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Everything posted by balubeto

  1. If I follow this guide to rename the boot.wim file of Windows PE 2.1 64-bit, I can create single DVD that contains Windows PE 2.1 64-bit and Vista SP1 64-bit? If so, how should I do to start, from the command prompt of Windows PE, a custom installation of Vista SP1 with an answer file in the Files_XML directory of the same DVD? THANKS BYE See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=135292
  2. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...053(WS.10).aspx If I follow this guide to rename the boot.wim file of Windows PE 2.1 64-bit, I can create single DVD that contains Windows PE 2.1 64-bit and Vista SP1 64-bit? If so, how should I do to start, from the command prompt of Windows PE, a custom installation of Vista SP1 with an answer file in the Files_XML directory of the same DVD? THANKS BYE
  3. Sorry but I have gone here but I have not found the procedure of creating a single DVD, that contains Windows PE 2.1 and Windows Vista SP1, so that, when this DVD will be booted, Windows PE is always started and not the installation Vista SP1. Now, you understand? THANKS BYE
  4. HI I have the Windows AIK 1.1 suite and the Vista SP1 DVD. How do I make this DVD (which should always start Windows PE 2.1 and, then, optionally, start Vista SP1 typing the <DVD-letter>:\setup.exe \unattend:X:\Autounattend.xml) with this suite? THANKS BYE
  5. HI In the CD of Windows PE 2.1 64 bit, her custom image is saved in the \sources\boot.wim file. Now, during her phase of creation, how do I rename the boot.wim file? THANKS BYE
  6. Can I convert this script into a cmd script so that Vista can run it directly? If so, how do I do this? THANKS BYE
  7. HI How do I perform a custom installation of Vista SP1 from CD of Windows PE 2.1? The answer file will take a special instruction? THANKS BYE
  8. HI I use the oscdimg.exe utility with the -n -m -b -h options to create the various ISO custom image of Windows PE 2.1 64 bit. I noticed, however, that, in the ISOs, all the file names are in upper case even though some original files are written in lowercase. So, I tried adding the -d option (does not force lowercase file names to uppercase) when creating the Windows PE 2.1 64-bit but now it fails to boot. Why? THANKS BYE
  9. HI I use the oscdimg.exe utility with the -n -m -b -h options to create the various ISO custom image of Vista SP1. I noticed, however, that, in the ISOs, all the file names are in upper case even though some original files are written in lowercase. So how do I prevent this? THANKS BYE
  10. HI If, on the Windows PE 2.1 64 bit, I run an custom installation of Vista SP1 64 bit through the command \setup.exe /unattend:answer-file.xml (the setup.exe file is the file that's on the DVD of Vista SP1) in which I have inserting a valid license code, the installation of Vista is interrupted, saying that the license code is not valid . If, however,I rename this answer file in autounattend.xml and I put this file in the root of the dvd of Vista, the installation does not create any problem. Why? THANKS BYE
  11. In other words, if I have the structure: Folder1 --- SubFolder1 --- SubFolder2 --- SubFolder3 --- SubFolder4 I would need to write, from the command line: "delete-script / Folder1 / SubFolder1 / SubFolder2" and, therefore, the resulting structure should be: Folder1 - --- SubFolder1 --- SubFolder2 Then, your script does this? If no, please, you can modify this script? THANKS BYE
  12. HI Should I create a list of n subdirectory known and I should run some commands in any other subdirectory of the same branch. How do I write this cmd script so I can write from the command prompt "script-name directory subdirectory1 subdirectory2 subdirectory3 ... subdirectoryn" ? THANKS BYE
  13. HI Putting in X virtual disk of Windows PE 2.1 this script, it should delete all files and all directories of an NTFS partition in which there is the \Users directory except this directory and its subdirectories. @echo off for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z) do ( if exist %%I:\Users set DVDDrive=%%I else ( echo not exist the %%I:\Users directory. pause goto :EOF) ) pushd X:\Windows\System32 for /R %%f in (%DVDDrive%\) do ( if not "%%f" == "%DVDDrive%\Users" (attrib -rhsi *.* /s del /s /q *.*) ) popd Right or should I make some correction? THANKS BYE
  14. I did a cmd script that should delete all the directories on a hard drive except the subdirectories of the Users\[Name-user-accounts] directory. This script is: pushd "%1" for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z) do if exist %%I:\Users set DVDDrive=%%I for /D %%f in (%DVDDrive%\*) do ( if /i not "%%f" == "%DVDDrive%\Users\*" rd /s /q "%%f" ) popd This script, run in Windows PE 2.1 on the virtual drive X, do not cancel, however, the system or hidden directories. So how do I change this script to delete these directories? THANKS BYE
  15. In other words, if I have the structure: Folder1 --- SubFolder1 --- SubFolder2 --- SubFolder3 --- SubFolder4 I would need to write, from the command line: "delete-script / Folder1 / SubFolder1 / SubFolder2" and, therefore, the resulting structure should be: Folder1 - --- SubFolder1 --- SubFolder2 Now, you have realized What is my problem? So how can I do this script? THANKS BYE
  16. Perhaps you have not understood well: I want a script that works with Windows PE 2.1 32/64 bit and with Vista SP1 32/64 bit and that is a command line so I can simply write "script-name directory\list-subdirectories-from-NOT-deleting" (so that it automatically deletes the remaining subdirectories and their files with any attribute). THANKS BYE
  17. The problem is what I not am capable of programming. So, I'm looking for someone willing to do this simple script. THANKS BYE
  18. HI I would need a script that it deletes all the subdirectories (with their contents) except those mentioned by me. These subdirectories and their files may have any attribute. This script must run on Windows PE 2.1 32/64 bit and on Windows Vista SP1 32/64 bit. THANKS BYE
  19. HI With a custom installation of Vista SP1, I only moved the Users directory to another partition D. Now, having to format the system partition C, how can I create an answer file so as to warn Vista SP1 that the Users directory is already created and that it is in partition D? In other words, I wish that the installation of Vista SP1 automatically creates all "accounts" present in D:\Users\. THANKS BYE
  20. HI I noticed that, in the DVD of Vista SP1, there are the \setup.exe and \sources\setup.exe files. Can someone tell me exactly where these two files are used? THANKS BYE
  21. HI Someone explain to me what are the two volume images included in the boot.wim file of the DVD of Vista SP1? What is the first volume image that is started when the DVD of Vista SP1 is running the boot? THANKS BYE
  22. HI I should create a DVD that contains Windows PE 2.1 and Vista SP1 and make sure that Windows PE is always started when I do boot from this DVD. So how do I make this DVD? THANKS BYE
  23. In short, I wish that, when booting Vista SP1 64-bit, to appear a menu where I can select multiple answer files that I already included in my DVD. THANKS BYE
  24. HI During the boot of the DVD of Vista SP1 64-bit, I can run one of my xml answer files, which are in a directory of this DVD, so I can start a custom installation of this OS? If so, how do I do this? THANKS BYE
  25. HI I would like to create a personalized DVD of Vista SP1 64-bit and, so, I have created four answer files to be able to perform custom installations of the four major editions of Vista. These answer files are located in this DVD in the directory File_XML and they are Business_SP1.xml, HomeBasic_SP1.xml, HomePremium_SP1.xml and Ultimate_SP1.xml. Now, since the setup.exe file on the DVD of Vista SP1 has the /unattend:answer_file option, I would like to create, with Aero Studio 2008, a menu whose entries respectively start the four customized editions of Vista SP1 64-bit. So how can I do this menu that it should appear when I do boot from that DVD? THANKS BYE
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