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  1. Bulldog, Don't know what is wrong with this thing. I tried yours, only modifying the [userData] portion. It asked about the partitioning which was expected since you had AutoPartition turned off. But it also asked about the EULA and after copying all the files and drivers it then asked for username and company followed by the ProductKey. So I stopped it. I've gotta be missing soemthing somewhere, but I can't figure out what.
  2. Ok, just a quick refresh while this is running. I've been using BCD (Bart's CD) and CDImage_Pro. In both situations what I have done is copy the entire install CD to c:\Root I then create my winnt.sif which I place in the c:\Root\i386 folder. I made sure that the [setupData] section of the i386\txtsetup.sif file shows SetupSourcePath = "\". The only thing I havn't been sure about is that in W2K, you had to change the Pid line in the setupp.ini file, replacing the last 3 digits that read OEM with 270, I couldn't find any information that this is required for XP, but I've tried it with OEM and with 270 neither one worked. Everything else is stock from the actual install CD. Can you see anything I might be missing?
  3. Yeah I did didn't work either, I'm about to try Bulldog's winnt.sif verbatim, just with my [userData] info and see what happens. Will keep you informed.
  4. Another quick question, I'm using an XP-SP1a, as that's all I have, what versions are you guys using? SP1, SP1a, SP2? I tried to slipstream to SP2 but there has been talk that on a W2K machine, it's likey I'd be unable to integrate it.
  5. Trying it now. As I said, I'll try anything once, twice, 10 times. quick question, should those be Uppercase first letters or lowercase? I don't believe case matters but I'm gonna try it as Upper case first letter first. Well, that didn't seem to make a difference either, it asked all the questions like before.
  6. Bulldog, I copied the data and unattended sections you posted, dropped them into my file (replacing my entries entirely) and am running it now. It already asked me about the EULA, partition information (which is expected due to AutoPartition=0) and is currently formatting now. I'll know for sure when it gets past the copying install files part. Nope, did the same thing, asks for Regional and language settings followed by the followed by the Name and Organization input screen. At which point I just cancel it.
  7. No, havn't messed with the bootloader in any way, I'm using BCD to create the iso image, then I tell Virtual PC to use that image or I burn it to a CD which is what I've done with W2K in the past. Near as I can tell, it's booting from the i386 folder as I don't have a boot folder for it to boot from.
  8. Ok, I'm trying this with the following changes to [Data] and [unattended], [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS Everything else is still the same, but I removed my entries for [GuiRunOnce] and made OemPreinstall=No to see if it can get that far. I even removed the second entry of ComputerName and have it beng named 123. Right now its' formatting the drive, it already asked me about the EULA which leads me to believe I'm still stuck in the same place. But I'll try anything now. Formatting complete, now it's copying files needed for installation. Copying complete, system restarts. Windows splash screen comes up, it then continues setup with Collecting Information, Dynamic Update and Preparing Installation already complete. Installing windows will take approximately 33 minutes. After a bit, it comes to the part where it asks me my Regional and Language options, followed by the Name and Organization input screen. I'm canceling it now.
  9. I removed the winnt.bat file, recreated my iso and tried again, same results as before. It still continues to ask about partitioning, formating, whether I want to continue setup, repair or quit and the EULA. I'm stumped on this one, I figured hey, W2K has been working fine for all my attempts at unattended, shouldn't be that much different to do XP so let's see. Guess I was wrong
  10. You mean Virtual PC? why/how doesn't it work for you?
  11. Installing from a CD. The winnt.sif and winnt.bat where placed in the <CD>:/i386 folder. I then created an iso image that I test with VirtualPC. I thought maybe it just wasn't working in VPC, so I burnt a disk and tried it with the same results described above.
  12. Hey there, I've done a few unattended installs with W2K, this is the first one with WXP. and it doesn't appear to want to use the answer file. I used the deploy to create it, renamed it to winnt.sif and modified the winnt.bat file so that it will run from the CD same as I have done for W2k. But it still doesn't repartition, reformat or anything else it's supposed to do from what I'm seeing. Here is my answer file or winnt.sif, [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall=Yes [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes Repartition=Yes TargetPath=Windows UnattendSwitch=Yes WaitForReboot=No [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword="*" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=50 OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=4 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ComputerName="*" ProductID=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX FullName="Customer" OrgName="Corporation" ComputerName="" [GuiRunOnce] Command0="%systemdrive%\sysprep\source.cmd" Command1="%systemdrive%\sysprep\serial.vbs" Command2="%systemdrive%\sysprep\sysprep.exe -quiet" [Display] ConfigureAtLogon=1 BitsPerPel=16 Xresolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=70 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes my winnt.bat file, @rem SetupMgrTag @echo off rem rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by the Setup Manager Wizard. rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified. rem set AnswerFile=.\winnt.sif set SetupFiles=.\i386 .\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang It's pretty much the same thing I'm using for W2K which does work as expected. Also, it's XPsp1a which I'm getting ready to slipstream to SP2 but that shouldn't make a difference. But it starts up, finds the CD, checks for hardware, setup begins loading files, reports it starting windows, (this is all the blue screen at the beginning), says it's processing information file and then asks if I want to install, repair or quit setup. This is followed by the EULA, whic his followed by the partition screen, etc.. etc.. Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.
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