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  1. I can confirm the same problem.
  2. Looking forward for the Win2000 & Win2003 version soon
  3. 1st Run got this AutoIt error immediately: See attached screen capture
  4. Can I just replace BTS_DPs_finish.cmd for the DVD I already slipstreammed? Dont' wanna go through the whole process again.
  5. Thanks for your attention, Bâshrat the Sneaky. I have saved your little script save_hwid.bat. But I haven't been able to contact my friend since I posted. I left him a SMS but have got no reply yet. Sorry that's not my PC, but a friend's.
  6. When did you have this problem too, then? Last time seen this was ATi Radeon 5.3 or 5.4 I believe. Installer problem with new released W2K3 SP1. ATi fixed this since 5.5 Strangely enough to see it again.
  7. May be this helps you a bit. I extracted it from VMware Workstation 5 VM Tools CD DP_VM.7z
  8. (DVD with DriverPack_MassStorage_V5071 slipstream though M2) Today helped a friend install the A64 3200+ with ASUS A8V. VT8237 SATA installed right but VIA Bus Master IDE driver didn't. Can't access IDE DVD until install VIA IDE Accelerator Driver from http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageI...80&SubCatID=148 BTW, new version of VT8237 Integrated Serial ATA RAID controller v4.30G is released Today (Jul 15) http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageI...80&SubCatID=143
  9. I tried install both WinXP SP2 and Win2003 SP1 with ATi 9600 Pro. (Driver slipstream through M2) WinXP2 is fine. On Win2003 SP1, driver got installed correctly. But ATi Control Panel can't be initialized. Manuall install yields ikernel problem. Seems the old compatibility problem comes back. BTW, ATi Radeon Mobility 5.7 is released today http://www.ati.com/online/mobilecatalyst/ Does DriverPack_Graphics_A_V5071 include the necessary Mod to use in Mobile PC? Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the quick reply! One more question, I have slipstream all DPs including the Beta Monitors Pack to my Multiboot DVD through M2. Now that I have repacked Graphics Pack A, I just replace it in the DVD-Root\OEM directory and that's it. I don't have to run through the slipstreamming process again? And if so, I would assume the same answer for all other DP packs except the Mass Storage Pack? Thanks for your great work again! Bâshrat the Sneaky
  11. ATi Radeon 5.7 Released. Before the new DP Graphics A coming out, can I just replace the WDM and Drivers in DriverPack_Graphics_A_V507 with 5.7 files? Thanks.
  12. Adding VMware SCSI Driver is easier for emulating SATA install for CD/DVD Test
  13. Any chances that this PowerPack works with Windows 2000 too ? BTW, thanks for the greate work !
  14. Does this program also work for Win2003 VLK?
  15. this is exactly how driver pack mass-storage works <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then what's the counter part file of winpeoem.sif in the XP Install CD? Should I add the entry to txtsetup.sif ?
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