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Everything posted by Tinywoods
Hello GM, I'm also one of XPCREATE users. I look for your latest XPCERATE that is introduced in your website. How can I Get it ? I could get the former version form "GET XPCREATE" link.
Office 2007, Unattended Setup & Fine-tuning
Tinywoods replied to prathapml's topic in Microsoft Office
Thanks to prathapml, finally, I succeeded in the complete silent installation Office 2007. I use Option A together with Option B to install. 1)Copy all folders and files in OFFICE12 DVD to D:\office2007 (example) 2)Make a Unattended.MSP (*.MSP) Set OFFICE12 in DVD-ROM drive (example. F drive) Execute the command F:\setup.exe /admin Save as "Unattended.MSP" in D:\office2007 (In the same folder with setup.exe) 3)Make a "custom-uA.XML" as below, and put it in D:\office2007. 4)Then, just execute this command D:\office2007\setup.exe /adminfile Unattended.MSP /config custom-uA.XML I believe I have Office2007 Enterprise, not the other version. I tested some methods to install Office 2007 including prathapml's Option A, but I could not install Office2007 Enterprise silently. I still got a dialog window asking and I had to choose Office applications again. (The same dialog in Option A- 4.) I used both Option A and B, then I succeeded in the complete silent installation Office 2007. custom-uA.XML <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="ReallySuppress" /> </Configuration> Be careful, it takes much time to finish the full installation. In case of my PC (northwood 3.4G memory2G) it takes about 10 minutes appearing Office products shortcuts in start-up. -
I uploaded the Hotfix list file in the first page. roots-kb931125-xp-ws03-x86-x64.exe
Are you looking for .NET 2.0 installer Package or a hotfix? I couldn't find KB829019 in the MSD-center. I found .NET 2.0 x64 =Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)
I uploaded the Hotfix list file in the first page.
The list was updated on Nov 18, 2006
The list has been updated.
Hi jobbie, The list has been updated.
Still I get error when I try to connect with XPCREATE.com. BTW,after doing a clean install, following updates still show up on Windows update. I'm not English OS user, so that I need language pack files for .NET Framework. The former version could treat .NET Framework 1.1 language pack. SVC-HF1 WindowsMedia10-KB917734-x86-JPN.exe = Media Player windowsmedia10-kb902344-x86-intl.exe = Media Player SVC-X2M NDP20-KB917283-X86.msp = NET Framework 2.0 (Extract from exe to msp) langpack.exe = Language pack (Japanese) for NET Framework 1.1 NetFrame2langpack.exe = Language pack (Japanese) for NET Framework 2.0
@Mann Thank you ! As you said, the file version is 8. My downloaded file version was 9.
Thank you GM for the new XPCREATE. I got an error message about swflash.cab The dowloaded swflash.cab is 1,056,028 B. It is slightly bigger than your cab that you mentioned in the XPCREATE website. Where can I get another swflash.cab that you are using?
I updated the first page.
I could not find out the sentence that you mentioned in the XPCREATE site. I think XPCREATE will not download any files nor will not connect to Internet automatically. You may need to edit a ini file. http://xpcreate.com/quickstart.htm >Please note that by default XPCREATE will NOT attempt to contact the Internet to download a list of hotfix files needed. If you wish to use this function, >please edit the entries in the XPCREATE.INI file accordingly.
I uploaded Hotfix link file in the first page.
KB890830-ver 1.7A was an old KB890830 which was released in August 2005. Why do you need to use an old file? Now we can get the latest version Windows-KB890830-V1.15 from WU. I've never faced a problem (script error) about KB890830. --------------------------------------------------------- [ SVC-MRT ] --------------------------------------------------------- * 1771KB : Windows-KB890830-V1.15.exe (2006 Apr version)
Today is the Kids'-day in Japan, it's a national holiday! On April 26, it seemed the new kb900485-v2 was released without changing its file name. Windowsxp-kb900485-v2-x86-express-jpn New (You can get Windowsxp-kb900485-v2-x86-express-jpn from MS Automatic update only(Automatic installer) You'd better use a RunOnceEx.cmd to install kb900485. Hey, MS. Why did you do such user un-friendly updates, again and again? Plz change the file name if you release another version. And also updated LegitCheckControl,again? Is it the third version in 2006? LegitCheckControl.cab CodeSignPCA2.crl
I uploaded Hotfix link file in the first page. I hope it gives you useful information.
Yes, as you said, RyanVM. There is a updated version from Feb. All, Ok, Here is the link for APR11 kb904942-v2 but it is for JPN. In addition, it is a cab file. I don't know how to integrate _sfx_0000._p to CAT. If it is a exe-file, I can integrate with /x. But the cab file doesn't work with /x command. Do you know how to integrate _sfx_0000._p files in a cab? I think if you can integrate _sfx_0000._p files in a cab to CAT, you can use above a JPN file for your machine. Because you may install it silently.
Sorry, W-posting, but I need to do. All, Finally, I solved the problem. There are 2 types (versions) of file in KB904942-v2 x86 ! If you visit MS Download center, you can download Februrary version only. Else if you automatically install KB904942-v2 x86 via WU, the latest version (Apr 11) will be installed. I compared those two KB904942-v2 x86 files. See below GIF. date of "KB904942.cat" are different!! Apr 11 (Mar.24,2006) Feb (Oct.27,2005) You should better to use Apr 11 version if you'd like to perform silent installation.
All, Finally, I solved the problem. There are 2 types (versions) of file in KB904942-v2 x86 ! If you visit MS Download center, you can download Februrary version only. Else if you automatically install KB904942-v2 x86 via WU, the latest version (Apr 11) will be installed. I compared those two KB904942-v2 x86 files. See below GIF. date of "KB904942.cat" are different!! Apr 11 (Mar.24,2006) Feb (Oct.27,2005) You should better to use Apr 11 version if you'd like to perform silent installation. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR "kb904942-v2x86 APR11", PLZ VISIT Unattended Windows FROM ABOVE LINK.
Hello, who can give me a hint? Plz vist Unattended Windows Forum Sorry, W-posts.
Hello At first, sorry my bad JAP English, but plz try to understand what I want to say. OK? My question is about WindowsXP-KB904942-v2-x86-ENU.exe Hotfix for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 I'm a user of XPCREATE. Of course, I can install “KB904942 v2” via XPCREATE. I can see “KB904942 v2” information in the Add/Remove Programs list. However, when I check it on Windows update, the MS site requires “KB904942 v2” again. It is quite strange for me why MS asks me to install “KB904942 v2” again even though the Hotfix has been already installed. Then, I click “KB904942 v2” to install manually. But After the installation, MS is still asking me to install it. If “KB904942 v2” is installed from Windows update site automatically, MS never asks me to install it. I think there should be a kind of log file or registry information which links to Windows update site. But I do not know. So, is there anybody who knows how to install “KB904942 v2” manually? Plz don’t ask me why I want to install the Hotfix. Cheers, PS: I uploaded the latest Hotfix information in my thread in XPCREATE Forum. Plz visit if you need.
ironside, Yes, I can see Feb version of KB904942 on MS update site, however, the popup tells me another date information. You can see "Apr 11" in the below window. BTW, do you succeded in installation of KB904942 from XPCREATE?
I add April Hotfixes in HF1 and MRT. I found "WindowsXP-KB904942-v2-x86-JPN.exe" was released again by MS on Apr11. It was released on Nov or Oct 2005 before if I remember. I did not check the difference between old one and the new one, however, the new KB904942 may not work in HF1. File name is completely the same. Then I put the new one in RunOnceEx.cmd as a temporaly solution.