Hey there, I've done a few unattended installs with W2K, this is the first one with WXP. and it doesn't appear to want to use the answer file. I used the deploy to create it, renamed it to winnt.sif and modified the winnt.bat file so that it will run from the CD same as I have done for W2k. But it still doesn't repartition, reformat or anything else it's supposed to do from what I'm seeing. Here is my answer file or winnt.sif, [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall=Yes [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes Repartition=Yes TargetPath=Windows UnattendSwitch=Yes WaitForReboot=No [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword="*" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=50 OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=4 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ComputerName="*" ProductID=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX FullName="Customer" OrgName="Corporation" ComputerName="" [GuiRunOnce] Command0="%systemdrive%\sysprep\source.cmd" Command1="%systemdrive%\sysprep\serial.vbs" Command2="%systemdrive%\sysprep\sysprep.exe -quiet" [Display] ConfigureAtLogon=1 BitsPerPel=16 Xresolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=70 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes my winnt.bat file, @rem SetupMgrTag @echo off rem rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by the Setup Manager Wizard. rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified. rem set AnswerFile=.\winnt.sif set SetupFiles=.\i386 .\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang It's pretty much the same thing I'm using for W2K which does work as expected. Also, it's XPsp1a which I'm getting ready to slipstream to SP2 but that shouldn't make a difference. But it starts up, finds the CD, checks for hardware, setup begins loading files, reports it starting windows, (this is all the blue screen at the beginning), says it's processing information file and then asks if I want to install, repair or quit setup. This is followed by the EULA, whic his followed by the partition screen, etc.. etc.. Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.