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Posts posted by MrJinje

  1. Aunty Mel of MDL is working on a winsxs tool that reads the new compressed modules. Maybe it will be useful in the future for extracting the .cab from the winre.wim.


    update Nov 5. Extraction went successful, here is info on WinPE5.0-SRT.



  2. SetupComplete.cmd

    start /wait \\Somewhere\kicker.cmd


    net localgroup Administrators /ADD domain\SG_AD_Adminsnet localgroup "Power Users" /ADD "domain\domain users"

    Quick dirty way to customize your install DVD from the server side. Can make one change to the kicker script, all future installations will be affected. Use it to add roles and features, newer versions of applications, or anything you forgot to put in the install disk.

  3. I think that you need to pe resource images 517 and 518 in the spwizimg.dll on the root of the DVD and inside the mounted boot.wim and install.wim.


    Greater details on here. You actually have to replace the file in at least 3+ places to be sure to edit that screen fully. Once on the sources folder, again inside the boot.wim and inside each image of the install.wim.



  4. Updated for Windows 8.1, configure your start tiles as you prefer on your machine, run the Export command to create an XML file. Use that XML file along with creating this registry key to apply your settings. Can either set them machine-wide or per user. By far the easiest method to apply a baseline start menu for 8.1.

    ## HKLM - all users - probably requires reboot.#Export-StartLayout -Path "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.xml" -As XMLNew-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows -Name Explorer -ForceSet-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer' -Name StartLayoutFile -Value "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.xml"## HKCU - per user - effective after log-off.#Export-StartLayout -Path "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.xml" -As XMLNew-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows -Name Explorer -ForceSet-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer' -Name StartLayoutFile -Value "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.xml"#


    and Unattended version is exported as BIN and imported into a mounted .wim file. (or just run the above commands SetupComplete.cmd / $OEM$ your XML so you don't have to re-open your .wim)

    Export-StartLayout -Path "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.bin" -As BINImport-StartLayout -LayoutPath "D:\Start-Layout-81-x64.bin" -MountPath "C:\Mount\"


  5. Not sure if this is plausible in your scenario, but at work we schedule domain admin accounts to be added to the baseline image using setupcomplete.cmd. This way those accounts are inserted on first boot up.

    In fact our setupcomplete.cmd actually calls a 'kicker' script from the network share so that it is easier for us to make modifications to the script (insert new groups, users, join domain all automated) without having to modify our image.

  6. In snapshot 2, I see a setting for PIO AUTO, disable them 2 buggers so your BIOS doesn't scan the port. Is there by chance an IDE cable connected to motherboard with no drives on it, unplug if there is.

    and rememberer to turn them back on if you install an IDE later.

    Otherwise, can you find a page where you can choose exactly which HDD to boot so that it doesn't have to do any searching.

  7. 1) you got the Take Ownership tweak, if that don't work and you're not on english windows report back and I tell you the fix.

    2) Control your index service like this, or if needed one can likely disable the service entirely.


    3) Easy enough to disable the Windows Update service. It is a simple reg tweak.


  8. I would actually call a different batch file for the first logon. Then put all your HKCU .reg files in the same location as the new.cmd file you create (same folder as setupcomplete.cmd should suffice).

    All these mods can be made from outside the install.wim, using the $OEM$ folders. This avoids having to mount the wim to make small changes.

  9. I'd use setupcomplete.cmd for the HKLM settings, it runs under 'local system' privileges. Put those .reg's in the same folder with the.cmd and they will be copied over to the C: drive during installation.


    Regedit /s %~dp0AUTOLOGIN.REG


    Regedit /s C:\Windows\System32\Setup\Scripts\AUTOLOGIN.REG

    The per user stuff cannot be done from SetupComplete.cmd, so run those settings with FirstLogonCommand's.

  10. On second look, there might be an other method that works on XP and possibly W7. Found on an old zenworks post at novell.com Untested by me, report back, don't forget to change to the correct guid.


  11. But if you must code your own, I wrote a powershell snippet last year to choose .wim images on the fly, you might be able to convert to vbs or hta.




    Basically you run a "dism /get-wiminfo /WimFile:\\somewhere\install.wim" to generate a list of images inside your wim (w/index #s), then you kludge them into your VBScript input box for users to pick from. The 3rd link is very similar to what maxXPsoft is using in his .wim Shell Ext. If DISM doesn't like the UNC, map a drive letter.

  12. Actually you can fix this without RT7Lite, just mod your XML file (i use WSIM from WAIK) or edit it manually (fyi the sample only creates two partitions, but you'll get the idea, my guess you want to create 3 primary partitions)

    If that don't help, then we'll need to look into which settings pass they are being run from, attach your XML so we can determine real cause of issue.


    <DiskConfiguration>   <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI>   <Disk>      <DiskID>0</DiskID>      <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk>      <CreatePartitions>         <CreatePartition><!-- Create primary partition, 20 GB -->            <Order>1</Order>            <Type>Primary</Type>            <Size>20000</Size>         </CreatePartition><!-- Create extended partition and fill the rest of the hard disk -->         <CreatePartition>            <Order>2</Order>            <Type>Extended</Type>            <Extend>true</Extend>         </CreatePartition><!-- Create logical partition within the extended partition, 6 GB -->         <CreatePartition>            <Order>3</Order>            <Type>Logical</Type>            <Size>6000</Size>         </CreatePartition>      </CreatePartitions>   </Disk></DiskConfiguration>
  13. Here is my new trick to hide ugly GUID file names in pseudo locked folders. With your desktop.ini and your customized string resource name, set the folder attributes to system hidden.

    attrib +s +h B:\Locker.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}

    to unhide again.

    attrib -s -h B:\Locker.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}

    Assuming you are removing their ability to rename the folder, this should create one more hoop for script kitties to jump through

    FYI, this wasn't possible in XP, leading to all those complaints in the various threads on google, but this should work on W7 and above.

  14. Does the GUID/CLSID still show as part of the folder name, like when I do it by hand. Or could you use an .ini file to give the folder a different display name (hiding the clsid from potential googlers).

    You know what I mean, like how the desktop.ini can give off a name from a string located in a DLL.

    From my "Documents" folder.

  15. Could you please upload to your site a portable version of nlite? Just a ziped one without installer.

    I can't remember did Nuhi actually create those old portable nLite's or were those fan creation only available from the interwebs ?

  16. why is it not ok to dl the dll file -- http://www.techsuppo...ing-253733.html -- seems to have fixed it for others

    1) Because you asked your question at a forum that does not condone the hosting of Windows DLL files without the express written permission from the National Football League.

    2) Because you can find them on your install disk, inside the install.wim file (system32 and or syswow64 folder), very easy to mount with DISM if you had kept your install disk (which we were not made aware of until your latest post)

  17. So, basically, the essence of the program can be reproduced in two lines in batch:



    I believe he said that it also removes permissions so that you cannot simply right click and rename the folder.

    So you'd probably have to take ownership, icacls, then rename the folder to get inside. Seems childproof at the very least.

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