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Posts posted by A.T.M
I know a lot of you like to listen to mp3s while on the net, and not all of you are into drum and bass..
But this is quite chilled out and not hectic at all - so worth a listen.
They Say I'm Crazy - Missrep March 2008 Mix
1) Missrepresent : Half Five
2) Andrea Brown : Crazy It's Love
3) Rhythem Beater: Get Away
4) Sam Snee : Bingo
5) Wow factor : Alter Ego
6) Soundclash : Over me
7) Take Me : Mickey Finn
8) Chase & Status : Hurt You
9) Ambient Steelo :
10) Portal : Brookes Brothers
11) Fizzy Piglets Vocal Ver : Craggz & Parallel Forces
12) Human nature : Michael Jackson (Makoto rmx)
13) Fantasy - Deval
14) Murder You : Kenny Ken [benny Page RMX]
15) Still In Love : Deval
16)Back Like Dat - Marky & Bungle Rmx
17)Suspicious - Deval
18) Casino Royale : Zinc Bingo
19) Hysteria : Turtled Recordings
20) Tear It Up : Ant Miles & Dianne Charlemagne
21) Everyman - Uk Apache
22) If we Ever : High Contrast
23) Ambient steelo :
24) Junglist : Tribe Of Issachar (Congo Natty)
25) Beautiful Girl : Reflex
26) Solid Air : Nero
27) Rub A Dub Style : Visionary
28) For The Sound - Paul T
29) Drop It Down (feat. MC Fats) Calibre
30) Arise : Brandon Miles
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there are a lot of free simple games on the internet you could play?
Heres a link to most of my favourite ones that ive listed
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surely you can on a laptop?
I mean we play movies and games through our laptop, onto the TV so you must be able to reverse that?
Or take audio out of the phono cables, as you would to your surround sound system and then record it onto your laptop.
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welcome welcome
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A woman comes home and tells her husband, "Remember those headaches I've been having all these years? Well, they're gone."
"No more headaches?" the husband asks, "What happened?"
His wife replies, "Margie referred me to a hypnotist. He told me to stand in front of a mirror, stare at myself and repeat, 'I do not have a headache, I do not have a headache, I do not have a headache.' It worked! The headaches are all gone."
The husband replies, "Well, that's wonderful."
His wife then says, "You know, you haven't exactly been a ball of fire in the bedroom these last few years. Why don't you go see the hypnotist and see if he can do anything for that?" The husband agrees to try it.
Following his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes, picks up his wife, and carries her into the bedroom. He puts her on the bed and says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." He goes into the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later, jumps into bed, and makes passionate love to his wife like never before.
His wife says, "Wow! That was wonderful!"
The husband says, "Don't move! I'll be right back." He returns to the bathroom and then goes back to the bedroom, and round two is even better than the first time. The wife sits up and her head is spinning. Her husband again says, "Don't move, I'll be right back." With that, he goes back into the bathroom. This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the bathroom, she sees him standing in front of the mirror, saying, "She's not my wife. She's not my wife. She's not my wife."
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explain pls
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I was using firefox, therefore it opened in a new tab not a new window, stole focus and I didn't want to lose all 8 or so other tabs I had open. And holding enter it eventually just gets rid of the error boxes and stays right there. I still think it was an inappropriate link.
lol you completly missed the joke
cttrl alt del, task manager quit is your friend
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Jungle Drum N Bass
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I play alot of chess.
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lol - forums are where the yellers live.
I liked the office, though sometimes it was a bit dull. I will never forget the time Marianne said "Turn that stupid office documentary off"
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I gave up with Vista.
I put XP on my new laptop and everything is great again. Vista sucks.
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Home made movies huh?
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Like B. Spears, she's nothing but redneck skank.
Justice? She's rich and famous so she gets less time in jail than the average joe? No, not really. A guy in my town was arrested on attempted rape and assault with a deadly weapon. He got 'time served' which equaled 30 days (you can get an automatic 2 days for having someone make a false accusation against you and you have no recourse). I'm not seeing justice very often no matter who it was.
If you get arrested(in the US), make sure you go to a Federal minimum security prison. Racquetball, typing classes, computer classes, bands (rock and roll or whatever), woodworking, etc.... and you will also get to hobnob with the elite. You know, like doctors, lawyers, politicians and anyone who hasn't paid their taxes. Not paying your taxes is the most horrific offense that you can make as far as the US government is concerned. If you grow weed and get caught, what you are in real trouble for is not paying taxes on it.
Bah!!, I don't even want to think about it.
£36,000 per annum for keeping someone in prison. The Government say that it is about £32,000 a year. In actual fact, we are not talking about category A prisoners here. Everyone—even the Liberal Democrats—accepts that category A prisoners need to be in prison, and they are the most expensive to house. What we are talking about is category B, C and D prisoners -
£36,000 a year
£692.30 a week.
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I bought a new dell laptop and windows vista came with it inclusive.
It was slow, it crashed, it was diffcult to navigate.
I ended up taking vista off and putting windows XP on and its all so much better.
Not a fan of Vista sorry. Windows XP all the way.
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here is some of my favourite websites:
A Big List : www.neurocode.de/?page_id=200
Adelaide Massive: www.adelaidemassive.com
Brum N Bass www.brum-n-bass.co.uk
Cutterz Choice: www.cutterzchoice.com
DnB Forum.NL: www.dnbforum.nl
DnB Space: www.dnbspace.com
Dogs On Acid: www.dogsonacid.com
Eat My Stack : www.eatmystack.co.uk/forum
Grid Recordings: www.gridrecordings.com
Israel DnB : www.dnb-il.com/index.php
Liquid DnB www.liquiddnb.com/forums.html
Italy DnB www.dnbmovement.it
Microsoft Forums : www.msfn.org/board/
Mac Forums A.T.M : www.forums.macrumors.com/index.php
Melbourne Beats: http://melbournebeats.com/
Melbourne DnB: www.melbournednb.com
Innovation : www.innovation.gb.com
Joomla A.T.M : www.forum.joomla.org
So Glos : www.forums.soglos.com
South Africa DnB www.drumnbass.co.za
Teknoscape www.teknoscape.com.au
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If it was me,
1stly disconnect from the internet.
Re boot in safe mode.
Check whats eating your CPU. Do a virus scan.
Norton is rubbish, i wouldnt recommend that at all.
I run 4 laptops and 3 pcs with avg and lavasoft - both are free. Norton eats the cpu and makes everything run so slow.
I would re format and start again. Once you have re formatted, do not do anything until you have some virus protection on there like AVG. Also make sure you have your firewall set up correctly.
Just remember, as soon as you are on the net and you are not protected, you will get virus's and spyware.
Hope that helps and good luck.
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I have to at work its a security thing.
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(A boat)
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Hi im new too
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Drum N Bass Mix - May 2008
in General Discussion
Just to announce my invitation to the Ecler / Ortofon Pro Team (all news is up on my front page of my website)
Sykophiend USA has also updated my biography too.
I've done a new Mix for May, and you can download and stream here:
1) Breed - 12 Inches
2) Dj Panik - Kickin' My Brain Feat Iskel
3) KG - Textures & Sound
4) Alter Ego - Ghostbuster
5) Shock One - The Calling
6) Dub Pedder & Heavy Hitterz - Leprechauns On Acid
7) Camo & Krooked - Lost Out There
Bionic - Frozen Liquid
9) Krooked - Feelings Feat Rob Stp
10) Dj Panik - The Red Pill
11) Dirty Harry - Western Riddem
12) Alter Ego - Melt Ya Face
13) Sub Focus - Timewarp
14) Alter Ego - Slege Hammer
15) Future Prophecies - Gangsta
16) Dj Panik - Area 51
17) Subfocus - Join The Dots
18) Double T - Abra Cadaver
19) Hazard - Cowards Beware
20) Dirty Commodity - You Dig
21) TRIM006B
22) Future Prophecies - The Roof Is On Fire - Dj Panik RMX
23) Noisia - Facade VIP
24) Zen - Hovercraft
25) Muffler - Floor Rocker
26) Levela - Virus
27) Hazard - Machete
28) Levela - Minimal Fuss
29) Wickerman - Squelcher