We don't know; but, if he uses cable internet, most cable modems assign an ip address that is not one of the standard, private ones. (Time-Warner uses 71.xxx.xxx.xxx and Earthlink 24.xxx.xxx.xxx) Setting him up to use a crossover cable would clobber his ability to connect to the internet. And yes; you would need several switches to get 255 PC's on one router; but, it works just fine. Excepting some Netgear routers which don't acta as DNS forwarders, every other router I know of works great if you just plug in the PC's and use automatic everything with the advantage being they remain as flexible as possible. If the router fails in a thunderstorm, just plug in another one; if its a laptop, they still work great on the road, and so on.... I use static ip's for servers, printers, and gateway devices; leaving everyone else to be automatic.