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Everything posted by rv31

  1. So i am trying to install win 2k3 trial from a usb drive. 1) I added the ms-dos files to the usb drive (which now gives me a command promt when set to boot of the usb drive) 2) I also unzipped the win 2k3 iso files and added these the the usb drive 3) I run the setup.exe at this boot up command prompt 4) Get error saying this file cannot be run in ms-dos mode 5) Google and find a similar thing for win xp and solution is to run the winnt.exe in win xp instead of the setup.exe So for the win 2k3 trial setup files what file can i run from ms-dos to start the setup/installation from command?
  2. OK i think i've got it, thanks. My next question will tell if i have maybe. So why do we need 3 private address ranges, 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x -172.31.x.x and 192.168.x.x – 192.168.x.x etc... And from what i've read you shouldn't really have more than 500 hosts on any network and all of these private address ranges can host huge amounts of hosts according to how you tweak the subnet. And then if you needed more than 500 hosts all you need to do is add another router and tweak the subnet for the 10.x.x.x so that the second network is on another subnet etc....
  3. Try this vb script, copy all this code into notepad and save as renamer.vbs or whatever (have "all files" selected in the save dialogue). Run the script and choose the folder where your pictures are, if they are on the desktop you will need to navigate in the folder dialogue to the full path i.e C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\New Folder etc... or whatever So this script only works on jpg files or ".jpg" to be precise..... And will only remove the first 5 characters in the filename i.e DSC-x and leave the rest.. dim fso dim folder dim file dim fname dim ObjFSO dim folderpath set fso = createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Example", 0, ssfAll) if objFolder is nothing then Wscript.Echo "Script Error: Please select a folder!" Wscript.Quit end if folderpath = objFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(objFolder.Title).Path & "\" set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderpath) for each file in folder.files if right(file.name,3) = "jpg" then fname = mid(file.name,6,(len(file.name)-5)) fso.movefile folderpath & file.name,folderpath & fname end if next
  4. So xp home seems to have very limited functions to restrict the guest account or restrict further a limited account. For example the guest account can still see all installed programs on the administraor account, this is a bit bizarre no? As far as i can see all the guest account on xp home does is prevent applications from beging installed unless you install as admin, how do i disable regedit, cmd, stop the installed apps on the admin account showing in the guest account, restrict access in the guest account to the root drive etc...?? Just noticed that the guest account has access to the control panel and administrative tools as well!! Have i enable something on the admin account to allow this and i just don't know it??
  5. is a broadcast address B) that's wqhat i was meaning. So the ip could be say if the subnet allowed for it, the key thing i have got is that it depends on what the subnet is. I am ok with it if it is a default subnet like or but haven't quite clicked onto what ip range you can have how you have a subnet like yet. (VLSM)
  6. Well explained, got it. Ok so you can choose your own subnet to suit your LAN ips needs. What i need to really understand then is how subnetting works, for examaple i think i have seen subnets like so what is the deal there....
  7. If you have a LAN with more than 255 PCs with the first PC having an IP of and the routers ip is, after you reach the ip what would be the next ip on the LAN, "" ?? How come (in packet tracer simulation package) i can have 2 pc connected to a switch with ips PC1 = and PC2 = for example and the PCs they can ping each other whereas if i use the ips PC1 = and PC2 = then they can't ping each other...?
  8. Take this post for example, http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=127562, this guy was setting up about 50 /60 end devices (mainly workstations and printers) using 1 router and 3 switches. Would you just let DHCP assign all the IPs on this network pretty much...........? Also, would you be ok with cat5 cables or would you benefit much from cat5e/6/6e or fibre etc....? Also what if your router died how would you have a back up router (or switch if that died) so that you never lost connectivity or can you do this?
  9. It is just a switch not a router/switch etc... i think. So switch ---> modem. Reason i was asking is that I was shown a cicso switch in some lab with about 5 PCs connected to this switch via cat5 ethernet cables and hence all PCs had internet, now i didn't find out if there was a router behind the switch i didn't see one anyway, but there may well have been one. So i am a bit of a novice at all this. I know a router connects 2 different subnets and that a switch only works with mac addresses, so i couldn't see how a switch on it's own could pass an internet IP address(or domain name) to the modem for the modem to go a fetch from the WAN..... Note that these PCs were not connected to each other (peer-to-peer) i suppose they would be in a client/server config all being connected to the switch like that.?
  10. Hello, Say you have 4 PCs and want them all to have internet access, do you only need a switch and modem or do you need a router as well? Note that these PC are not joined togther, i.e peer-to-peer or client/server type....
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