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Posts posted by MrJinje

  1. You right, forgot M$ make DISM snafu. Remove Package does not reduce WIM size.




    Removes a specified .cab file package from the image. Only .cab files can be specified. You cannot use this command to remove .msu files.Note

    Using this command to remove a package from an offline image will not reduce the image size.

    From Technet

  2. this exe remove the owner regs from the install.wim\windows\system32\config\system hive[ registers of system ] and make the packages visible

    so with dism.exe u will be able to remove them and ofc see them

    We have been having reports of DISM not being able to dis-mount an commit correctly after applying teh Install_WIM_Tweak.

    Who is the original author,and could they shed some light on the issue. Does this only work with Vista WAIK ImageX ?

  3. Hi,

    i would like to know how to remove components like Accessibility, welcome panel (like in vlite) but manually. I tried with dism but i can't find them all.

    please don't tell me to use some software, first i'd like to understand how things work behind these soft.

    thanks for any help

    I think the trick is to mount/commit/dismount the image with ImageX. Then since ImageX is compatible with Install_WIM_Tweak.exe (can be found in liquidz thread), you can gets access to all the WIM packages. Then you can script DISM to remove whatever packages you like.

    Should work as long as you use ImageX to unmount. For some reason DISM will not commit/dismount correctly after applying the Install_WIM_Tweak, so you have to use ImageX.

  4. It didn't work; I did not let the install proceed past copying files because it spent no time at all before proceeding to extracting the copied windows files; from much experience I know this to mean it is using the M$ generic drivers,
    LOL, you jumped the gun, the file copying happens when the installation is under control fom Boot.wim Image 2 (i.e. the GUI that copies files, extracts, choose partition, etc...). That file extraction has not anything to do with OEM drivers, it is part of windows installation process, and being run from Windows PE - Not your OS.

    Just let it fully install and you will be fine. Trust me, it does work, almost 2000 downloads between MSFN and MDL, many happy customers. You OS is not actually running until the second reboot. You OEM drivers (especially Unsigned driver's that prompt for Approval), will not be installed until then. In the case of x64, you will get prompted before first login, (and I think it was before SetupComplete.cmd runs too) to install each unsigned drivers. (pop up message for each driver).

    As for the Pending thing, that is non-issue, it is because the image was edited offline, M$ documentation clearly describes that user added packages will be marked pending. This is because they are pending until someone actually installs the OS. To avoid the "Pending" you would need to actually install your Image, Sysprep, reseal, and the Recapture the image into a new WIM. After which they will show as installed. But that is way more trouble than is worth.

    EDIT: On a side note, you could integrate you Drivers into your Boot.WIM image 2, that would assist anyone having RAID driver issues. That sort of thing.

  5. Windows Update shows all of the updates required and not installed; device manager showed no drivers installed-they are all Windows 7 64-bit published for the respective chipsets (ie: x38, Sansung 275T, onboard Yukon LAN controller etc.). However, that said, I think I may have discovered the error on my part; I mounted wim index 1 when Ultra is index 4, boy do I feel stupid :blushing: So, I think I modified the wrong image. I've just completed running your excellent tool, this time specifying wim index 4. I'm going to backup my current install and complete a fresh install using this one and will post back in a few hours. See attached for this DISM log set-you'll notice the "features" set is populated with more than the index 1 uploaded previously.

    The wim was committed both times and demounted; all logs are recorded before committing the wim.

    OK, you right, first Features.txt was definitely not Ultimate. Good Catch, future readers take note, be sure to set the correct Image Index #.

    That's a Deal-Breaker Ladies

    Let me know if it works this time.

  6. I was able to modiy the WIM file with no errors, but, none of the hotfixes or drivers installed upon performing a fresh install; the xml answer file is good. Refer to the attachment for the logs. I must be missing a step; any ideas-Windows 7 Ultimate (x64). Thanks.
    According to you 7z, you integrated around 60+ Drivers and 9 Updates into your image.

    Can you run a Windows Update Scan and confirm that these 9 updates are still showing up as not installed. They will not show up in your list of installed updates, because they were never installed, they were integrated. Is that the source of the confusion ?

    As for the drivers, they should already be integrated, run a search of C:\Windows\inf\ for oem1.inf and tell me if you find the file. That is where it should appear if integrated properly, you should find you other 60 drivers in there too. (oem0.inf - oem61.inf are you drivers) Whether or not the drivers actually work with Windows 7 is a whole nother story.

  7. i used this tool to integrate some updates but i have a tiny question :P thoes this tool integrate the updates to all the versions on the image?
    Actually it can, but you have to mount each version separately and run Add-Packages against it. Since x86 has 5 versions, you will have to repeat the process 5 times.

    mmm.. Tastes Like Chicken

  8. how can I supplies DISM files from Windows 7 installation

    Where and what I need to place files from W7 installation to it works on XP

    See here:


    I guess that some Registry keys need to be added.


    Meh, looks like it requires Winbuilder, wouldn't want have to support that. Would be useful if converted back into a reg file / batch script.

    Probably could work for tacneplong if he wants to guinea pig for us.

  9. Hello

    i have make like this

    Work folder where everything is in. under that folder i have one called Win7 and Mount and updates in the root of work folder i have put Disntool.

    Then i set the folder option in dismtool and then hit Mount and now it ask for a file i think it need the Install.win and then it ask for a folder i show it to to the Mount folder.

    then i get this error.

    We have been having issues with Non-English language packs, apparently something is affecting the sendkeys syntax in utero and the until the next release the current fix is to move the WIM to the root of the drive.

    Like F:\Install.wim More details here. and here

    For some unknown reason it is chopping off the "SO" in source from peoples install.wim paths. But only on builds using a non-english language pack ? Any ideas ?

    Here is the source for the Quick Mount button. Basically I read the Variables from the Text Fields, then Prompt the user OK/Cancel, and if they hit OK, if spawns a new command window and runs the DISM command via sendkeys

    $WIM = $SOURCE_WIM.text
    $MNT = $MOUNT_DIR.text

    $PROMPT = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("Quick Mount the WIM", 'OKCancel,Question', "Last Chance to Cancel");switch ($PROMPT) {'OK' {

    Invoke-Item C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    Start-Sleep 1
    [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::Send("c:{ENTER}CD \{ENTER}CLS{ENTER}DISM.exe /Mount-Wim /wimfile:$WIM /index:$INDEX /MountDir:$MNT{ENTER}")

    }'Cancel'{ }}

    Somehow the $WIM variable is being passed to the Sendkeys command, minus the SO in source. Can anyone re-create this error for me ? I have not been able to from English Ultimate.

  10. how can I supplies DISM files from Windows 7 installation

    Where and what I need to place files from W7 installation to it works on XP

    Should just need this file.


    and the entire DISM folder


    Probably be easiest to put both in XP System32 folder so the script can find them. This is untested, report back.

  11. Hello everyone.

    I have a problem when integrating updates and hotfixes in a windows 7 install, get the following error: "missing files needed, integration aborted".

    I Use Windows 7 rtm 16385 with the WAIK for Vista SP1 installed and vLite 1.2

    The Updates to integrate are for changes the build 16,385 to 16,399 version and others.

    Thanks all.

    Give DISM Tool a shot. Put all your MSU and CAB updates into a single folder.

    Mount your wim file, then click Add-Packages and it will prompt you to select your folder. It will integrate each update one by one.

    Afterwards click Commit-WIM, then click Dis-Mount WIM.

  12. @steven4554, I'm new to the WUD but I do like the concept.

    How can I add downloads to the list so it will be up-to-date?


    And to better answer you question (for future readers too), the way I have been doing it, is open Windows Update and run a manual scan.

    Then I highlight all the Updates and right click > Copy Details and paste that into a temporary text file.

    Each update looks like this.

    Security Update for Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 (KB969693)

    Download size: 3.9 MB

    You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.

    Update type: Important

    A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 that could allow arbitrary code to run when a maliciously modified file is opened. This update resolves the vulnerability so that Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 documents are handled appropriately.

    More information:

    Help and Support:

    From there I have links to the direct download page, KB, Description, Title, etc. Then I manually copy this information into a custom UL-XML generator to create syntax for the Update List entries.

    Otherwise, it can be done by hand, but is very cumbersome.


  13. @i2paq

    Have included all the 17 critical and 10 optional updates for Office 2007 Post SP2 in my 10/22/2009 ULZ file.

    Find it here.

    If you do not like the format I used (all updates in a single ULZ), it would be easy for someone to copy the Office specific updates into the existing ULZ (don't forget to change the Category from 7 to 1)

    I'm keeping this list current for MDL with W7 x86/x64 - W2K8 R2 - Office 07 SP2 - Visual Studio SP 1 support for now. But will continue to upload to MSFN as well.

    Here's a snip you can use to run all the Office exe's (17 critical updates). Place it in the same folder as your updates (no spaces in path)


    IF EXIST "%~dp0*.exe" (FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /B  "%~dp0*.exe"') DO (start /wait %~dp0%%A /quiet /norestart))

  14. I could possibly help out, what language are you programming in.

    As for the removal of packages, have an idea for that, but don't think Install_WIM_Tweak.exe is working with DISM currently, so we would either have to mount/unmount with the Vista WAIK imagex, or need re-write a new Install_WIM_Tweak.exe to work with DISM

    Basic idea was populate a simple tree-view / Check Box control just like vLite or WUD with the package listing from DISM /GET-PACKAGES command.

    What do you think ?

  15. Does this look better, very easy to open .ul file in Notepad and replace the bad update with this one. didn't test but assume should be working.

    <update id="KB973874" category="1" publishdate="2009-08-25" article="http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=973874">
    <title>Update for Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View List for Windows Vista x64 Edition (KB973874)</title>
    <description>This update helps make websites designed for older browsers look better in Internet Explorer 8</description>

  16. @others, thanks, hope everyone likes.

    @spoof - answered your question in the first post - See "Another Note" section.

    @gosh - It is a sendkeys hack, so save for a few commands, all the buttons should open up a new command window before running any DISM commands. Should be able to see if any errors occur there. I'll have to look into how a Remove Driver function might work (if possible)

    @noise - Maybe in the future, but not for now, apart from the DISM sendkeys commands it has a few re-useable functions for dialogs, msg boxes, and about 1000 lines of auto-generated windows forms code.

    I built a ULZ for myself (and others) that is up to date (as of 10/13/2009) so one can download all W7 x86/x64 and W2K8 R2 Updates for use with the Add-Packages feature. Here is the link

  17. I built a new W7/W2K8 UL XML file for my own personal use, I imagine some of you can re-use the legwork and get a real ULZ going for W7 x86/x64 and W2K8 R2 now. I didn't follow the listed schema guideline, but it shouldn't be to hard to fix, included every update I could find and a few definitions too.


    EDIT: Attached batch scripted version that will download both W7 x86 and W7 x64 updates for later WIM integration.

    Coming Soon - Office 2007 SP 2 and XP Mode SP3 support.



  18. Mr Jinje DISM Tool™

    This is tool I whip up for mounting Install.wim to offline service Windows 7 OEM installation media. It is Free for Non-Commercial Use.


    Few Notes:

    How to create OEM DVD Recovery Disk for readers with SLIC in BIOS.

    1) Click Mount Wim (choose WIM file and empty folder to mount and be sure to set image index # in combo box)

    2) Press Integrate Cert, and choose you cert file

    3) Copy/Paste you key into text field and push Install Key button

    4) Commit WIM changes

    5) Dis-Mount WIM

    How to Add Drivers to your Image.

    1) Put all you drivers into any folder.

    2) Click Mount WIM and then Add Drivers

    Afterwards, run the More Info button and check Drivers.txt for to see if and how it worked.

    Be sure to Commit WIM before hitting the dis-mount button, otherwise you will lose all your changes.

    Supported OS - Windows 7 only

    Supported WIM Type - Windows 7 Format only

    Unsupported WIM Type - Vista or W2K8 Format (some functions may be working but YMMV)

    Just thought I would share this here. Maybe some of you will find it useful.

    Another note - I decided to use the Commit WIM button without UnMounting the Image - Always hated having to unmount to save using other GUI's. But this means, that you first need to Commit WIM, before you can Dis-Mount the WIM, as the Dis-Mount WIM is set to Discard changes (in case you don't like the changes you made) It is programmed in Powershell, obviously you will need to enable Powershell before it can run. Greater detail on all this can be found in the original thread at MDL

    To enable Powershell, open Powershell Command prompt and type

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

    Here is a ULZ file that is up to date so one can download all W7 x86/x64, Office 2007, and W2K8 R2 Updates for use with the Add-Packages feature.

    Find More Details Here



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