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Posts posted by Strat79

  1. I have the same problem. I ran the setup and went to my temp folder and got the Easy Recovery Professional.msi and the 1033.mst files from the _is20 folder. I am working on modifying the .mst file to get it to work straight from the .msi now. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. I changed my mind on th Auto IT script and decided to go with Install Rite. Not for sure if this will work for you but give it a try and see. It will install silently but the first time you try to run it, it will ask for a reboot to configure your internet connectiion settings or something. I couln't find a way around it But should be fine for unattended CD's. Let me know if it works right..if not I will use Auto It instead. http://strat79.72r.net/idm401.rar

  3. You do not need to extract the MSI - just run Acro-Reader_6.0.2_Update.exe /s /v/qb

    Acro-Reader_6.0.2_Update.exe is an InstallShield with an MSI, /v passes parameters to the MSI

    Does this work on install shield installers too? With the /a swiitch instead of /v?

    like program.exe /a -s or whatever.

  4. I would use MCT's suggestion. Use pskill.

    I am not too familiar with PID numbers but don't they change just about every time you open a given app? For example: I just opened yahoo messenger and the PID was 320, I closed it and reopened and it was 856. Or is there a way to specify a PID # for a app while starting it in the command line?

  5. I don't think it supports creation of .iss. At least not straigth from the main .exe. I tried extracting it but all it is is one big .rfx file. There has to be a setup.iss file in there somewhere though, or the -s switch would not work.

    As far as using real player, as far as I know the only thing it adds to startup is the scheduling thing, the tkbell.exe. It can be easily removed with a reg key. And I don't think the system tray icon(startcenter or whatever it was) is in use anymore, at least it wasn't on mine.

  6. You all are coming up with some good ideas. I have thought of some of these things myself. Let me know what I can do to help, be happy to.

    As far as what some people have to say about this post, I really don't care what happens to every other post after my first original. If the admins want to delete every single post afteter it to keep it small or whatever, feel free to. If a new switch is added in the topic I will add it to the original and they can delete that post in here. I really don't care. Anyway, keep the ideas coming. Good work!

  7. I understand what you are saying Alanoll. But I am going to keep editing the first post and adding the apps as I get the switches. That way if the thread does get out of hand the first orginal post will have everything that is needed . Dosn't really matter what people post after it. Hope I am making since, but if you think this is a bad idea, just let me know and I will not mess with it.

    P.S. Is there a size limit on a single post? Like character limit or anything?

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