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Everything posted by EvanD
Google "Epson Stylus C88+" and you'll find lots of stores selling new ones including Amazon and Epson USA. I just bought one from the latter; it was the cheapest at $84.99 (free shipping in the U.S.).
To use the latest set of aru's Clamwin patch , make sure you also use the latest version of Clam Sentinel (1.16). Without aru's latest upgrade to the latter, the new patch had some stability and shutdown problems for me. aru, thank you for your efforts to keep your programs up-to-date and for allowing us to have a real-time A/V for Win 98SE.
PDF-Xchange should work with KernelEx 4+ (See the bottom of this post.) I'm using PDF-Xchange version 2.5 from the Tracker Software site. Get the 'exe' installer and, after downloading, left-double-click on the file and it should install. KernelEx 4.5 Final is set-up to recognize this installer so no other intervention should be necessary. Correction: I just reinstalled according to my aforementioned instructions and found that I needed to right-click on the installer 'exe,' open the KernelEx tab and set the Compatibility mode to 'Windows XP SP2.' During the installation, I got some complaining dialogs but the install completed and vers. worked properly. FYI: PDF-Xchange bookmarks work but 'Print' doesn't. On Foxit, it's the other way around. Consequently, Foxit is my default viewer but for long documents with bookmarks I use PDF-Xchange to navigate.
PDFXchange 2.5.0193 portable works fine on Win 98 4.10.2222 without KernelEx. Does PDFXchange print in Win 98SE? It doesn't for me but Foxit and SumatraPDF do. (I use KernelEx.)
JRE u24 java applets will work with Firefox 3.5.16. They will not work with FF 3.6.x. The trick for installing it is given by WIN98SE here. You can test your installation at Java Test. (I also uncheck Java Control Panel - Advanced - Java Plug-in - Enable the next generation plug-in.) FF 3.5.16 works well as long as you're not a stickler for the latest browser security updates. IE6 java applets no longer appear to test properly at the above Java Test but they do seem to work when they're tested at javatester.org.
This advice from WIN98SE also works for u23 and u24.
Does PDF-XChange Viewer print on Win 98SE? I'm using KEX 4.5 Final and I've tried versions 2.0.42, 2.0.47 and 2.5.191 on 2 different machines and neither one will print from PDF-XChange. The reader part works fine for all versions. I can print form Foxit 3.3.1 and Acrobat 7.0.9 so I have workarounds. This forum has been clear about the Firefox 3+ printing problems but I haven't seen any mention of PDF-XChange 2+ print problems.
98 FE + 98 SE + ME updates + patches + (hot)fixes
EvanD replied to MDGx's topic in Pinned Topics regarding 9x/ME
For my Win 98SE, "I2360131.EXE" extracted into the Windows\Temp folder but did not automatically install. Right-clicking the ".INF" file and clicking "Install" did the trick. -
Here's the comment from Xeno86 on the KernelEx Wiki: Printing basically doesn't work with Firefox 3+. As suggested I use the IE View add-on in FF 3 for printing from IE6 and it's only a minor inconvenience since IE6 is preloaded in Windows and it opens very fast to the page I want to print. The Abduction add-on creates an image of the page which you can print from another program like Irfanview. Finally, if you want to try IE Tab, vers. 1.85 is the last one that works with Win 9x but I've had problems with it when printing from FF3+.
Another Google Earth 5.2 failure: GOOGLEEARTH caused an exception c06d007eH in module GOOGLEEARTH.EXE at 0177:004023be. Registers: EAX=0064fd1c CS=0177 EIP=004023be EFLGS=00000246 EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0064fcc0 EBP=0064fd10 ECX=ea9292d0 DS=017f ESI=00404f3c FS=71af EDX=81d63818 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 45 d8 e9 f3 00 00 00 57 ff 75 e8 ff 15 50 40 Stack dump: 00400000 0000002c 00000000 00000024 00404f3c 00406250 004041c0 00000001 00404f86 00000000 00000000 0000001f bff70000 bfa05345 00406258 00000000 I had to use Orca on the MSI in Windows\Temp to delete all references to "9x" and it installed. When I try to run it, the aforementioned error occurs.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.15 since it was released and I don't have a single problem with it. Are you using the same profile, which you have used with Firefox 3.6 (that could be reason of your issues)? See here for running java applets on Firefox 3.5.x with JRE 6U22. Test it at Java Test to make sure it's working right.
I did see it was a Flash but the website labels it a "Java Radar Loop." Apparently, pure Java applets will not work but Flash seems to interface OK with Java. As I recall, pure Java applets didn't work right with Firefox 3.6.x products even when I used JRE u20. (E.g., on http://ftl.flightview.com/fvFTlive/web/default.asp?aln=AC&acid=1&depdate=20100808&depap=YYZ&arrap=NRT.) IE6 and Win 98SE do work with JRE u21 (See #700.) and I use the IE Tab add-on to switch Firefox to IE6 for the above URL. The interesting point here is that the Java applet problem appears to be germane to 98SE in conjunction with the Mozilla plug-in but not the IE6 plug-in. Xeno86 said he'll look into the Firefox/JRE (#698) incompatibilities but he couldn't "promise a fix." I hope he succeeds but if he doesn't, IE Tab is at least a workaround. FYI: WIN98SE, I decided to follow your instructions in #678 and use Firefox 3.5.11. It's a more elegant solution to the Java applet problem. Thanks for discovering it
pluginchecker.com does not work for Java in Firefox 3.6.8. An example of Java that does work for me is: http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx?location=usct0094&animate=true. (You will have to wait for stormy weather to see the rain formations moving.)
You're right, with Firefox 3.6.8 on javatester.org, the applet test fails. However, JRE u21 works on all the sites I normally go to including the Flash test which, from previous msfn.org discussions, I was led to believe requires some form of a java applet to work (isn't that why we uncheck "new java plugin?"). For IE6, JRE u21 does work. See figure. It does not work for Seamonkey 1.1.19. I plan to keep JRE u21 for a while until I run in to a practical problem. When that happens, I'll revert back to u20. Thanks for alerting me to try the direct Java applet test; at least I now know there's a potential problem lurking ahead. Is there something I should be wary of?
In my post #680 the java JRE file is a standalone 15.3MB download from filehippo.com (links are in the post). When it installs, I get the "not-supported O/S warning" on a new Oracle (as opposed to Sun) dialog which I ignore and then go ahead and complete the install. The result in "about:plugins" is as shown. The paths and file names shown may be a clue to help. Over the years, I've added all kinds of unofficial SPs and patches from MGDX.com so I can't tell you why my system works and yours doesn't. The stuff we do to our Win98SE and ME systems makes them all different. As a result, we're all dependent upon the gurus; e.g., Xeno86 and/or Tihiy for solutions to our problems. Regardless of whether they solve our individual problems or not, they've done wonderful work with KEX in keeping 98SE and ME existing as living O/S's. Whatever I'm able to make work from their efforts, I greatly appreciate while recognizing that there are limits to what they want to do or to what they're able to do. Kudos to them for everything they've done!
I installed jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe over JRE 6u20, unchecked "enable next generation plugin," and Java (and applets) works fine with IE6, Firefox 3.6.8, and Seamonkey 1.1.19. Flash Player installed over 10.0.x (with registry hack) with no problems. Flash test works for all 3 browsers. For me, Kex 4.5 RC1 is working with no problems.
Did you have to do anything special to get Seamonkey 2.0.4 to install? Does it work well and does Seamonkey 2 have the same problem with printing that Firefox 3.6 has? Thanks and good work on your part!
See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&...st&p=904976 It's not perfect but, at least for some of us, it always prints from Firefox 3.x.x.
I changed from Version 4.10.2222 to 5.10.2600 in two places in the Registry and you're right: 98SE did not lock-up, the Print dialog appeared and printing was successful. Just changing it in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" wasn't sufficient but when I also changed it in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{10303d00-16dc-11d4-a58a-00902766e933}," the print started working. (Just one test case so far.) Now a question for Tihiy, Xeno or another guru: Is it OK to leave 98SE spoofed as XP perpetually? (In the past, Xeno has advised resetting version back to 4.10.2222. I inferred that spoofing could cause compatibility problems with other programs.)
Tihiy, thanks for your explanation of the FF 3.x printing situation. I hope it gets fixed but I understand that an expert programmer needs to feel it is a priority to him before a patch is attempted/implemented. Since printing in 9x is already intermittent and you experts understand the API requirements, I infer that a fix is possible. That's better than no hope.
With Final 2, Firefox 3.5.x could not find the print driver. With 4.5 Beta, I see a good Print Preview on all pages I've looked at (~10). I printed one page of formatted text (no images) and it came out fine. According to BenoitRen, the Win 9x Firefox 3.x.x print interface code was removed so I was surprised to see it work. I jumped to the conclusion that Xeno86 modified the 9x print interface but I could be very wrong. Nevertheless, I now get printing (albeit not well tested) and I did not have anything with Final 2. I just looked at Firefox 3.6 Print Preview and it, too, looks good. Perhaps the printing will turn out to be less than perfect but I now have something rather than nothing. I cannot make any statement about what others have experienced or may experience with KernelEx 4.5. We shall see. Correction: I cannot print with Firefox 3.6. When I try, Windows locks-up and no Printer Dialog appears. This did not seem to happen with 3.5.7. (I tried at least 4 times and I got a printer dialog with no lock-up.) So, you're right, the results are bad.
I installed KernelEx 4.5 Beta 1 and tried to print with Firefox 3.5.7. Lo and behold, both Print Preview and Print worked. Xeno86 deserves major kudos for fixing this problem.
Note that Xeno86, the KernelEx author, recommends undoing the change after installing Flash 10. Other installations that work on Win9x (ver4.1) may not work if they think your O/S is XP (ver5.1). He provides the Regedit scripts for setting and un-setting CurrentVersion. See Post #2 at http://www.msfn.org/board/kernelex-4-0-final-2-t130936.html
After upgrading to Firefox 3.5, the printing blank pages I experienced with 3.0.x is now worse. Print Preview can't find the printer and ctrl-P is now erratic. Sometimes the printer dialog appears and the print command still prints blank pages. Other times ctrl-P causes Firefox to crash with the following error: FIREFOX caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0177:bff7a388. Registers: EAX=007a000c CS=0177 EIP=bff7a388 EFLGS=00010212 EBX=00000014 SS=017f ESP=009cd4cc EBP=009cd4f0 ECX=00000033 DS=017f ESI=007b01a4 FS=6137 EDX=007a0000 ES=017f EDI=002e001c GS=0000 Since KERNEL32.DLL is involved, I'm hoping that KernelEx might be able to eventually solve the Firefox 3.x printing problem that some of us are experiencing. If it's a Firefox problem, I know there's no hope that anyone will look at it with Win 98SE being the O/S. BTW, the browser image retention artifact I used to see in the Firefox 3.0.x window and the spill over onto the Desktop is now gone with Firefox 3.5.
KernelEx App Compatibility Database
EvanD replied to Th3_uN1Qu3's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Yes, this apparently is normal. See: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&...st&p=495627 I do, however, see content in the thumbnails in the left-side panel.