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Everything posted by neo_3333

  1. Can anyone tell me how to pause runonceex ? I have intellipoint and intellitype in my runonceex and they lanuch another process so only one successfully installs. I know there's sleep.exe on the MSFN's unattended site but that's for batch install.
  2. echap2000, Great App. It would be good if it could save to inf format.
  3. Try this, Command line: No need to extract ! VMware-workstation-X.X.X-XXXX.exe - For example, VMware-workstation-4.5.2-8848.exe XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX - Your serial
  4. [Forsaken]Omni, Have you figured out how to silent install dlink software ? I too, am trying to do the same thing. I would also like know add the profile of the wireless settings to the unattended install. Anyone know how to ?
  5. Try this one. It works with Suite. ZoneAlarm
  6. Here is alternative solution for ZoneAlarm that I've posted earlier. ZoneAlarm Unattended with Licence Key and Config File
  7. First of all, you have added some unnecessary characters and the path before msiexec shown in red above. Remove them from you syntax. Msiexec is on your system not on the cd like you have shown me in your syntax. You have also forgotten the square brackets (ie. [...] shown below in blue) for your the path where you want to install VMware. XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX - Your serial number with hypens in it.
  8. Can you show me the actual syntax that is imported into your runonceex registry ? So I can see what's wrong.
  9. Have a look at this link. This is how I install VMware silently in my unattended and it works perfectly. It is at the bottom of the page. Installing VMware Workstation Silently
  10. Here's what you do. {File Path} - Path to your ZASuite setup {Config File Path} - Path to you config file zaSuiteSetup_51_011.exe - Name of your ZASuite setup config.xml - Name of your config file /lickey - If you want to add your licence key your must add this switch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Enter your serial number if you have the /lickey switch
  11. Yeah, it's part of my inf and it works.
  12. Yeah, I use inf to setup winamp. %1% - Directory where inf file is in
  13. Yes. mazin, Can I have a look at it ?
  14. mazin, Is this code you talk about for %CDROM % ?
  15. Quite True but to use %CDROM% anywhere, it would have to be predefined variable before usage. I guess it just depends on when you prefer to define the variable.
  16. xtremexxx, I'm not sure which method you have found but I've posted a method that works with the Security Suite and I believe it should work with this one. ZoneAlarm Security Suite Unattended with Licence Key and Config File
  17. mazin, With %CDROM%, I believe you can use the Expand Environment Strings method instead like I've used below for the source path and the install path. Example, WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%") Winamp.js
  18. mazin's right I too experienced the same sort of problem so I changed the time in my script to: WScript.Sleep(57000);//time to install Winamp This depends on your computer performance. My comp is slow so you might have use something less.
  19. mazin, That doesn't work either. I found out you have to put quotes (\") like you would in reg files. Example. WshShell.Run("\"%SystemDrive%\\Winamp 5.04 Pro\\winamp504_pro.exe\"");
  20. Hey mazin, Does the "WshShell.Run" line work with spaces in the path ? Because I've tried the following syntax and it doesn't work. var Run = WshShell.Run("%SystemDrive%\\Winamp 5.04 Pro\\winamp504_pro.exe");
  21. mazin's right. I was talking about the lines in the setup.iss file.
  22. I've searched for this but I have not found out how to do a silent install for EMC7 - Retail (Both Programs and Contents) and its update. Can someone please help ?
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