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Posts posted by bookie32

  1. 7 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:


    @bookie32  --  after a whole page of derailment, did the above link solve your issue?  the discussion in that link can very easily be converted to a desktop .bat file.

    A lot of useful info....

    Thank you!

    51 minutes ago, TSNH said:

    I think you should check out Windows Sidebar port for Windows 8 and newer called 8GadgetPack, it comes with a gadget for safely-removing drives

    Also interesting...


    Thanks guys!

    I am glad you have enjoyed yourselves....




  2. Sorry...should have said don't use Windows taskbar...that is why I wanted the short cut ....

    I use winstep...and because of so much s*** behind the scenes it is hard for the developer to keep up...




  3. Hi Tripredacus:D

    It is a long story....

    This customer is a writer and has written several books here in Sweden..

    In the nineties he started creating word documents with words to become a dictionary....he has been doing it since then and has God knows how many documents written in word that he wants to convert to a dictionary...

    I know that you can actually create your own dictionary in Word....-but he didn't go about it that way...

    So now he has all these word documents he wants to convert....and then create a pdf of everyting.....



  4. On 4/29/2023 at 5:35 PM, bookie32 said:

    And they encourage us to move to Windows 11.......for God's sake why? It is as bad as listening to the drivel  coming out of the mouths of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert...only the id*** that voted them into office are likely to do that....and I say id***....now that is a poop moment!



    Sorry....if I offended anyone.....got enough problems with Swedish politics......b***** disaster!

  5. 5 hours ago, legacyfan said:

    the only thing i like about 11 is how fast it runs (or at least it for me until slowed to nothingness) so I take back what I said about 11 (its still terrible) I'm back on windows xp again so the speed did not last very long

    You made my day:w00t:

  6. 11 hours ago, legacyfan said:

    windows 10 is definitely good but after awhile of using windows 11 it definitely is more usable then 10 (and way more stable) compaired to it even with the few annoying features in it its easy to configure to your needs

    Ok with a statement like that....what do you base that on?

    I base my findings on working with computers on a daily basis and Windows 11 has shown far more problems and still does than Windows 10...Yes...Windows 10 has had its problems - but Windows 11.....



  7. Just a little update.....been a while.....:huh:

    I never thought I would be singing Microsoft's praises - but I have to say that the customers that have upgraded to Windows 11 ...most of them have downgraded to Windows 10 because of driver issues etc....

    Of course most computers now come with Windows 11 as standard - so it is harder to find computers with Windows 10....

    I warn my customers to be ever vigilant about their computers wanting to upgrade to Windows 11....few have missed the signs and had problems....hence the "most of them have downgraded to Windows 10....."

    Windows 11 getting stuck in a loop after an update is quite common....so, even if I could upgrade this computer (according to Microsoft) I wouldn't do it...Windows 10 is more stable.....god that hurt to write......:buehehe:

    When looking back at some of the comments here over the years since I started this thread.....a lot of those people would be happier with Linux....:cheerleader:

    I still love Debian and will keep supporting Linux as the best choice for a stable computer....the community is fantastic....

    BUT....don't get me wrong :ph34r: there is fantastic support here on this forum and I am truly grateful for the times you guys have got me out of the ****!

    I can't claim that Windows 10 is the worst crap ever anymore....I think Windows 11 has taken over big time!!




  8. 22 hours ago, Avihaa said:

    Windows 11 is worth it for most people. It comes with a wide range of new features, performance improvements, and design changes. As the latest Windows OS, it usually gets more attention than Windows 10, too. There's not too much risk in upgrading to Windows 11, either.

    And you are writing from experience?


  9. 2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    My test install of Windows 11 which I have on a separate swappable boot drive, has been fine through all subsequent Windows monthly updates.
    The problem will come I suspect when a major update is released, probably in October, where it won't allow the update and I will have to do an install from scratch again.
    Fortunately I gather that this will now only happen once a year, not every six months!

    Yes....but it is annoying all the same:realmad:

    We will wait and see what happens....lol

    Just thinking out loud...it would be a good idea to build a lite version of this to get rid of all the apps and crap one doesn't want and then you don't have to risk breaking anything with download scripts....


  10. Update!

    I have followed the instructions here and have installed this on a test computer with no problems.......just as a test:buehehe:

    My question is....What happens when a newer version comes along?

    Most of us create images of our computer's with all programs etc....

    Do I need to do a fresh install every time they roll out a new version?



  11. 7 hours ago, GD 2W10 said:

    There will probably be workarounds to install Windows 12 on unsupported hardware. As long as Windows 12 still uses Bootmgr, the kernel still boots in CSM, and doesn't rely on certain processor features, we should be able to install Windows 12 on any computer that supports Windows 10 x64.

    It as bad enough when they released Windows 8 and then 10 but 11 takes the cake....even worse crap than 10...

    Even if you guys can fix it....not sure I will be wasting any energy on that any time soon....:blink:


  12. 17 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

    It's not hard to get people to buy new crap when those same people are incredibly spoiled, whining and bitching as soon something doesn't happen the very first second.

    There goes the environment.....I have been building computer's for years and never have I had a computer that has failed...yes sometimes a psu will fail because of a poor electric central....but those computers just keep going and going...

    I have upgraded many of them with SSD's for system drives and moved the user to a larger drive.....but I always point out the SSD's I use usually have a five year warranty and that if they are going to buy a new computer save the drives from the old one...

    I try my best to persuade customers to replace a drive instead of buying a new computer....OK....that being said MANY of my customers NOT ALL will not pay for a reinstallation on a new drive if a drive fails or even clone to a newer drive....they have the same answer all of them "can put that money on a new computer instead"

    I always work even harder on such customers to make them think of te environment - BUT at the end of the day it is up to them....

    Now there is another side to this and that is if a computer is already 6 to 7 years old I do point out that...Yes, a new SSD will make things better but it will not change the fact that Microsoft will not support Windows 11 on their hardware and that Windows 10 has end of life 2025... 

    Some customers will still upgrade to a new SSD but many want help with buying a new computer...


    End of Rant....:unsure:




  13. 1 hour ago, Eddie Phizika said:

    Thank you for being charitable and concise in your remarks. I think you were essentially focusing on how microsoft is against old machines in general. This is a point i absolutely believe as well they want to do. they really want to cash cow people and companies out.

    You are absolutely right....I really am just waiting to see what the criteria for Windows 12 will be....Microsoft has probably deals with Intel and Amd that none of us are aware of....and of course they want you to buy their newest products....what they did with Windows 7 was just the tip of the so called iceberg....(my opinion).

    One of the main reasons I love Linux...have it on so many computers and it works really well....



  14. 2 hours ago, Eddie Phizika said:

    Sorry, i understand this is a win11 forum, but why exactly this has to do with using or not old computers in a more general sense? I believe most security issues in kernel exploits are quite overrated because there are ways to partially mitigate them. Desktop windows is becoming as ever as different in other aspects from the system which may turn this harder within time. I know there is a compatibility question with newer programs and program versions or native android applications, but aren't they quite manageable? I'm on windows 7 and i can see significant alternatives in my use. Sorry again i just don't see win10 and win11 even stable enough or performance-wise reliability safe for most production environments. Not to mention most companies are extremely tied to old hardware and are likely not changing if Windows NT is a requirement for their systems or software.

    I am not sure  I understand....this is a thread about installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware.....so what part of  "Microsoft don't want us to use older computers....so why waste the energy?" don't you understand?

    You have a use Windows 7 and there will come a time when you can't use that because of the restrictions for newer processors. All unsupported hardware is in Microsoft's view old hardware...I have built several games computers on hardware that cost them a small fortune but because of not meeting the requirements for Windows 11 they either have to do what others are doing here or buy new hardware....

    We will never be able to trust Microsoft?!! I get asked to build expensive computers and they don't just cut it after just over three years....

    Because the world is in crisis and things are just going to keep getting more expensive....we try to make our computers last as long as possible.....not easy when Microsoft lies and lies over and over again....

    Sorry if I was unclear...has been known...lol



  15. 13 hours ago, GD 2W10 said:

    A lot of people can’t afford newer computers, and even some of the newer computers (eg. 2019/20 Intel MacBook Pro) can’t “run” Windows 11. But since Windows 11 technically is like a big Windows 10 update, it works fine.

    I agree but we will never tame Microsoft....they are a bunch of twats that will always go their own way despite user input....

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