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Everything posted by Skywalker

  1. Is the no reboot thing making the installation windows disapear?
  2. Great help! It worked for me by making the SFX archive silent. Now I face another challenge. I try to install Office 2000 incl. SP1 and in this setup also a box is visible. is there a way to hide this? The string I use is this: <execute display='Office 2003 Pro incl. SP1 ...' program='%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Office2003\setup.exe' arguments='TRANSFORMS=%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Office2003\Unattended.MST /qb-'/> The setup works, but I don't want to see it.
  3. Hi BAM, Works like a charm really looks very professional now. But still see the Nero extraction process and I would like to hide my cleanup.cmd Any suggestions? Thnx! This is what I have now: <XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='18' after='10' subcount='true' /> <!-- turn antialiasing OFF if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='true' small='9' large='14' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='461' position='2' fixmain='0' /> <windowmode>GUIinstall</windowmode> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFFAA' image='' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFFAA' image='' /> <progress border='#000000FF' back='#FFFFFFFF' fore='#079E05FF' /> <main back='#4A6FD6' fore='#FFFFFFAA' current='#FF8000' description='#FFFFFF' image='' overlay='#FFFFFF22'/> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Installation and configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Installing Applications'> <execute display='Installing .NET Framework v1.1 ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfx.msi' arguments='/QN'/> <execute display='Installing Irfanview 3.92 ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\applications\IrfanView392\IView392.exe' arguments='/silent /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1'/> <execute display='Installing Irfanview 3.92 Plugins ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\applications\IrfanView391\all_plugins.exe' arguments='/silent'/> <execute display='Installing WinRAR 3.30 ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\Applications\WinRAR\wrar330.exe' arguments='/s'/> <execute display='Installing Daemon Tools 3.46 ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\Applications\DaemonTools\daemon.msi' arguments='/qn /norestart'/> <execute display='Installing McAfee 8.0i Enterprise ...' program='%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\VSC\vse800.msi' arguments='/QN'/> <execute display='Installing MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final ...' program='%systemdrive%\install\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi' arguments='/QN'/> <execute display='Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20...' program='%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Nero\nero63120.exe' arguments='/SN=****-****-****-****-****-**** /WRITE_SN /SILENT /NO_UI /NOCANCEL /NOREBOOT'/> </item> <item display='Running Registry tweaks'> <execute display='Applying Registry Tweaks I ...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\install\QuickLaunch.reg'/> <execute display='Applying Registry Tweaks II ...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\install\RegTweaks.reg'/> </item> <item display='Running system cleanup'> <execute display='Performing cleanup ...' program='%systemdrive%\cleanup.cmd'/> </item> </items> </XPlode>
  4. Big_Gie, it sure works with the new Xplode! Thanks I used you're settings. I still have one question at the end I would like to run a .cmd file. How can I run a .cmd silent from xml? Is it something like hide="true' And I install Nero with the /silent parameter (see my xplode.xml) but I still see the setup window. The same thing happens when I install MSN Messenger 6.2 Is there a way to hide these windows as well? And I don't see the progress bars for each individual application, only the one at the bottom. Where can I set this?
  5. Thanks for the help!!! Everything works great now!
  6. Ok it is working, I put the plugins where Xplode.exe is. But know I like to know how can I get it like this?
  7. Thanks for the help. Below is the output of my logfile. -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/25 11:18:14 XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { } Registering commands { } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\Install\Xplode\Xplode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\Install\Xplode\Xplode.xml { Configuration Block { Window Mode = 'GUIinstall-transparent' hidewindow = 'Windows Update' hidewindow = 'CMD.EXe' font.antialias = 'false' font.face = 'Tahoma' font.large = '12' font.small = '8' show.after = '2' show.subcount = 'true' show.total = '6' window.fixmain = '191' window.position = '0' window.width = '1024' colours.header.back = '#003399' colours.header.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.header.image = 'D:\$OEM$\images\head.png' colours.footer.back = '#003399' colours.footer.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.footer.image = 'D:\$OEM$\images\foot.png' colours.main.back = '#FF00FF' colours.main.current = '#FFFF00' colours.main.description = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.image = 'D:\$OEM$\main2.png' colours.main.overlay = '#FFFFFF22' colours.progress.back = '#00000000' colours.progress.border = '#FFFFFF' colours.progress.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.progress.fore2 = '#00000033' strings.addgroup = 'Adding group #1#' strings.adduser = 'Adding user #1#' strings.addusertogroup = 'Adding user #1# to group #2#' strings.complete = 'complete' strings.copy = 'Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.delete = 'Deleting #1# (#3#)' strings.move = 'Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.shortcut = 'Adding shortcut: #1#' strings.title = 'Post-Install Configuration' } Items Block { Item Block: '.NET Framework v1.1' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QN' display = 'Installing .NET Framework v1.1...' program = 'C:\install\NetFramework\netfx.msi' } } Item Block: 'Irfanview 3.92' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/silent /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1' display = 'Installing Irfanview 3.92...' program = 'C:\install\applications\IrfanView392\IView392.exe' } } Item Block: 'Irfanview 3.92 Plugins' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/silent' display = 'Installing Irfanview 3.92 Plugins...' program = 'C:\install\applications\IrfanView391\all_plugins.exe' } } Item Block: 'WinRAR 3.30' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'Installing WinRAR 3.30...' program = 'C:\install\Applications\WinRAR\wrar330.exe' } } Item Block: 'Daemon Tools 3.46' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qn /norestart' display = 'Installing Daemon Tools 3.46...' program = 'C:\install\Applications\DaemonTools\daemon.msi' } } Item Block: 'McAfee 8.0i Enterprise' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QN' display = 'Installing McAfee 8.0i Enterprise...' program = 'C:\Install\Applications\VSC\vse800.msi' } } Item Block: 'MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QB' display = 'Installing MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final...' program = 'C:\install\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi' } } Item Block: 'Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/SN=****-****-****-****-****-**** /WRITE_SN /SILENT /NOREBOOT' display = 'Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20...' program = 'C:\Install\Applications\Nero\nero63120.exe' } } Item Block: 'Registry Tweaks' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\install\RegTweaks.reg' display = 'Applying Registry Tweaks...' program = 'regedit' } } } } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { Running item: '.NET Framework v1.1' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'Irfanview 3.92' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'Irfanview 3.92 Plugins' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'WinRAR 3.30' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'Daemon Tools 3.46' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'McAfee 8.0i Enterprise' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } Running item: 'Registry Tweaks' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (-1,-1) Unhandled command: 'execute' - error reported by XPlode (no plugin match) } } } -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/08/25 11:18:16 I don't get it........looks like an plugin error. I have the plugins in the same directory as the Xplode.xml file. Maybe they must be in the same dir as Xplode.exe?
  8. Can someone please help me on this one? I can't figure out what is wrong with it. I run Xplode from cmdlines.txt This is what it lookes like: [COMMANDS] ".\XPLode.exe /xml:#Systemdrive#\Install\Xplode\Xplode.xml" And it calls Xplode.xml wich lookes like this: <XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- turn antialiasing OFF if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='1024' position='0' fixmain='191' /> <windowmode mode='guitransparent' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main2.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22'/> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='.NET Framework v1.1'> <execute display='Installing .NET Framework v1.1...' program='%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfx.msi' arguments='/QN' </item> <item display='Irfanview 3.92'> <execute display='Installing Irfanview 3.92...' program='%systemdrive%\install\applications\IrfanView392\IView392.exe' arguments='/silent /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1' </item> <item display='Irfanview 3.92 Plugins'> <execute display='Installing Irfanview 3.92 Plugins...' program='%systemdrive%\install\applications\IrfanView391\all_plugins.exe' arguments='/silent' </item> <item display='WinRAR 3.30'> <execute display='Installing WinRAR 3.30...' program='%systemdrive%\install\Applications\WinRAR\wrar330.exe' arguments='/s' </item> <item display='Daemon Tools 3.46'> <execute display='Installing Daemon Tools 3.46...' program='%systemdrive%\install\Applications\DaemonTools\daemon.msi' arguments='/qn /norestart' </item> <item display='McAfee 8.0i Enterprise'> <execute display='Installing McAfee 8.0i Enterprise...' program='%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\VSC\vse800.msi' arguments='/QN' </item> <item display='MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final'> <execute display='Installing MSN Messenger 6.2.0137 Final...' program='%systemdrive%\install\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi' arguments='/QB' /> </item> <item display='Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20'> <execute display='Nero Burning ROM v6.3.1.20...' program='%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Nero\nero63120.exe' arguments='/SN=****-****-****-****-****-**** /WRITE_SN /SILENT /NOREBOOT' </item> <item display='Registry Tweaks'> <execute display='Applying Registry Tweaks...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\install\RegTweaks.reg' /> </items> </XPlode> The individual software can be install with these parameters I did that with a cmd file. But now I'm trying it through Xplode and it doesn't work.... I see something starting very quick at T12 in the setup proces, but it disappears instantly and nothing happens. Can someone please look at my files and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've looked at the forum posts here but didn't find the solutions yet.
  9. Found it! I prepped my image with Nlite, and stripped Outlook Express also. This was the problem. I installed again with Outlook Express and then installed Outlook 2003 and now it works fine.
  10. I made an slipstreamed CD with XP Pro and SP2. I installed it en everything seems fine. Then I installed office 2003 and configured my mail profile in outlook. But outlook won't connect to my provider!? I tried a lot of options, put outlook as an exclusion in the firewall, put the ports as an exception in the firewall, turned of the firewall. Nothing seems to work, when I test my settings in outlook, it says the network connection is ok, then when it tries to find the POP3 and SMTP it won't connect. On another computer I installed SP2 over XP SP1a with outlook and on that PC outlook still works perfectly...... I don't get it........... Is there anyone who can help me with this? I'm 100% sure that the settings are ok. I didn't install any other software then XP with SP2 and Office 2003. I reproduced the problem within an VMware installation. So it seems to be a problem with XP with SP2 slipstreamed into it........
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