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About stevyb69

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  1. Hi, Just found this thread, if you're still looking for an asset discovery agent that's TOTALLY free, not just a time limited demo you may want to check this out: http://www.lansweeper.com/ I was looking at it for an asset management task I need to do but I'm using Microsoft SMS instead now. From the short time I looked at it, it was very good, and best of allm no client to install. Just setup the server side, drop a line in the logon script and away it goes. Once all your clients have logged onto the network at least once you should have all the details you'll ever need and be able to produce nice pretty reports to keep them above happy Regards, Steve B ----------------------------------------------------------- Somebody once told me... Guesswork is all I know
  2. Did anyone come up with a solution for this problem as I've got the exact same thing and can't find ANYTHING usefull at all about this error. Regards, Steve B
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