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Everything posted by AndersBlomgren

  1. I got most of what I needed to put this together from this post and this board so I figured I had to give something back. Another note for you people who do this with non-english versions of the converters and patch: Apparently they didnt bother to change the language in the ARP-info in the patch so take a look in the Property-table before you generate the final mst if it bothers you (didn't bother me). //Anders
  2. Here's what I did, seems to work ok here. Extract the contents of FileFormatConverters.exe Make sure you have the Windows Installer SDK, you can get it as part of the Platform SDK, just disable everything else. Using Orca, export the tables AdminExecuteSequence and AdminUISequence from the Sequence.msi found in the samples installed with the Installer SDK. Open O12Conv.msi in Orca, make a new transform and import the two tables. In the Property-table, add a new property, TARGETDIR and set its value to where you would like the administrative installation, "\\myserver\share\MS\Office\FFC" as an example. Generate the transform and close Orca. Perform the administrative installation: msiexec /a O12Conv.msi TRANSFORMS=mytransform.mst This will not show success or failure, add logging to check (/L*v mylog.txt) Extract the contents of compabilitypacksp1-kb940289-fullfile-lang.exe Patch your administrative installation: msiexec /p O2Convsp1.msp /a \\myserver\share\MS\Office\FFC\O12Conv.msi TRANSFORMS=sameTransformAsLastTime.mst shortfilenames=true Open the now patched O12Conv.msi in Orca, some files in the patch have sequence Id's which are not in the Media table even though the files do exist. The qnd fix is to sort the File table by sequence id, note the highest id and change the single entry in the Media table to match that id. I prefer to generate a new transform for this but you could probably just save the msi as well. And after that you can deploy from the administrative install point: msiexec /i O12Conv.msi TRANSFORMS=sequencefix.msi /qb- Or via group policy software installation, which was my goal (will we ever be able to deploy msp's via gpo?) //Anders
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