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  1. This wil help: GOTO main :modkey REM %1 is the value of %a that is passed. REG ADD "HKU\%1\Software\PowerISO" /v "Name" /t REG_SZ /d "Value" /f REG ADD "HKU\%1\Software\PowerISO" /v "Name" /t REG_SZ /d "Value" /f REM Going to :end here only ends this instance of the call to the REM :modkey label. It does not end the whole batch file. GOTO end :main FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=\" %%a IN ('REG QUERY HKU ^|Findstr /R "S-1-5-[0-9]*-[0-9-]*$"') DO CALL :modkey %%a GOTO end :end Works for me. Jelmer.
  2. Hello All, Does anyone know a way to silent Sonne DVD Burner and the key also? I have search in mine registry but i have nothing found. Can anyone help me? Jelmer. Sorry for bad English, i'm dutch.
  3. REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RapidSolution\Radiotracker_2009\License" /v "License" /t REG_SZ /d "your key" /f Replace your key with your key. I repeat this was tested in windows xp sp3 clean virtual machine. Okay, so i have to use the ice.exe to install?
  4. It's an annoying installer. Not working to install from msi file. I tried to install and failed on program launch. I have installed in a clean vm with windows xp sp3, from ice.exe attended, then apply the serial using add reg command from my previous post and restart. Working, but poor consolation. Which add reg key did you used?
  5. It doesn't work. Is there any program that i can check witch register key i can create or something? Jelmer.
  6. Yeah i know, But i want an solution for the Key. The installer is already silent, but i want that he install my key automaticaly. Jelmer.
  7. Hello, I want a silent installation of Radiotracker 6.1.2053.3300. I have tried it with some switches, silents work, but i want the product key is silent too. Can someone help me? Jelmer. Sorry for bad english, i'm dutch.
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