeps trying to resync. This will cause weird slowdowns because the controller will be jamming everything with IRQs as it tries to sync with the drive.

    The Silicon Image-based controllers are much better for one reason: They DO support auto-negotiation.

    Even if you get a SiI that only supports 1.5Gbit, it will be able to tell the drive that and the drive will lower it's speed accordingly, without needing us to mess about with jumpers. For some reason, the Via doesn't and just keeps trying to connect at 1.5Gbit to a 3Gbit drive!

    The problem I'm having is that PCI (Not PCIe!) eSATA-capable controllers based on Silicon Image chips seem to be rare as smeg. I haven't found any that are in stock anywhere! :(

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