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Everything posted by yro

  1. I know I know. The references I dont quote because they are from here (and I had closed the tab with these references when posting this topic). Youre right. Im going to try it out for myself and eventualy Ill post some questions in here in hope somedoby helps.. I know You and other on this forum are great guys/girls and You always helped me. This time Ill do the crazy script and Ill be posting my results to go foward.. Please, dont lock this topic. This may take a while but Ill be posting in here... God help me with this studies because He knows Im in a trick situation, doing school, working and taking care of family.. But lets go for it..
  2. Hi guys. I need a little help here. I was searching for some batch script to do some tasks on windows 7, 8 and 10 machines and I found some interesting topic. I grab the script and I made some changes. Now I need to make the script to work and I need your help to make the changes I wrote on the script itself. If possible, please, jaclass or somebody else, help me.. The sketch for the script is: IMPORTANT: Whe the user run this script it must get elevate privilegies automaticaly (as run as administrator do). ECHO """BATCH SCRIPT TO CLEAN THINGS!!! "This script will clean things from your computer. Press Y to continue or N to cancel.." If the user type Y then show the message above and continue with the script: "Message: Doing the things. This can take a little.." @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET /A Counter=0 FOR %%A IN ( "c:\windows\prefetch\*.*" "c:\windows\temp\*.*" "c:\windows\tmp\*.*" "c:\tmp\*.*" "c:\temp\*.*" "c:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache\*.*" "c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Items\*.*" "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\Local Settings\Temp\" "%UserProfilePath%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\AppData\Local\Temp\*.*" "%UserProfilePath%\AppData\LocalLow\Temp\*.*" "%homepath%\Appdata\Local\Temp\*.*" "c:\temp\*.*" "%homepath%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" "%homepath%\Local Settings\Temp\*.* ) DO ( CALL :do_count %%A CALL :do_del %%A ) GOTO :EOF :do_count FOR /F %%B IN ('dir /b %1') DO ( SET /A Counter+=1 ECHO !Counter! ) GOTO :EOF :do_del ECHO del %1 GOTO :EOF When everything is done show a message to the user asking him to reboot the system: "Message: All task where done. Now, please, type R to reboot the computer or L to do it later.." Thats it. If mistakes where made, please correct and show me whats wrong so I can learn too. DEdit.: OH!!! It would be nice if the script could show messages when the task get done, one by one, like: Clean of "c:\windows\temp\*.*": DONE! Clean of ""c:\windows\tmp\*.*": DONE! and so on... :3
  3. something is wrong. I have the office 2010 standard x86 sp2 integrated installed here and from windows update I see 28 updates for office 2010. with the wud and this updated list I see 40 updates, ignoring the update packs and installations.. whats up with these updates?
  4. sorry jaclass. that was just a concept that I found (i guess in this forum). I have a fully functional script here but unfortunately its not worth. The script takes too long to install all the msus i have. Now im trying to figureout how to make ntlites nuyhi tool to work with the updates and some removals thanks anyway... sorry about my bad english..
  5. Guys Im lost here. I need a script to install all msu files on a folder but I need this script to "ignore" an update if its already installed on the system. Is that the normal behavior of these scripts? If not, how can I make this script do the ignore installed thing? script in use is this:
  6. holly cr$# I was wondering.... imagine an Windows 8.1.1 Pro, without all that crap things that it has, with some edits on the start menu... nuhi, one last question: have you tested shrinking the win7 iso so it can fit on CD but without loosing aero, network, drivers and the core things? is that possible?
  7. Thats great. No ads on free version. So, if im correct, with the free version we will be able to to the same as vlite does with vista (about removing things) but without the ability to remove "meta" packages? Well, if i can remove packages deep, remove languages unnecessary, remove other editions from the iso (like win 7 ultimate/home premium/home basic/etc), remove drivers, etc., why care about the pro? The "special thing" will make us want to migrate to the pro edition? I wonder what it this thing... Anyway, its great to hear from You about this new tool. its great that You want to make this your "work" so you can earn some money for living and its great that You are happy about the release of it. No need for compatibility with servers, that was just an question, nothing more.. I hope You dont take too much time to release it for us! yro, with the notion about removals, yes. Free version is nothing less than a pro without: - majority of removals - advanced driver operations, like removing undetected drivers for machine's hardware from the integration list - winsxs cleanup (without picky DISM) - auto-fill Unattended entries using host machine data - and a special new thing edit: So it supports Win7, 8, 8.1. 8.1.1. No server for now, and I don't know why would anyone touch a server which has a nice feature/role setup on its own, and it needs to be more reliable for remote management. Also there is Server Core for basic tiniest foundation. Will see over time, depending on the reasons for that kind of support. No ads on the free version.
  8. wait! nuhi, so the free version will have the ability to remove things from the iso source, integrate updates and do some tweaks on the os behavior? if so, than hell do it as soon as possible. one question nuhi: the new tool will be compatible with what exaclty OS? win 7, win 8, win 8.1 and win 8.1 update 1? and server side of windows? an request: please, do not force ads on the free version so we can work with the tool without visual polution and without concerns about popups, banners, etc.
  9. well, i like free and open software but in this case we have to consider the time you expended on it and the goal of quality above all. just consider charging a great deal (like less than $15) and we will all be ok with that. ps.: consider extr feature as costs for usr and main options the free ones...
  10. topic started at :17 August 2013 - 05:40 AM and until now no informations from nuhi. is the project dead? or even was it real? i dont know but i have hope..
  11. nice to hear from you nuhi. atleast we know that youre alive and your new project too my win7 and win8 isos are waiting with ungry and blood on its eyes for this new app.. lets hope to hear from you soon and not in the end of the year...
  12. well.. its 05/20/2014 and no news from nuhi... Im concerned...
  13. oh god... today is May 07th and no infos from nuhi... :(:( please nuhi, present us with some prints... atleast..
  14. today is 04/25/2014, so... nuhi, can you atleast post some prints?
  15. so.. the tool is dead?
  16. Why dont You just release an alpha for us so we an relax for more 5 years when You will be releasing the tool? Seriously now. What about an alpha release for this weekend so we can play with it for more months until you release the final version of the tool?
  17. I have the Windows 7 Ultimate x86 RTM installed on my computer. Its the lite edition that I have done. Now i installed the vlite 1.x.x and the final (to have the waik compatibility) and its working fine here. I made the seven lited with vlite installed like i sad. i didnt install the waik from microsoft. I just installed the two versions of vlite and it works fine. Now I want to vlite the Windows Vista SP2 x86 (official with sp2) but the vlite shows me one erro. Something about framework. Is it possible to vlite a vista ISO in seven OS ? How can i do it? Or, will I have to install Vista or XP to make the vlited? ... sorry about my english.
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