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  1. Hiii mukeshnuna, Have you seen that post http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=22125&st=40#? It was mine. My cmdlines.txt and my .cmd file that lunch Xplode could help you I think. Hope this will help you Versius
  2. @ Alanoll... That's not merite an answer... If you want to help, help, but no judgment about people's origin... Thanks Versius
  3. Hiii mukeshnuna... Follow that link, http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=15076&st=0, I think it will helps you much. Wraith gives a lots of explanation on how to install from HDD or from CD... Hope this will help you Versius
  4. For the moment, I copy my programs to the HDD and then run them from there. I know that you can directly install them from the CD, but for the moment, I don't need that... Versius
  5. Hiii everybody! I search to silently install the soft : Steinberg MyMp3PRO v5.0. I know that it is a Wise Installer package, but the "/s" switch doesn't make the install to be silent. I still have a prompt window with music. Thanks in advance for your help. Versius
  6. @ mukeshnuna I use Xplode during Windows XP setup and after. Cannot seeing your picture in my browser witch is OK, so, I cannot help you Versius
  7. I believe that I'm very tired for not seeing the other mistakes... (Je crois que je fatigue, ou que j'ai la tête ailleurs) A lots of "File not found" errors: 1)Line 434 to 438 2) Line 881 to 885 3) Line 968 to 972 4)Line 1113 to 1117 5) Line 1212 to 1215 6) Line 1220 to 1223 7) Line 1225 to 1236 Hopping this helps Versius
  8. Ooops Your error is: File not found!!! Please verify is in your directory structure you've the file KB831167.exe. Hopping this helps you (Dans ton dossier patch\, tu as du oublier de mettre le fichier KB831167.exe, vérifie) Versius
  9. Hiii Tannos! The log file tells you that you have had an error while executing your .xml file: You have to solve that before your script accept to run. You know, everything is OK, but if you have one mistake, Xplode fails. I'm going to have a look on your .xml file to see what's wrong. (Pour résumer: ca merdera tant qu'il y aura une faute dans ton fichier .xml) Versius
  10. Let's joke Tannos... Quand même... Remove that line
  11. Translate your .xml files witch are in ANSI format to UNIODE format with a soft like EditPad Lite or another. Versius
  12. Hi Tannos... I've got the same problem with my .XML files. You must registering your file as UNICODE if you want Xplode to execute them. Translation : Oui. Tu dois enregistrer tes fichiers au format UNICODE pour qu'il soient exécutés par Xplode Versius
  13. I don't see your picture Versius.
  14. I agree, but when nothing is OK (XPlode doesn't running, so, the .log file is not created because the .xml files are not in the good format) all you can do is ask someone who knows Versius
  15. Hey Killer Bee! You're right.. The ".xml" files, were not saved as UNICODE. Everything is OK. So for the others, if your code is ok but xplode doesn't lunch, try to see if your .XML files are saved in UNICODE. Big THANKS for your HELP. Versius
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