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Everything posted by barbarien

  1. what is when i overwrite these explorer.exe with the one from dr.hoiby 4.72.3612.1710 ?? explor98 patch and i found another version of 4.72.3612.1700 here --- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246073/de im now a bit confused the original win 98se is 4.72.3110.1
  2. Why the explorer.exe 4.72.3612.1700 is included in NUSB 3.3 and what is patched ?????
  3. I found big problems , in AP Dez you added these unoffical Patches 301453 , 272991 these are not in the Changelog !!!! so i must first find out whats the Problem !!! after that my ADSL Connection lost Power and Lost Connection after a while so i must replaced thes updated Files with older ones and after that my ADSL works great,without connection losses ndis.vxd 4.10.2226 to 4.10.2224 Q 243199 AP Oct. Full ;newer 4.10.2225 (Q 270063) i cant find vip.386 4.10.2228 to 4.10.2227 Q 269388 AP Oct. Full vnetbios.vxd 4.90.3001 to 4.10.1998 Win CD File ; newer 4.10.2223 (Q 265558) i cant find ppmac.vxd 4.10.2223 to 4.10.2222 Win 98 CD File
  4. Intel Chipsetdrivers --Inf Update Utility 6.30.1007 --http://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx --http://www.computerbase.de/downloads/treiber/mainboards/intel/intel_chipsatztreiber/ Terratec Sounddrivers --DmxFire -- http://www.opendrivers.com/company/2764/te...r-download.html Samsung Display Drivers (Syncmaster ) --http://www.yournewdriver.com/s/samsung/ Cnet --Ethernet --http://www.zdnet.de/treiber/man_prod_ud/cnet_netzwerk-karten_ud-wc.html http://www.download.com/Realtek-RTL-Gigabi...4-10278840.html
  5. Why AP installs Java 6 upd 4 before Netframework 1.1 ????? see there : http://www.mdgx.com/add.htm#JAVA whats right ???
  6. BigHDD ,Vbemp x86 , PCHIO98 ?????
  7. Sometimes i lost my history in ie6 ????? i installed ie 6 Sp1 +Patches from AP Dez. + 950759 (before i have 947864 , 942615) same thing something is strange here, often i lost connection to internet must restart the router ???? will test it out -maybe only a to large ie cache set it under 100mb disable further patches since AP Dez ,maybe the 939653 is good will see, the above Patches i dont no
  8. Question run Shockwave Player 11 under win98 when i want load it from the Adobe Site an Applet comes up this is not a supportet Operating System i found this topic http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t114600.html i load a Version from this Site 11.0.458 http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/ but here is the OS supportet ?? but runs not also this Version http://www.mdgx.com/toy.htm#SHFL dont run so i stay with 10.2.023 runs stable
  9. Recommondation for new AP Version: Java 6 Upd.7 , IE 950759 Cum. Upd. ,OE 941202 , DST Upd 951072 replace msimg32.dll (98) with Win ME msimg32.dll (so runs Opera 9.51 ) see MDDCU300E ,Big Open Box Upd , MDCUPL ,New Oleupd from MDGX ,New KernelEX 0.3.5 ,BigHDD 3.0 and i found this updates 274548 ,wdmmdm.exe are not in AP PCHIO98 , Q313829fix -- MDCU300 Replace Files with newer regsvr32.exe / extrac32.exe / extract.exe /msdaipp.dll / msconv97.dll /msvcp60.dll /advpack.dll /vpowerd.vxd from SESP30 Beta3 Better Installationroutine for: Tools9x ,Service 9x , 2to4 Digit ,TTFPack ,HHupd always i must install this by hand New Version of Infrarecorder is out 0.45 ; bad tool i must say better replace this crap or let it away Flash 9.0.124 ; Shockwave 10.2.23 runs Stable New Karens Directory Printer 5.2.9 New Anvir Task Manager Free 5.2 New NIS Time 3.31 i suggest Klugscheisser 3.2 better Scanreg Tool or Autostartmanager 1.45
  10. I tested the Version of jscript.dll -- / (SCR569x)944338 also in mdi6cu22e (be aware of that)i do not recommend this update because of the 944338 -- (SCR579x) and i found that all newer Versions from up are buggy see older posts is totaly buggy / i found these Bugs -- go to this Site http://tel.search.ch/ type a name / search / hit the underlined name / hit maps / and i see no map !?????! only with it works fine ????? in Firefox it works fine and the best is when i login to my sunrise mail account , i dont see my messages,Site loads not all, must go to Firefox to work properly !!!!!!!????? no problem with older Version when i go to yahoo.de games applets wont load !!!??!?? and with newer jscript.dlls i have sometimes no historymenu anymore ?????? uuuuuuuaaahhhhhahhaaaaa I installed new AP DEZ Full (IE 6 Sp1 and 950759) Flash 9.0.124 shockwave (nothing newer will wait for final releases ) to test i will use only this will calm my nervs ,the rest of that crap Updates are realy s***y
  11. IE Cumulative Update 947864 is old , newer is 950759 see MDIECU22
  12. i tested hard the shockwaves and i found that the versions 10.2.022 and 10.2.023 are Stable newest 10.3.024 is crashy for Win 98 will wait for the next newer one to test so soporific you can add the 10.2.023 to AP Feb.
  13. The versions of Shockwave on the Filehippo site are the full versions, with Google Toolbar. A link to "Slim" versions would be great. Meanwhile I have Slim (2.7 MB, dated 23.08.07). Let me know if you'd like me to upload it anywhere. go there http://oldapps.com/shockwave.php very usefull Site for Win 98 users
  14. I had the same results with Shockwave It is not good for Win 9x+IE6. But Shockwave works fine on my system. However, I cannot find where I saved a copy of its full installer. I'd appreciate very much if someone were able to upload it somewhere and post a link to it. http://filehippo.com/download_shockwave/ i tested again 10.2.022 maybe its ok the testing Sites works will see i tested this really cool Site http://lifelong.engr.utexas.edu/shock.html and no errors with 10.2.022 would say we try it
  15. are the Files from MDDACU in AP im not sure ?? what is pchio98.exe , 250867 v2,q313829 from mdcu 2.50 ?? is not in AP
  16. re: SCR579X.EXE -- I'll go one further than than just including it in the new release, i'm releasing the January version of AP as soon as possible. If you have suggestions for it, please say something soon. i found when i open 2-3 windows in IE oftens i lost connection , so i must restart the router to reconnect i dont no was it is but in Firefox with tabbed browsing is it not , now new IE Patch 944xxx came along will see whats happend replace SCR569X with SCR579x or Fix the Bug better Installroutine for Service 9x ,Tools 9x ,TTFpack, 2 to 4 Digit Tooll ,HHUPD , add Shockwave replace 10.3.024 or give options to choose (Older Version runs really stable) Flashplayer 9.0.115 looks Stable add MDCUPL for better ICONS looks really nice posibilitys ----Big Open Box Patch , replace Infrarecorder is a buggy Thing or wait for upgrads--other Freeware Options Deep Burner free, Burn4Free , Easy Burning 1.88 , Express Burn CD Burner 1.05 or this russian tool SmallCDWriter give Options to choose IE 6 Components + Patches , to the whole Optional Windows Components module add Netframework 2.0 + Patch for me is still not clear the ADV IE REG when choose Settings in IE i only found the Connections entry set in the Registry the other Options are nor there so is it set or not (RcvWindow,SackOpts,DefaultTTL) ?????? I make my own Internet Regfile to add these tweaks to the Reg. and the Mediaplayer --- i cant see is your version this from mdgx unoffical release or the normal ? interesting is to add a codec pack for ,divx,real,quicktime medias and good Idee was to add a freeware Zipper like TUGZip because opens all cd image files !!!!! add a Taskkiller Coolkill or something ,shellexview (shell extension) newer Versions are available for Print Key 5.10 ,AnVir Taskmanager 4.9.5
  17. he soporific why you not use SCR579X from mdgx ??????? jscript .dll download here http://www.mdgx.com/files/SCR579X.EXE people with scripting bugs can load this to test it out whats happend to the scripting error maybe also this version is buggy but must tested out i installed it and until now i have no errors discussion see there http://www.msfn.org/board/Unofficial-MSE-5...ns-t107788.html
  18. I tested another Site that wont load the Applets before http://de.midas.games.yahoo.net/list_game....mp;game=bowling and now with older Shockwave it runs like a charme the newer versions are definitivly buggy for Win 98 one Problem is when i booting up an Applet tells me a newer Version of Shockwave is available must figure out how to disable that. I found that Shockwave player updated to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\AutoUpdate change the value default from "y" to "n" For Version History see there http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewConten...0&sliceId=1 so the only thing that i now found in AP is the scripting bug from Scr569x the official 917344 works good so what does this unoffical update ? is it necessary ? i think no !!!!! problem is you cant select this seperatly in AP Installroutine must disable the hole Optional Windows Components module this a very bad thing and the Updates Service 9x , Tools9x , TTFpack ,2 to 4 Digit Tool ,HHupd looped i tested this twice but i installed this by Hand with no Problems so the Installroutine is buggy for me in AP Dez. Full other little buggy Tool in AP is Infrarecorder see there http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/?p=33#comments i suggest to replaced this with Deep Burner free 1.8.224 or wait for some upgrades i prefer the old version of Nero for Win 98 Se i had Problems with newer 6.xxx Versions
  19. i tested this with the flash and shockwaveplayers i tested 10.2.22 /23 and newest 10.3.024 all crashed ie 6 on this sites http://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?m...d=cCorp.dspTest http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/info/de...ents/flash.html so i deleted all of that crap and install (download http://filehippo.com/download/e8bb6156e34b...b7/downloadhere ) and i works good so i think this is the latest tested with win 98 newer versions are buggy with win 98 / ie 6 the flashplayer 9.0.115 sems to be ok must more testing i intall win 98 new +drivers +AP Full Dez. (without IE 6 and Java and the buggy scr569x) +IE 6 +Mdie6cu 1.7 so i have no scripting problems any more and i runs not bad
  20. i installed befor AP Sept. with scr569x with no scripting bug so with AP Dez.. Final came this s*** i ,uups into AP tested befor AP Dez. RC1 and no Scripting Problems so something must be new between AP Dez. RC1 and AP Dez. Final ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ December 2007 RC3 (never released) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rolled back the Unofficial Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 6 sp1 to the previous one (replaced kb942615 with kb939653) updated: Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment 6 update 4 added: Windows 2000 style theme to schemes list fixed: small bug with Unofficial Microsoft Scripting Engines v5.6, the wrong file version check value was being used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ December 2007 RC2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fixed: bug where you couldn't choose the ScanFrag Update changed: moved the Twain98 title to the Recommended system updates module and made it optional fixed: bug in Twain98 where if you uninstalled it, you uninstalled the entire support for Twain scanners which was not intended. added: new feature that counts the number of titles set to install added: new file for SCR569X (Unofficial Microsoft Scripting Engines v5.6)fixed: some documentation errors other Problems that i have is with the damd Flash and Shockwaveplayers when closing sites ---crash IE other Sites dont Load Applets and this Problem i have since AP Sept. - i think i run AP without loading IE 6 +Patches ,scr569x and install this by Hand(IE 6SP1 +Mdie6cu +older Version of Scripting KB 917344 ) the rest looks good i will test this today -- reinstall brand new
  21. so is it , since newer java 1.5 and newer + misc. patches from AP i had this problems before i installed win98 with gapes unoffical pack and the rest (Direct X 9+Patches ,Mediaplayer + Patches +98mp10,IE 6 ,MDDACU ,MDCIE6CU ) with java 1.4.2 and after that i load Flashplayer ,Shockwaveplayer thru the net it works fine but needs more time for installing all this crap
  22. must add on Win ME machine is no Java 1.5 or 1.6 installed maybe this is the problem
  23. I found another problem after installed AP in IE EXP. when i go to the Site Yahoo.de / Games --- take a Game to play the Java Applet wont load i tested other Gamingsites and no Problem I reinstalled Flashplayer +Shockwaveplayer and does no affect always the same Firefox 2.0.11 loads without problems so i tested it on Win ME with IE 6 SP1 and Patches like AP and it works there. I had this problem before with AP Sept. and now with AP Dez full also . ?????
  24. Does one of the new updates change the way Internet Explorer reacts to Visual Scripting? Because I now have a weird situation where on almost any web page I get a box saying IE needs to download Visual Scripting support, and that it is available on my hard drive. I click to have it go ahead, and I notice the remainder of the web page is loaded, usually some picture boxes. If I browse to another page the situation repeats, I get the prompt to install Visual Scripting, give it the go ahead, and the page loads properly. It only takes a second or so but I would think that once it does this once it should stay installed, no? I had this Problem too after AP DEZ.Final , so i decided to install Patch 942615 and the looped hhupd ,tools9x,ttfpack,servic9x,2to4 digit manually and now its gone dont no why????? i have Java 1.6.04 installed!
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